Teensy 3.2 OLED LCD Display Help

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Good morning. It would be best if you used the "code" tags to bracket your working sketch, it does make it easier to peruse.

But, what are the connections that you are using?

You should have SCL connected to pin 19 and SDA connected to pin 18 with your VCC connected to the 3.3V pin at the bottom of the Teensy (I always keep the pinout card handy) with GND connected to the GND next to the 3.3V pin or the GND pin near the USB connector on the Teensy. Wiring issues are by far the most common issues.

Are you bread boarding or direct wiring connecting? Breadboards can have dead spots and the associated wiring can be mis-connecting. Checking continuity with a multimeter is always a good idea at this point in your travels with Teensy. Post clear photos of your set up and anything showing on it.

Does your serial window give you any more information other than saying what should be showing? Also, do you have any more I2C devices connected at the same time, if so you may have an address conflict. I have a number of these displays and they should work. It is sometimes helpful to know what operating system, Arduino and Teensyduino versions as there are sometimes conflicts.

Hang in there and if you haven't searched the forum for OLED SSD1306 and i2C you will find quite a few emails from people with similar issues but who were eventually able to get their displays going.

Hello Matadormac

am using SAD-18 SCL-19 GEN and 3.3V its working with the test demos for Adafruit_SSD1306 there is only the OLED going to teensy 3.2 i am also using arduino-1.6.8 also direct wiring connected with the demos working i know its connected right just not 100% why this counter code will not come up
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You can ask for help learning how to program in general, but not for this specific code. Please do not post it again. You've been warned.
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