Teensy 4.1 and Arduino nano 33 IOT


Active member
Hey everyone, still me trying to get these board to comunicate. Now the problem is a bit different.
When i plug in the arduino in the computer it works perfectly and it responds to the comands in the arduino cloud dashboard, but when i try to power it through the teensy the build int led blincs and the arduino does not connect to wifi.
I don't think that it is due to code but here it is anyway
Teensy code:
#define nano Serial7

const int baudRate = 115200;

void setup() {


void loop() {

Arduino nano 33 IOT code:
#include "thingProperties.h"

void setup() {
  // Initialize serial and wait for port to open:

  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);

  // Defined in thingProperties.h

  // Connect to Arduino IoT Cloud

     The following function allows you to obtain more information
     related to the state of network and IoT Cloud connection and errors
     the higher number the more granular information you’ll get.
     The default is 0 (only errors).
     Maximum is 4

void loop() {
  // Your code here

  if(led == HIGH) digitalWrite(13,HIGH);
  else digitalWrite(13,LOW);


void onLedChange()  {
  Serial.print("Hello World");
  Serial1.print("Hello World");

Here is also a photo of the breadboard connections:
IMG_4807 (1).jpg
Do you have a multimeter to measure DC voltage?

A first quick check would just test whether board boards have proper power. If it powers up one way but not another, measuring the actual voltage at each board (carefully touch both multimeter leads to the power pins of each board) could at least confirm if the wiring is really delivering power. If it's a power delivery problem, at least you can focus on the hardware rather than the software.
If you are trying to power the Arduino from the Teensy 3.3v, and it looks from the picture that you are, it is entirely possible that the Teensy can't supply the current required by the Arduino, especially when it has a much higher demand when trying to transmit on WiFi.
Thanks everyone. I'll try to mesure the consumptions of the arduino and if it's too high i'll use an external breadboard power supply.
What Teensy pin are you taking power for the Arduino from?
The Arduino spec says that it's VIN should be 6-21V, though the Voltage Regulator (MP2322) datasheet (from the graphs) seems to indicate a minimum input voltage of 4V.
Try feeding the Arduino from the Teensy 5V line.
According to the information on it's a MP2322GQH. That's the information from the Arduino Web site for the Arduino Nano ESP32.
You can see the Schematic for it here.
I checked the output voltage of the 5V pin ov the teensy and it's 4.8V. i've connected it to the Vin of the arduino nano 33 iot
4.8V is on the low side for USB power. What voltage do you measure on the Vin pin of the Nano?
Are your patch wires and breadboard OK resistance wise? Corrosion over time may negatively effect the conductivity.
