Is your PlatformIO setup configured to run teensy_size after building the .elf file? It prints a memory usage summary specific to Teensy 4.x.
This is the current working version of the project with the array of structures in RAM.
teensy_size: Memory Usage on Teensy 4.1:
teensy_size: FLASH: code:97532, data:298632, headers:8312 free for files:7721988
teensy_size: RAM1: variables:381120, code:91304, padding:7000 free for local variables:44864
teensy_size: RAM2: variables:12416 free for malloc/new:511872
I have done some checks and am sure it is not a size problem but something odd is happening in PROGMEM when I move the structures.
There is a large array already in PROGMEM and when I move the array of structures in there is a clash reported ...
Moving the large array into EXTMEM stops this clash and the project compiles.
Sadly, this is not a solution since the running programme crashes when attempts are made to write values into the structures in PROGMEM, so another problem to solve.
Given the rethink I had after your initial reply, rearranging the code to make use of LittleFS would be a far more beneficial use of my efforts.