Teensy 4.1 Serial Ports and GPIO


Well-known member
I am not clear on how Arduino code works with the "shiftout" function.

I need to shift out 12 bits.

should I use the shiftout or just bitbang with other functions?

void WriteToDAC(void)
//#define DAC_CLK     28
//#define DAC_Data    29
//#define VddDAC_Sel  30

byte bitcount;
int  DACvalue;
if (DACbuffer > 4095)         // tens, ones, tenths
   DACbuffer = 0;             // limit to f.s. of DAC 5V   
DACvalue = DACbuffer * 16;   // Move 12 bit to MSB position for 16bit (long)         
for (bitcount=12; bitcount>0;bitcount--)
   shiftOut(DAC_Data,DAC_CLK,MSBFIRST,DACbuffer[bitcount]);  ??????????????
   //Output_High(DAC_CLK);     ??????????????
   //delay(1);                             ??????????????
   //Output_Low(DAC_CLK);      ??????????????
shiftOut() transmits a byte (8 bits).

Documentation here:

For 12 bits, just write your own loop using digitalWriteFast() and delayNanoseconds() or delayMicroseconds().
shiftOut() transmits a byte (8 bits).

Documentation here:

For 12 bits, just write your own loop using digitalWriteFast() and delayNanoseconds() or delayMicroseconds().

Shift and test bit?
Or just AND with a mask to get the bit value?