Teensy 3.0 Beta12 Software

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Staff member
Update: Teensyduino for Teensy 3.0 has been officially released. These beta test copies will be removed.

Here is the latest "beta12" release for Teensy 3.0

Old beta download links removed. Please use the latest version:

Beta12 is now an installer, which requires Arduino 1.0.3 to install.

For use without Arduino, see the sample makefile in hardware/teensy/cores/teensy3 after installing.

For first-time use on Linux (as a non-root user), this udev rule is required.


Beta12 adds USB Types RawHID and Flight Sim Controls. The Wire library has improvements and now should fully support slave mode. AVR emulation now supports SREG, for compatibility with more Arduino libraries. Numerous harmless but annoying (if using verbose from File > Preferences) compiler warnings have been fixed. Beta12 is the first version to support Teensy 3.0 from the installer, in preparation for the end of Teensy 3.0's "beta" status....

Please report any bugs. Always try to include a sample program that reproduces the problem!
Is there any way to extract the installer without having a GUI?
I usually do not install X on my dev machines or VMs...

The installer just complains about not finding X, regardless of the command line flags I pass.
I cannot install this. The 'Next' button doesn't work. :(

I'm unable to install the driver. I've never installed any previous versions. I'm on Windows 8, using the Windows 7 installer (so obviously I expect it might not work). I ran the installer as Administrator.

The message I get is (I can't copy-paste it so I had to use Character Map; it may not be byte-accurate):

Driver Installation Failed.
An error occurred while installing an INF file:
Windows error: E000022FF = "€ÑÇ^Dtô("

Any ideas? Should this theoretically just work? Thanks!
I'm on Windows 8

On Windows 8, the driver install is only possible if you reboot to a mode that allows unsigned drivers to be installed.


You can skip the driver install. Teensy will still work, but if Tools > USB Type is set to Serial, you can't auto-reboot (you'll have to push the button), and the serial monitor will not work. However, they do work if you select a non-serial type.
I like the idea of applying the teensy stuff as an update to the stock arduino distribution, however I'm not sold on using a graphical installer. I just installed it on a Mac (OSX 10.8.2) which worked ok except that I needed to be root/administrator to install it which is a pain in the butt - I ended up figuring out the path to the mounted dmg and then running the installer using sudo from the command line. Not nice.

I'd personally prefer this as a zip file which is just unpacked from the same place as the stock arduino zip file. I realise that makes the add in libraries more difficult to select but the install would be easier and essentially the same process on all platforms.
I've added a command line option for the installer onto my to-do list. It'll take a single arg for the location of Arduino and run without any GUI, printing status to stdout or stderr.

The installer does more than simply copy files, so a zip file distribution is not practical.
I downloaded beta12 and unfortunately, embedXcode no longer works fine.

I've investigated with beta11 and it seems that going from gcc 4.4.1 = beta10 to gcc 4.7.2 = beta11 is the reason.

With the very same default blinking sketch provided by the template, compiling and uploading it work on both releases, but with different sizes:
gcc 4.4.1 = beta10 said:
Binary sketch size: 6060 bytes (of a 131072 byte maximum)
and the LED blinks;

gcc 4.7.2 = beta11 said:
Binary sketch size: 1240 bytes (of a 131072 byte maximum)
and the LED no longer blinks.

I've changed -std=c++0x (beta10) for -std=gnu++0x (beta11), to no avail.

Based on comparisons with other ARM-based boards, it seems the initialisation code is no longer included in beta11.

With beta10, the initialisation code was done by _init_Teensyduino_internal_();. How to manage it on beta11?

• Hint 1
Replacing the /Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/tools/arm-none-eabi folder of beta11 by the same folder from beta10 solves the problem. The LED blinks.

• Hint 2
I have no issue when using arm-none-eabi-gcc (GCC) 4.7.1 with Enegia for the ARM-based LaunchPad Stellaris.


Any clue? Thank you!
I've been away from my teensy for a while, but decided to try getting it installed today.

