Teensy 3.5 Not working

Hi There,
I am a bit new in the arduino environment. I just bought the chip and and tried to upload a simple blink example with Visual Code, with no success. One of my teacher helped me in that case and uploaded a program via Linux and told me that windows has problem with that. He also told me that windows took the teensy as keyboard (dont know why). It worked once after i uploaded the blonk example again with reducing the delay. And then i continously receive the errors. I also tried in the Linux, but same result. I also checked two other teensy with the same usb cables, they worked fine. Also checked the faulty teensy on different USB ports. LED blinks when i insert USB cable.


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Hi There,
I am a bit new in the arduino environment. I just bought the chip and and tried to upload a simple blink example with Visual Code, with no success. One of my teacher helped me in that case and uploaded a program via Linux and told me that windows has problem with that. He also told me that windows took the teensy as keyboard (dont know why). It worked once after i uploaded the blonk example again with reducing the delay. And then i continously receive the errors. I also tried in the Linux, but same result. I also checked two other teensy with the same usb cables, they worked fine. Also checked the faulty teensy on different USB ports. LED blinks when i insert USB cable.

Generally the Forum and PJRC support is centered on a released version of the Arduino IDE.

With the current IDE and TeensyDuino installed this should work properly and easily.

Visual Code is a great and functional alternative - but it has a few more moving parts. Starting with and keeping a valid usable Arduino IDE install on hand allows problem solving with a common software toolset.

Then a problematic sketch or specific errors or warnings resulting in problems can be addressed by most anyone.

I use Windows exclusively - both the IDE and some with Visual Code and both work well when properly configured. Diagnosing any configuration problems is easier with the common software toolset - whether Windows or iOS or Linux.
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At this stage I would strongly recommend to put all these custom development systems Visual code platformIO etc to the side and use standard Arduino IDE with Teensyduino installed (latest versions). Only with Standard SW you can determine if T3.5 is working or not. Get blink.ino and change blink rate, and download.

Using a alternative Development system typically requires more care in system setup.
Tried with teensyduino on windows and on Linux. Not working. Tried with different USB cables, not at all working

When teensy blinks getting USB power, then teensy is. So something is not OK with your setup (Teensy setup etc.) Could you please post
the statement: "Tried all; is not working." is not helping us to reproduce your problem.
If it blinks, the Teensy is ok.
I wonder how it helps to replace it.. You'll get the same results with a replacement. You're doing something wrong. Give it your teacher again, he will help you.
Agreed, something is being done wrong here. A replacement probably will not help if the same wrong thing is done with the replacement.
Thanks for every one. Another Teensy 3.5 is wirking with same usb cable and port. Problem is that windows detect teensy when it is connected, Teensyduino shows at which port teensy is connected. But every time i received the failure message (Teensy did not respond to the USB-based request ....). I even tried with Linux today, and my teacher also tried to upload, but with the same message. He told me that the last chance is to "flash" teensy, which i dont have time.
He told me that the last chance is to "flash" teensy, which i dont have time.
OK, you send it back, but that does not help the community to understand what is happening.
You teacher may know or not, but one cannot access the T3.5 bootloader at this in a dedicated chip.

However, one thing that could explain a nonresponsive Teensy 3.5 is a 'broken' bootloader chip.
when you plug your T3.5 into a PC what does the device manager say? (either COM device, or if brand new under HID)?

Did you try to press the program button for EXACTLY 15 seconds? (13 - 15 seconds). This should erase all flash. and consequently Teensy does not blink anymore. If it is still blinking, after power toggle, then Bootloader chip needs more attention.
yes i do. Teensy loader do nothing, windows sound like new device attached, but nothing on teensy loader

Did you check your system that there is no zombie teensyloader around.
I also would delete all hidden com ports hidden and hid handles, to clean up windows
I have already returned the item. But it is really strange that teensy is not working om my laptop nv (Windows and linux), my teacher who has Linux, and one of my collegue.
But can you help me how to check zoombie teensy and how to delete hidden com ports?
But can you help me how to check zoombie teensy and how to delete hidden com ports?
To remove allocated but not used comports , open device manager and click on 'show hidden devices' under 'view' tab (I have win10)

selecting ports(COM/LPT) you get all ports allocated in the past. you can easily uninstall the grayed devices.
same for 'Human Interface Devices' (HID)
This may be necessary if windows collected too many items, or if one ports gets corrupted.

The easiest way to remove zombie programs is simply to reboot the pc.