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Well, when I came up with the idea for this, HWGuy hadn't done his board yet. His board is great, and does what I set out to do initially, so I took mine a step further. But I'm sticking with the TeensyDapter name I came up with..
This is a Teensy 3.0 to Arduino (Uno R3 style) footprint. It includes an ENC28J60 ethernet chip, and a MicroSD Card slot. Those are both 3.3v devices, so they're well suited to the Teensy 3.0. The Teensy 3 also has plenty of SRAM, which is handy with the ENC28J60 since the TCP stack is software based, so it takes up precious ram.
I created a Teensy 3.0 eagle library, my first attempt at making a library. It seemed easy enough, I'm pretty sure I got it right. I used the Adafruit eagle library for the Arduino footprint, as well as a couple other components. I referenced the Nanode 5 schematic to wire the ENC28J60 and get the capacitor placement right. I think I got it.
I'm going to get a couple of these made at OSHPark to see if it works, I honestly won't be surprised if I got something wrong, but I sure tried to double check everything. If they pass, I'll release the board designs for all to produce at will. If someone wants to review my schematic/board layout before I submit this to OSHPark (probably in the next day or two), I'd certainly welcome it.
Here are some pictures:
That's the schematic
That's the board layout, in Eagle.
This is the top, rendered at OSHPark
This is the bottom, rendered at OSHPark
Paul gets a free copy, if it works.
This is a Teensy 3.0 to Arduino (Uno R3 style) footprint. It includes an ENC28J60 ethernet chip, and a MicroSD Card slot. Those are both 3.3v devices, so they're well suited to the Teensy 3.0. The Teensy 3 also has plenty of SRAM, which is handy with the ENC28J60 since the TCP stack is software based, so it takes up precious ram.
I created a Teensy 3.0 eagle library, my first attempt at making a library. It seemed easy enough, I'm pretty sure I got it right. I used the Adafruit eagle library for the Arduino footprint, as well as a couple other components. I referenced the Nanode 5 schematic to wire the ENC28J60 and get the capacitor placement right. I think I got it.
I'm going to get a couple of these made at OSHPark to see if it works, I honestly won't be surprised if I got something wrong, but I sure tried to double check everything. If they pass, I'll release the board designs for all to produce at will. If someone wants to review my schematic/board layout before I submit this to OSHPark (probably in the next day or two), I'd certainly welcome it.
Here are some pictures:
That's the schematic
That's the board layout, in Eagle.
This is the top, rendered at OSHPark
This is the bottom, rendered at OSHPark
Paul gets a free copy, if it works.