Teensy4.1 based "Transdimensional Synthesizer"

Transdimensional is a fancy name for a way to simplify the use of very complicated synthesis algorithm.

It is a kind of morphing that takes care of navigating through the synthesis parameter hyperspace.

This first synth navigates in a 54 dimension hyperspace (including FM, waveshaping and multiple feedbacks).

Here is a short demo of those presets.

You only need to have a Teensy4.1 and a I2S DAC to try this little one
(you will access to my first 7 presets through MIDI program control).

Full configuration with an SH1106 OLED and an APCkey25 MkII allows direct control of the synthesis.

Here is a link to the github that include an HEX for the first alpha version.
I did not tried it yet with the pjrc audio adaptor.
I’ve just ordered one from a retailer.
I will test it as soon as i get it.

Thanks to everyone that helped me to understand how powerful the Teensy4.1 can be.
The project "Thierry-Rochebois-I" has been updated to alpha001
with 8 more presets and all "morphemes" implemented.

  • 8 voice polyphony
  • 96kHz sample rate (for a brighter sound and controlled aliasing)
  • Morphing based synthesis
  • 32 "morphemes"
    • a point consists of a pair of morphemes
    • you can navigate from the starting point to the ending point
  • Reverberation
  • Chorus
  • CC control of synthesis parameters
  • Presets through Midi Program Changes ( 15 presets already available on version alpha001).
I received my Teensy Audio Adaptor Saturday... I experimented with it today.
I added the I2C SGTL5000 control to enable it and to set Volume to 1 (version alpha002).

This Audio Adaptor sounds really great at 96kHz !

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