Teensy 4.1 burned TLV75733P or TLV75533P


New member
Hello, I have the following problem. When I connected it incorrectly, my Tensor 4.1 board stopped working (it actually burned out). I noticed that it was getting very hot in a certain area and to localize it, I put a small amount of flux on the elements that were in the area that was getting very hot.

7o78PPc - Copy.jpg

I found that the problem was in U4 by following the diagram.
I don't know if replacing it will revive the board, but I need help with the identify whether it was TLV75733P or TLV75533P :

That looks like TLV75533P.

Usually when U4 gets very hot, it's because something else on the circuit board is damaged and shorting the 3.3V power to GND. First step is to measure the 3.3V power. If it's zero or only millivolts, that probably means the short is metal. Those kinds of shorts are often fixable if you can find and remove the stray metal. But if you measure something like 0.5V to 1.0V, it's probably a semiconductor short within 1 or more chips, most likely U1 and/or U2. I'm sad to say, that kind of problem is rarely fixable.