Well-known member
Maybe this should be added?
Retired- This product is no longer available for sale. The seller may be offering an improved version or it may be hanging out on the beach, enjoying the retired life.
I was going to add the last item, T3.1 breakout board to the list, but it seems I am already too late:
AdamSoftTech sells a Teensy 3.1 board and shield to bring out the underneath pins:
I'd like to find a way to solder them to straight double wide male header pins instead of direct solder - if I do I'll post. If the height works out to the socketed Teensy the problem will be aligning/holding the pins to solder them on the header.Amico 10 Pcs Spherical Radius Tip Spring Loaded Test Probes Pins
0.87mm Dia Round Tip Spring Loaded Test Probes Pins (very small 1.44mm / 0.056"; Overall Length(Each): 7mm / 0.27")
are there any examples for Ports
Hi All,
It would be nice to have this in some sort of Wiki page or something to have an up to date list
If you have your own set of links or reference info - maybe post them on a good thread and link that post here.
USB to Serial - Teensy becomes a USB to Serial converter
You must select Serial from the "Tools > USB Type" menu
void serialEvent() {
while (Serial.available()) {
void serialEvent1() {
while (Serial1.available() ) {
My inclination would be VisualStudio and the VisualMicro
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