If you're transmitting data that's not encrypted, anyone could easily replicate that particular signal and cause said spoofing, or even unintentional interference which CRC would cause. If you're only doing one way encoding, it's easy enough to do either a or symmetrical cryptography.
Think of the following scenario psuedo payload:
Even encrypted someone could simply replicate this data signal even though they may not be able to tell 'what' the payload was -- which is perfectly fine for things such ensuring people can't read what you're doing, but also consider repetative messages of the same format also lend themselves to be easier to hack due to known vectors. Now, bring in the Initialization Vector (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initialization_vector ) but the basic answer is this:
If I have one way encryption, I'd need a known value from source 1 to 2, ex:
Now, we've added a bit of data that will cause the message to constantly change which will then cause the encrypted message to change drastically based off a constantly changing value. But, of course a steady stream of this too can be easy to hack since it's simple encryption with a changing value. But, how does your receiving device know that KNOWNCOUNTERVALUE is from *your* device? The easiest way to combat this is asymmetrical encryption with a negotiation initialization:
Device 1 has public key for Device 2, and a private key for Device 1.
Device 2 has public key for Device 1 and a private key for Device 2.
Device 1 initiates a message encrypted using Device 2's private key saying 'Hey, I'm ready to send, by the way I'm going to give X value randomized by X data'
Device 2 receives a message, attempts to decrypt it using its private key, sees the message format matches what it expects, does whatever it is it wants to do and sends a message encrypted with Device 1's public key
The logic that goes there is really up to you, but that's my easiest explanation of public-key crypto. Also found this on google:
Anyways, you can imagine the overhead caused by all this, so it's worth may be contingent on how crazy you want to get...