Teensy 4.1 | ELRS module - how to read/write data?

Not finding much about the exact thing I'd like to do, so, opening a new thread to see if there's anyone around here who has done something on this..

Basically, I'd like to use a Radiomaster Ranger Micro (TX) to send data to a receiver and get telemetry back. The data flow doesn't need any work, but the part of reading/writing on to the TX data pin does.. I was able to find implementation(s) in Arduino for the data conversion and writing to the TX, which could help me starting with this, but can't find anything on the reading telemetry out of the TX data pin..

If anyone reading this has done it and/or has some ideas where to start, I'd appreciate..
Thanks a lot!
Link to datasheet?
The closest I have to that is this link, but it's not a datasheet..
helps understanding pinout, bauds and a few other configs that should be set up on the radio controller.

I have a few links that may be useful too:
