Teensy 4.1 reset behaviour


New member
"I would like clarification regarding the reset behavior of the Teensy 4.1 board, which differs from what I expect.

  • I press the reset button with a short press.
  • I expect the Teensy to reboot the program, but instead, the red LED starts flashing.
  • The program only restarts when I connect a USB cable.
  • I specify that the Teensy is mounted on a board that is correctly powered with 5V. The trace controlling the bootloader function is open, which should be correct.
I am unsure if this is a problem or the normal behavior of the board.

Tests already performed:

  • Verified the correct power supply to the board.
  • I checked that the issue is not due to my firmware, as the same behavior occurs with the basic blink example loaded.
  • Ensured that the issue is not due to holding the reset button too long, as holding it longer puts the board into boot mode, and in that case, it only resumes functioning after reloading the program.
  • Tried different boards

Thank you for the help
but a reprogramming and factory-reset button.
short press: reload program from PC (must be connected to Teensy)
15 s press: erase all flash and copy original blink program into correct flash position and restart

To shutdown Teensy connect on-off pin to GND for ~5 s.
To wake-up Teensy connect on-off again to GND for ~ 1s
If a Reset is important then you could use the software reset feature "SCB_AIRCR = 0x05FA0004;", along with adding a button with an IRQ.