Stereo Plate Reverb for Teensy4.x

There is no better feedback than a piece of beautiful music with the code working somewhere inside it :) Thank you!
I do have a nice stereo ping pong modulated delay in the works, hope to post it here soon. Not a reverb, but a time based effect and it does sometimes sound as a reverb, or chorus, flanger, rotary speaker and more. Quad delay lines with quadrature output LFO do create lots of nice sounds :)

About 37k for the allpass+delay line buffers.
Thank you!
stereo ping pong modulated delay in the works
Nice, would love if it this delay could tempo sync as well!
Just implemented a new tap_tempo function which can be called via MIDI clock callback, footswitch or something else.
Here is a short sample of delay synced to a drum track with MIDI clock sent via USB:
Another interesting feature is if just a tiny bit of slow modulation is applied, the 2 pair of taps will be slightly delayed due to quadrature output LFO. It creates a kind of phasing sound on each iteration, which i must say like a lot.
A few more extreme and weird sounds with a drum loop as the source:
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@Pio that sounds great! Looking forward to trying it out. Is the delay RAM heavy as well, and could it be made to use RAM2 / DMAMEM so as to not take up space in RAM1? I'm looking to use a delay with tempo sync in my xr-1 groovebox, but I'm pretty limited right now on RAM1 space.
The constructor takes a variable, which is the max delay time in ms and also a bool that says where to put the buffers. Default is RAM2, optional PSRAM. The latter do use more CPU as the RAM2 version.
There are 4 buffers in a stereo pingpong delay, each in size Time*SampleFreq*4(float). So yes, it is RAM heavy, but also configurable.
Delay is available in the library repo. No example yet, still testing it.
Lots of fun! This is the complete amp modeler with delay, reverb, IR cab sim. Delay uses 1sec buffers in extmem (PSRAM on Teensy4.1).
Delay is available in the library repo. No example yet, still testing it.
Lots of fun! This is the complete amp modeler with delay, reverb, IR cab sim. Delay uses 1sec buffers in extmem (PSRAM on Teensy4.1).
I will try to see if I can manage to get it working on my box. I haven't yet tried to use the `OpenAudio_ArduinoLibrary` stuff. Have you ever ventured into making a compressor or limiter? I'm trying to put a stereo compressor at the end of my stereo signal chain for a master compressor effect, but I haven't had success yet with any of the solutions I've found online.
I will try to see if I can manage to get it working on my box. I haven't yet tried to use the `OpenAudio_ArduinoLibrary` stuff. Have you ever ventured into making a compressor or limiter? I'm trying to put a stereo compressor at the end of my stereo signal chain for a master compressor effect, but I haven't had success yet with any of the solutions I've found online.
Ive used this:

It's a compressor, gate, and limiter.
Thanks for this fantastic reverb. I've run the stereo plate reverb example on a teensy 4 with the pjrc audio shield and am amazed and how this sounds.

I saw there was previous mention of it being merged with the teensy library, but I can't find it among the effects nodes. Is there a way to use this and the other effects in your library in the audio design tool?