Hi There,
i just registered to ask a question,
i have a problem with my first Handwired Keyboard.
whenever i push a key it also sends the key in the row above, i have watched several images of keyboards and i am nearly sure it is not the diode direction i got wrong, i probed every cable for shortcircuits but could not find any,could someone have a look and point me in the right direction?
the code is for a teensy 4.1 derived from one here on the forum, it coundn't be much simpler.
but still whenenver i press "q" or "a" i get "qa" if i hold "q" or "a" i get "qaaaaaa"
i just want nkro to work :-(
i just registered to ask a question,
i have a problem with my first Handwired Keyboard.
whenever i push a key it also sends the key in the row above, i have watched several images of keyboards and i am nearly sure it is not the diode direction i got wrong, i probed every cable for shortcircuits but could not find any,could someone have a look and point me in the right direction?
the code is for a teensy 4.1 derived from one here on the forum, it coundn't be much simpler.
but still whenenver i press "q" or "a" i get "qa" if i hold "q" or "a" i get "qaaaaaa"
i just want nkro to work :-(
* Programming by Stefan Jakobsson, 2019
* Released to public domain
#define ROW_COUNT 2 //Number of rows in the keyboard matrix
#define COL_COUNT 4 //Number of columns in the keyboard matrix
#define DEBOUNCE 10 //Adjust as needed: increase if bouncing problem, decrease if not all keypresses register; not less than 2
#define SCAN_DELAY 5 //Delay between scan cycles in ms
#define KEY_UNDEFINED -1 //For keyboard matrix positions not in use
int rowPins[] = {2, 3}; //Teensy pins attached to matrix rows
int colPins[] = {7, 6, 5, 4}; //Teensy pins attached to matrix columns
//Key codes for layer 0 (standard layer)
int layer_0[] = {KEY_Q, KEY_W, KEY_E, KEY_R,
int currentRow = 0;
int keyStatus[ROW_COUNT*COL_COUNT];
void setup() {
//Row pins
pinMode(rowPins[0], OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(rowPins[0], LOW);
int i;
for (i=1;i<ROW_COUNT;i++){
pinMode(rowPins[i], INPUT);
//Column pins
for (i=0;i<COL_COUNT;i++){
pinMode(colPins[i], INPUT_PULLUP);
//Clear keyStatus
for (i=0;i<ROW_COUNT*COL_COUNT;i++){
void loop() {
* Scan keyboard matrix, results stored in keyStatus array
* Key status values:
* DEBOUNCE*2 = key press event
* DEBOUNCE+1 to DEBOUNCE*2-1 = key down
* DEBOUNCE = key release event
* 0 to DEBOUNCE-1 = key up
void scanKeys(){
int i;
for (i=0;i<ROW_COUNT*COL_COUNT;i++){
int pin = getKeyPin(i);
if (keyStatus[i]==0 && digitalRead(pin)==LOW){
//Key press event
keyStatus[i] = DEBOUNCE*2;
else if (keyStatus[i]>DEBOUNCE+1){
else if (keyStatus[i]==DEBOUNCE+1 && digitalRead(pin)==HIGH){
//Key release event
else if (keyStatus[i]>0 && keyStatus[i]<=DEBOUNCE){
* Returns input pin to be read by keyScan method
* Param key is the keyboard matrix scan code (row * COL_COUNT + col)
int getKeyPin(int key){
int p = key/COL_COUNT;
if (p != currentRow){
pinMode(rowPins[currentRow], INPUT);
pinMode(rowPins[p], OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(rowPins[p], LOW);
return colPins[key % COL_COUNT];
* Sends key press event
* Param keyCode is the keyboard matrix scan code (row * COL_COUNT + col)
void keyPress(int keyCode){
if (layer_0[keyCode]!=KEY_UNDEFINED){
* Sends key release event
* Param keyCode is the keyboard matrix scan code (row * COL_COUNT + col)
void keyRelease(int keyCode){
if (layer_0[keyCode]!=KEY_UNDEFINED){
* Relases all keys in the layer; called upon change of layer, i.e. press or release of FN key
* Param layer[] array of key codes for the layer to be released
void releaseLayer(int layer[]){
int i;
for (i=0;i<ROW_COUNT*COL_COUNT;i++){
if (isKeyDown(i)){
keyStatus[i] = DEBOUNCE;
* Returns 0 if the specified key is pressed, otherwise a value not equal to 0
* Param keyCode is the keyboard matrix scan code (row * COL_COUNT * col)
int isKeyDown(int keyCode){
if (keyStatus[keyCode]>DEBOUNCE) return 1; else return 0;