Thanks pico,
I like your simple board as well.
With my first(main) board for Teensy, I put on it most of the things I wanted for a simple robot controller, things like:
Form factor: same size (3"x2.3") and mounting holes as Botboarduino, Arc32, SSC-32, Botboard2...
Power buss: Screw terminal power connector, 3 pin servo like connections for lots of IO pins (30+) and all other brought out as well.
LDO Voltage regulators (5v/3.3v) - Since several robots use RC servos, want to run on 6v NIMH battery or 6.6v LiFEPO4. Have own voltage regulators for
both voltages as did not want to drive things like XBee off the of the Teensy.
Speaker - I wanted some form of noise, for when controlling robot, it can beep or the like.
Buttons/LEDS - First ones I did not add any buttons, later wished I had one... Leds, have one on Teensy, maybe one or more others? If I do another batch
may update again use better buttons (like the ones used on botboarduino).
Dynamxel (AX series) Bus - A few robots I have use AX-12/18 servos so wanted a few connectors for that.
Jumpers to allow removal of all special stuff...
While I was playing with the above board, a member up on Lynxmotion (Linuxguy) was interested, but really wanted Arduino headers, so I
started playing around with 2nd board as shown earlier with headers. I had to increase the board size (3.4x2.65)and rearrange, and also ended up
dropping the XBee as not enough room, plus could use shield... I am not sure if I made a good decision, but I shield headers are sort of
flipped 180 degrees, that is the ICSP header is closer to the power pins(left side) instead of right hand side (assuming power on left). I did
this as the IO pins on Teensy better align with the header pins in this configuration. Could maybe try like you did and move/rotate the teensy where
the USB comes out the bottom... With the current batch with many shields, it is difficult to be able to use any of the inner servo headers. For myself
could solve by simply plugging in a set of stack-able headers between the board and shield, but would be better if I could find a source of tall headers.
I believe Samtec make some like: but have not found anyone who stock them. I am guessing that these are the same or similar to the ones used on the Adafruit 1.8" tft shield. (I also have a 2.8" touch shield coming in the mail to try out). Note: on this board I ended up putting on two sets of power screws, that I can through jumpers (double per), can configure a couple of ways. (One to AXBus S3 lipo, other to NIMH for RC servos. Or can configure for one just to voltage regulators other to Servos, or all connected (nice for daisy chaining power)..
Reset - I did bring out to ICSP header. Which is nice as can use reset button on shield to reboot... Question is, what is a decent way to hook up reset? I end up soldering small wire to bottom of teensy, that I bring to a pin hole under the teensy and as I mount the teensy, the wire gets folded...
As you mentioned, I could also increase the size of the board up to 10x10cm and the fabrication up on Seeedstudio would be the same. However the price to fabricate at OSHPark would increase as they charge per square inch.
As for cost per board? Depends on how much is populated.
Completely unpopulated (5x10cm from Seeedstudio ~$30 shipped for 5)
Arduino Headers, plus breakoff headers for connecting teensy - depends do you use surface mount pin on bottom?
Power: Terminal? Voltage Regulators?
Other stuff: again depends Speaker(plus transistor, diode, resistors...), AX Buss(connectors, diode, 3 pin connectors
Not sure if this answer helped or not...
Again since I am not doing a commercial product, I put the things on it I wanted... For the 2nd one I thought about adding things like microSD, but then decided if I want this, could use a shield and actually several shields like the Adafruit displays already have one.