I just got my Teensy3 and have it connected to my GPS, but I don't get any communication from on the GPS serial port. I've tried a bunch of stuff, but obviously, I'm missing something.
Here's my setup:
Teensy3 GPS-10920
GND <--> GND
RX2 <--> TX
TX2 <--> RX
3.3V <--> 3.3V
3.3V <--> VBAT
All other pins are open.
The green "NAV" light is flashing at about 1 pulse per second which I take to mean that it is getting a sat lock. (Although I'm not certain about that either).
Here is a minimal sketch: -- gpsSerial.available() is always false.
Here's my setup:
Teensy3 GPS-10920
GND <--> GND
RX2 <--> TX
TX2 <--> RX
3.3V <--> 3.3V
3.3V <--> VBAT
All other pins are open.
The green "NAV" light is flashing at about 1 pulse per second which I take to mean that it is getting a sat lock. (Although I'm not certain about that either).
Here is a minimal sketch: -- gpsSerial.available() is always false.
HardwareSerial gpsSerial = HardwareSerial2();
void setup()
delay(5000); // give me time to open the serial monitor.
Serial.println( "setup complete" );
void loop()
bool gpsDataAvailable = false;
unsigned long start = millis();
while (millis() - start < 5000)
while( gpsSerial.available() )
gpsDataAvailable = true;
if ( gpsDataAvailable )
Serial.println( "gps connected" );
Serial.println( "gps not connected" );
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