Teensy for an audiophile DAC ?


Well-known member

I'm currently *try* to design a DAC that can fit my needs because I didn't find any one yet.

While the "audio" part of the circuitry is OK, I'm currently stuck with some choice for the "MCU" side. Many of my friends told me to use an Xmos chip for the USB connector and audio stream transformation, I'd like to know if this can also been achieved with a Teensy 4 ?

Thank you,
I'd like to know if this can also been achieved with a Teensy 4 ?
Most probably but it depends on your digital interface (I2S? TDM?), the number of audio channels (2?) and the samplerate (44kHz?).
It's best to give us more details on your DAC to better inform you.
Did you have a chance to study the Teensy Audio Library page?

Thx Paul,

I plan to use AKM4191 Modulator with 2xAKM4499EX dac chips (one per channel) with some PGA 2320 for Analog volume control. So the MCU have to feed AKM4191 with PCM stream, mostly per I2S (while the chip can use TDM too).
I would be able to play hi-res files and DSD, so very much more than 44KHz. At least 96. I will stick to 2 CH.

Here are the available inputs of this chip :
  • Audio Input I/F Format
    • 64-bit Dual / 32-bit Single Input PCM I/F
    • MSB Justified
    • LSB Justified
    • I2S
    • DSD
    • TDM
  • PCM/DSD, EXDF/DSD Mode Automatic Mode Switching Function
I had a look at Audio Library, but not very deep as I'm still unsure if I can use it.

The vanilla audio library is 16 bit - there are other versions from other people though, but if you want more than 16 bit the standard Teensy audio library will not serve you...