I am on Windows 8, so I was able to reboot in advanced mode to disable driver signing enforcement, and the USB Driver was able to install successfully, however in the next step, im not sure what to choose here... is this the 'next button doesnt work' problem ive been reading in this thread?


edit: lol nevermind, user error as always. if anyone else made the same mistake i did, no not actually go into the arduino folder....

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Is this mac, linux or windows... and which version?

Cannot install too... latest version of Arduino 1.0.3 and beta 12, OSX 10.8.2.
Installer didn't find in "applications" the arduino1.0.3.app, so NEXT button is dimmed

Edit: Yes it works... my fault searching wrong path, windows old habits
Windows /users/username/application or program files/etc..
Mac /Applications/
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The installer actually has some code which tries to look for a copy of Arduino in a couple logical places and automatically start the navigation at that location if it sees a copy of Arduino. On mac, it looks in /Applications.

If anyone has some feedback about where it should look on Windows, I could add more checks in the code. I don't personally use Windows much, so I'm not very familiar with the conventions most people follow on Windows.
In windows you can check:

(Disk unit normally C)\
(Disk unit normally C)\Program Files\
(Disk unit normally C)\Program Files (x86)\arduino-1.0.3
(Disk unit normally C)\Users\(UserName)\

In my case on the windows machine I moved the location of Arduino app to a different location, such as:

The normal way to do this kind of thing is to use the SHGetFolderPath() function (from shell32.dll - #include <shlobj.h> ) to retrieve various paths, as they can change between windows versions, or installs.

You pass in a constant as to what system path you want to retrieve, such as:

CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES ("native" apps on win32 or win64)
CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86 (32 bit apps on win64)

and many others... (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb762494(v=vs.85).aspx)


char buf[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };

- Peter
It seems that I was unclear about what I was selecting. Once I understood that I needed to select the Arduino bundle it made more sense. I know that user experience is a fickle art… maybe instruct the user to select the 'Arduino application' (instead of 'folder') or just drag the application into a window.
maybe instruct the user to select the 'Arduino application' (instead of 'folder')

I've added this to my to-do list, for next time I work on the installer.

I'm also going to try applying the detection algorithm to all the files when the list is shown (currently it only checks when you click).... if it's not too slow to render the list, maybe some sort of visual cue about which ones are detected to be valid copies of Arduino might make using that screen easier?

or just drag the application into a window.

How would that work?

I'm hoping to officially end Teensy 3.0's "beta" period soon. There's still many important Arduino libraries to port, but once more of those are done, I'd really like to put more work into usability improvements.
Arduino+Teensyduino on Cubieboard running Linaro Ubuntu

I tried to use the previous beta releases and after untar on Linux I couldn't run the IDE. I guess this is due to the platform I am using (Cubieboard running linaro linux). The same happens if I use the latest Arduino-1.0.3 from arduino.cc. I manage to get a running Arduino IDE 1.0 by using the "apt-get install Arduino" on the terminal. Then I downloaded the Teensyduino.32bit and followed the instructions: "chmod 755 teensyduino.32bit" followed by "./teensyduino.32bit" but I get the message: "bash: ./teensyduino.32bit: cannot execute binary file".

(My experience on Linux is still reduced and I don't know how much the platform I am using might difficult the task)

How could I set the Arduino IDE with Teensyduino to program my Teensy 3.0 on this platform?

Thank you,

Here is the latest "beta12" release for Teensy 3.0


Beta12 is now an installer, which requires Arduino 1.0.3 to install.

For use without Arduino, see the sample makefile in hardware/teensy/cores/teensy3 after installing.

For first-time use on Linux (as a non-root user), this udev rule is required.


Beta12 adds USB Types RawHID and Flight Sim Controls. The Wire library has improvements and now should fully support slave mode. AVR emulation now supports SREG, for compatibility with more Arduino libraries. Numerous harmless but annoying (if using verbose from File > Preferences) compiler warnings have been fixed. Beta12 is the first version to support Teensy 3.0 from the installer, in preparation for the end of Teensy 3.0's "beta" status....

Please report any bugs. Always try to include a sample program that reproduces the problem!
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