I've uploaded the code (as example) here:
It still need some work to make it better, but it works.
I've the uploaded pre-processed example-video here:
So you can use this file without needing to convert it.
You need a) ffmpeg to create the audiofile, and b) Processing to create the videofile.
To create the audio-part, use this command:
ffmpeg -i "BigBuckBunny_512kb.mp4" -f s16le -ar 44100 -acodec pcm_s16le output.raw
ffmpeg is available for windows, too. Apple ? Don't know. Linux ? Yes, of course.
The Sketch works best with max-overclocked F_BUS (i.e. for 72MHz SPI with 144MHz F_CPU) - but still works without that (flickers a bit).
The example uses the Teensy - DAC for Audio, i did not try I2S.
Edit: almost forgotten.. you need the beta of SDFAT by Bill. It will NOT work with the audio-library, so perhaps make a copy of the Arduino-installation and delete the two conflicting audio-objects and references to sd.h
Sorry, it will be better when a "official" sd.h is available. Now, it is kind of hack..
Or, more simple, delete the audio-part from the sketch - you will have no audio but the video still works.