Hi there,
we're using the Teensy 4.x on research rockets such as on MAPHEUS 9 - 13 to control experiments and acquire data.
Our last mission was on May 22th, 2023:
As we're also doing research for life support systems we're using secure embedded sensor networks. I published a
first example for the laboratory desktop evaluation here:
Additionally we integrated post quantum cryptography for key exchange and secure telemetry this time.
To make a meaningful use out of the security features of the RT 1062 we would like to use the zeroizable master key
(ZMK) inside the SNVS unit to store a masterkey that's generated during PQC key exchange. This master-key then is
used to create sub-keys for sensor networks and secure telemetry. The ZMK has the benefit that it gets deleted (all
zeroed) when tamper detection is triggered or RTC power is lost. So data exchanged before and stored to the SD card
stays secure even if the payload once cannot be recovered.
The use of ZMK is well described in platform/drivers/snvs/fsl_snvs.* and fsl_dcp.* of MCUXpresso SDK and other
places. Detailed links to be added in this thread later - especially checking licensing and non-NDA availability.
To accomplish this a small change in the teensy_secure application is needed to add a DCD instruction allowing the
created application image to write to the ZMK registers.
Thanks and best greetings from ESRANGE,
we're using the Teensy 4.x on research rockets such as on MAPHEUS 9 - 13 to control experiments and acquire data.
Our last mission was on May 22th, 2023:
As we're also doing research for life support systems we're using secure embedded sensor networks. I published a
first example for the laboratory desktop evaluation here:
Additionally we integrated post quantum cryptography for key exchange and secure telemetry this time.
To make a meaningful use out of the security features of the RT 1062 we would like to use the zeroizable master key
(ZMK) inside the SNVS unit to store a masterkey that's generated during PQC key exchange. This master-key then is
used to create sub-keys for sensor networks and secure telemetry. The ZMK has the benefit that it gets deleted (all
zeroed) when tamper detection is triggered or RTC power is lost. So data exchanged before and stored to the SD card
stays secure even if the payload once cannot be recovered.
The use of ZMK is well described in platform/drivers/snvs/fsl_snvs.* and fsl_dcp.* of MCUXpresso SDK and other
places. Detailed links to be added in this thread later - especially checking licensing and non-NDA availability.
To accomplish this a small change in the teensy_secure application is needed to add a DCD instruction allowing the
created application image to write to the ZMK registers.
Thanks and best greetings from ESRANGE,