Hello, as from the title, after i uploaded the code to Teensy, then power cycled it, the Teensy does not run the code and behave as if it does not have a code at all. I've seen people from Adafruit forum saying to add a delay and LED blinking at the start of the code and it'll work. But after i added it, the Teensy only runs up to the LED blinking. For reference, my code is below:
From the code, if the Teensy does store the code, the LED will blink at 0.5 seconds after the initial delay and LED flashing. But it doesn't after the power cycle.
#include "sbus.h" // SBUS library for SBUS receiver
// SBUS object for writing SBUS
bfs::SbusTx sbus_tx(&Serial6); // Serial 3 for Arduino Mega, 6 for Teensy
bfs::SbusRx sbus_rx(&Serial6);
bfs::SbusData data; // SBUS data structure
// PWM and direction pins for motor control
const int motor1PWMPin = 7; // Enable pin (EN1) for Motor 1
const int motor1DirPin1 = 5; // Direction pin 1 (IN1) for Motor 1
const int motor1DirPin2 = 6; // Direction pin 2 (IN2) for Motor 1
const int motor2PWMPin = 2; // Enable pin (EN2) for Motor 2
const int motor2DirPin1 = 3; // Direction pin 1 (IN3) for Motor 2
const int motor2DirPin2 = 4; // Direction pin 2 (IN4) for Motor 2
// Timer for blinking LED
unsigned long int timex;
void setup() {
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(200); // Blink once for confirmation
digitalWrite(13, LOW); delay(200);
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(200);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
// Motor control pins setup
pinMode(motor1PWMPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor1DirPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor1DirPin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor2PWMPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor2DirPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor2DirPin2, OUTPUT);
while (!Serial) {}
// Initialize SBUS communication
Serial.println("SBUS Initialized");
void loop() {
if (sbus_rx.Read()) { // Read SBUS input
data = sbus_rx.data(); // Store received SBUS data
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // Turn on LED to indicate successful reading
// Map SBUS channels to motor power control values
int forwardBackwardPower = map(data.ch[1], 174, 1811, -255, 255); // Channel 2 for forward/backward
int leftRightPower = map(data.ch[0], 174, 1811, -255, 255); // Channel 1 for turning
// Calculate motor speeds for turning
int motor1Speed = forwardBackwardPower + leftRightPower; // Left motor
int motor2Speed = forwardBackwardPower - leftRightPower; // Right motor
// Ensure motor speed values are within PWM range
motor1Speed = constrain(motor1Speed, -255, 255);
motor2Speed = constrain(motor2Speed, -255, 255);
Serial.print("Motor 1 Speed: ");
Serial.print("Motor 2 Speed: ");
// Set motor speeds and directions via PWM
setMotorPWM(motor1PWMPin, motor1DirPin1, motor1DirPin2, motor1Speed); // Motor 1
setMotorPWM(motor2PWMPin, motor2DirPin1, motor2DirPin2, motor2Speed); // Motor 2
/* Set the SBUS TX data to the received data */
/* Write the data to the motors */
} else {
blinkStatusLED(); // Blink LED if no valid SBUS data
// Function to control motor speed and direction via PWM with L298
void setMotorPWM(int pwmPin, int dirPin1, int dirPin2, int speed) {
if (speed >= 0) {
digitalWrite(dirPin1, HIGH); // Set direction for forward
digitalWrite(dirPin2, LOW);
analogWrite(pwmPin, speed); // Set PWM speed
} else {
digitalWrite(dirPin1, LOW); // Set direction for reverse
digitalWrite(dirPin2, HIGH);
analogWrite(pwmPin, -speed); // Set PWM speed (absolute value)
// Function to blink onboard LED if no valid SBUS data
void blinkStatusLED() {
if (millis() - timex > 500) { // Blink every 500 ms
digitalWrite(13, !digitalRead(13));
timex = millis();
From the code, if the Teensy does store the code, the LED will blink at 0.5 seconds after the initial delay and LED flashing. But it doesn't after the power cycle.