Quick update, playing with noise. In the two below images the humps are noise to/from the LCD, the frequency of the LCD updates is 10Hz. The large downward spike is me touching the screen. In the second photo I ran separate grounds to both my pots and the LCD, along with powering the LCD separately with 3.3V and 5V. Powering the LCD alone made no discernible impact, moving the GND's was major. The LCD got the ground closest to the USB plug and the Pots got the GND next to pin 13.
I used the internal 1.2V reference and the values are 16 bit, serial transmit rate is 28. The sample size for the data is 32(ADC0) and 64(ADC1) samples, averaging is also set for 4 so (32x4) and (64x4). Sample rate is around 280KSPS per ADC. The 2 blue lines represent ADC0 and 1 sampling separate pots set at the same voltage, same for Red and Green.
Keep in mind this is on a solder-less breadboard using 8" DuPont jumpers, its a real spaghetti monster. The Teensy is also powered from USB, so I'm sure that adds noise.
Determining the cause of the spike during touch could be fun, not sure if its code or noise related.
I also found an issue with my temperature measurements, I was forced to change the 2K5 resistor to 1K5 and swap its location. The NTC is now connected to 3V3 instead of GND. This gives the desired range, the other way around the readings would have maxed out around 50-55C
Edits... Made some math corrections and added more info.
I used the internal 1.2V reference and the values are 16 bit, serial transmit rate is 28. The sample size for the data is 32(ADC0) and 64(ADC1) samples, averaging is also set for 4 so (32x4) and (64x4). Sample rate is around 280KSPS per ADC. The 2 blue lines represent ADC0 and 1 sampling separate pots set at the same voltage, same for Red and Green.
Keep in mind this is on a solder-less breadboard using 8" DuPont jumpers, its a real spaghetti monster. The Teensy is also powered from USB, so I'm sure that adds noise.
Determining the cause of the spike during touch could be fun, not sure if its code or noise related.
I also found an issue with my temperature measurements, I was forced to change the 2K5 resistor to 1K5 and swap its location. The NTC is now connected to 3V3 instead of GND. This gives the desired range, the other way around the readings would have maxed out around 50-55C
Edits... Made some math corrections and added more info.
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