Teensy 4.1 breakout board

A few suggestions:

1) I'd put the USB port so that it is over the edge of the board. Otherwise depending on pin lengths/spacing it may be tricky to plug a USB cable in.
2) Connect all the ground pins together with a flood on the back layer. Add extra ground connection points to the output headers.
3) Connect the 3v3 pins together.
4) You aren't short of space, I know it's not technically needed up there is no reason not to make the traces wider.
5) Add pin names / numbers / primary functions to the silk screen next to each output. Who wants to sit there counting pins. Ideally on both sides of the board.

Also currently all you're breaking out are the pins that are easily accessible, there is minimal benefit of this over a piece of breadboard. Consider also adding the things that are tricky to do on a breadboard:
Bring the pins next to the SD card out to a header.
Pull the USB host sockets to the footprint for a USB connector.
Pull the ethernet pins to the footprint for a Ethernet mag jack connector.