I am currently working on a small turbine project, where I need to measure the strain on a single rotor blade with a strain gauge via a single analog pin, and give each reading a time stamp for post processing, along with logging a 1/rev signal from a Hall effect sensor on a digital pin.
The rotor will be rotating up to a rotational speed of 1000 RPM, and I would like to sample the analog pin at 6 kHz if possible so that I can obtain data for every degree of rotor revolution. The tests will be relatively short up to 10/15 seconds.
Due to the rotor rotation, I cannot have wires trailing from the rotor, and from some research deemed that slip rings were too complicated to develop.
From this, I think the solution would either need to be an on rotor data logger possibly using an on board micro SD card or a wireless system. I have been looking into using two NRF24L01 modules between two Teensy 3.2 boards, and printing the data to serial so that it can be pasted into a .CSV file. The NRF24L01 modules are stated as having 1Mbps and 2Mbps on-air data-rate
This is my first real attempt at programming/electronics of this nature so am not sure if any of these approaches is feasible or whether there are better alternatives. I was just wondering if anyone would be able to provide me with some feedback based on their experience with the Teensy 3.2 boards with similar applications or point me in the direction of calulation that I could undertake to verify/ascertain whether or not the sampling frequency of 6 kHz and the data transfer rates required are possible.
I am not looking to do any processing of the data on the Teensy 3.2; this will be undertaken at a later date.
Any feedback would be much appreciated
I am currently working on a small turbine project, where I need to measure the strain on a single rotor blade with a strain gauge via a single analog pin, and give each reading a time stamp for post processing, along with logging a 1/rev signal from a Hall effect sensor on a digital pin.
The rotor will be rotating up to a rotational speed of 1000 RPM, and I would like to sample the analog pin at 6 kHz if possible so that I can obtain data for every degree of rotor revolution. The tests will be relatively short up to 10/15 seconds.
Due to the rotor rotation, I cannot have wires trailing from the rotor, and from some research deemed that slip rings were too complicated to develop.
From this, I think the solution would either need to be an on rotor data logger possibly using an on board micro SD card or a wireless system. I have been looking into using two NRF24L01 modules between two Teensy 3.2 boards, and printing the data to serial so that it can be pasted into a .CSV file. The NRF24L01 modules are stated as having 1Mbps and 2Mbps on-air data-rate
This is my first real attempt at programming/electronics of this nature so am not sure if any of these approaches is feasible or whether there are better alternatives. I was just wondering if anyone would be able to provide me with some feedback based on their experience with the Teensy 3.2 boards with similar applications or point me in the direction of calulation that I could undertake to verify/ascertain whether or not the sampling frequency of 6 kHz and the data transfer rates required are possible.
I am not looking to do any processing of the data on the Teensy 3.2; this will be undertaken at a later date.
Any feedback would be much appreciated