I'm writing a shell script to setup udev rules so that my Teensy4.1 shows up under `/dev/Teensy_%n` (where %n increments if more than one is connected). I found this link that lists the product and vendor ids we should expect but when I run lsusb on my linux machine or look under the usb tree on my mac, I find that the product ID is different. The link says it whould be `0478` but both of my systems find it as `0483`. Is this something that changes based on the model of Teensy I'm using or has the productID changed since that page was last updated?
What I have currently works for the Teensy4.1's I have on hand but I am hoping for the udev rules to apply for any model of Teensy that I connect.
My current udev rule:
From my linux machine:
From my mac:
What I have currently works for the Teensy4.1's I have on hand but I am hoping for the udev rules to apply for any model of Teensy that I connect.
My current udev rule:
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="16c0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0483", ACTION=="add|change", SYMLINK+="Teensy_%n
From my linux machine:
From my mac: