Teensyduino 1.26 Beta #3 Available

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Thanks for merging the TouchScreen changes, I'll get 1.26 when released and dump my local library. The Touch ILI9341 works well - the generalized array fed button code I started looks promising.

Downloaded of the IDE 1.6.6 - fresh bugs are always more exciting! The promise of PerSketch compile folders sounds good. No more waiting 15 seconds (*2*?) extra when jumping back and forth.

On single T_3.2 in IDE 1.6.5 &1.26b3 with SerMon It is working well in general usage.
Time.h vs time.h on Mac

Followup on my Time.h/time.h problem, the TimeTeensy3 example is likewise broken:
Arduino: 1.6.6 (Mac OS X), TD: 1.26-beta3, Board: "Teensy 3.2 / 3.1, Serial + Keyboard + Mouse + Joystick, 72 MHz optimized, US English"

/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/arduino-builder -dump-prefs -logger=machine -hardware "/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/hardware" -hardware "/Users/dean/Library/Arduino15/packages" -tools "/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/tools-builder" -tools "/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr" -tools "/Users/dean/Library/Arduino15/packages" -built-in-libraries "/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/libraries" -libraries "/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries" -fqbn=teensy:avr:teensy31:usb=serialhid,speed=72opt,keys=en-us -ide-version=10606 -build-path "/var/folders/w1/0xxlqytr8xg565001s7pswz80000gn/T/build98fee79b5753e07289d9cb5c4db23e65.tmp" -warnings=none -prefs=build.warn_data_percentage=75 -verbose "/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TimeLib/examples/TimeTeensy3/TimeTeensy3.ino"
/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/arduino-builder -compile -logger=machine -hardware "/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/hardware" -hardware "/Users/dean/Library/Arduino15/packages" -tools "/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/tools-builder" -tools "/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr" -tools "/Users/dean/Library/Arduino15/packages" -built-in-libraries "/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/libraries" -libraries "/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries" -fqbn=teensy:avr:teensy31:usb=serialhid,speed=72opt,keys=en-us -ide-version=10606 -build-path "/var/folders/w1/0xxlqytr8xg565001s7pswz80000gn/T/build98fee79b5753e07289d9cb5c4db23e65.tmp" -warnings=none -prefs=build.warn_data_percentage=75 -verbose "/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TimeLib/examples/TimeTeensy3/TimeTeensy3.ino"
WARNING: Spurious .git folder in 'Adafruit GFX Library' library
WARNING: Spurious .git folder in 'PID' library
WARNING: Spurious .git folder in 'Audio' library
WARNING: Spurious .git folder in 'FastLED' library
WARNING: Spurious .git folder in 'ILI9341_t3' library
WARNING: Spurious .git folder in 'SparkFun APDS9960 RGB and Gesture Sensor' library
"/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr/../arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -M -MG -MP -x c++ -w -fno-exceptions -felide-constructors -std=gnu++0x -fno-rtti -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=126 -DARDUINO=10606 -DF_CPU=72000000 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -DUSB_SERIAL_HID -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH "-I/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy3" "/var/folders/w1/0xxlqytr8xg565001s7pswz80000gn/T/build98fee79b5753e07289d9cb5c4db23e65.tmp/sketch/TimeTeensy3.ino.cpp"
"/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr/../arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -M -MG -MP -x c++ -w -fno-exceptions -felide-constructors -std=gnu++0x -fno-rtti -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=126 -DARDUINO=10606 -DF_CPU=72000000 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -DUSB_SERIAL_HID -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH "-I/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy3" "/var/folders/w1/0xxlqytr8xg565001s7pswz80000gn/T/build98fee79b5753e07289d9cb5c4db23e65.tmp/sketch/TimeTeensy3.ino.cpp"
"/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr/../arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -M -MG -MP -x c++ -w -fno-exceptions -felide-constructors -std=gnu++0x -fno-rtti -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=126 -DARDUINO=10606 -DF_CPU=72000000 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -DUSB_SERIAL_HID -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH "-I/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy3" "/var/folders/w1/0xxlqytr8xg565001s7pswz80000gn/T/build98fee79b5753e07289d9cb5c4db23e65.tmp/sketch/TimeTeensy3.ino.cpp"
"/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr/../arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -M -MG -MP -x c++ -w -fno-exceptions -felide-constructors -std=gnu++0x -fno-rtti -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=126 -DARDUINO=10606 -DF_CPU=72000000 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -DUSB_SERIAL_HID -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH "-I/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy3" "/var/folders/w1/0xxlqytr8xg565001s7pswz80000gn/T/build98fee79b5753e07289d9cb5c4db23e65.tmp/sketch/TimeTeensy3.ino.cpp"
"/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr/../arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -M -MG -MP -x c++ -w -fno-exceptions -felide-constructors -std=gnu++0x -fno-rtti -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=126 -DARDUINO=10606 -DF_CPU=72000000 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -DUSB_SERIAL_HID -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH "-I/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy3" "/var/folders/w1/0xxlqytr8xg565001s7pswz80000gn/T/build98fee79b5753e07289d9cb5c4db23e65.tmp/sketch/TimeTeensy3.ino.cpp"
"/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr/../arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -E -CC -x c++ -w  -g -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -MMD -nostdlib -fno-exceptions -felide-constructors -std=gnu++0x -fno-rtti -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=126 -DARDUINO=10606 -DF_CPU=72000000 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -DUSB_SERIAL_HID -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH "-I/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy3" "/var/folders/w1/0xxlqytr8xg565001s7pswz80000gn/T/build98fee79b5753e07289d9cb5c4db23e65.tmp/sketch/TimeTeensy3.ino.cpp"
"/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/tools-builder/ctags/5.8-arduino2/ctags" -u --language-force=c++ -f - --c++-kinds=svpf --fields=KSTtzns "/var/folders/w1/0xxlqytr8xg565001s7pswz80000gn/T/build98fee79b5753e07289d9cb5c4db23e65.tmp/preproc/ctags_target.cpp"
"/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/tools-builder/ctags/5.8-arduino2/ctags" -u --language-force=c++ -f - --c++-kinds=svpf --fields=KSTtzns "/var/folders/w1/0xxlqytr8xg565001s7pswz80000gn/T/build98fee79b5753e07289d9cb5c4db23e65.tmp/preproc/ctags_target.cpp"
"/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr/../arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -c -O -g -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -MMD -nostdlib -fno-exceptions -felide-constructors -std=gnu++0x -fno-rtti -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=126 -DARDUINO=10606 -DF_CPU=72000000 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -DUSB_SERIAL_HID -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH "-I/Users/dean/Downloads/Arduino-1.6.6.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy3" "/var/folders/w1/0xxlqytr8xg565001s7pswz80000gn/T/build98fee79b5753e07289d9cb5c4db23e65.tmp/sketch/TimeTeensy3.ino.cpp" -o "/var/folders/w1/0xxlqytr8xg565001s7pswz80000gn/T/build98fee79b5753e07289d9cb5c4db23e65.tmp/sketch/TimeTeensy3.ino.cpp.o"
/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TimeLib/examples/TimeTeensy3/TimeTeensy3.ino: In function 'void setup()':
/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TimeLib/examples/TimeTeensy3/TimeTeensy3.ino:11:33: error: 'setSyncProvider' was not declared in this scope
/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TimeLib/examples/TimeTeensy3/TimeTeensy3.ino:16:18: error: 'timeStatus' was not declared in this scope
if (timeStatus()!= timeSet) {
/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TimeLib/examples/TimeTeensy3/TimeTeensy3.ino:16:22: error: 'timeSet' was not declared in this scope
if (timeStatus()!= timeSet) {
/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TimeLib/examples/TimeTeensy3/TimeTeensy3.ino: In function 'void loop()':
/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TimeLib/examples/TimeTeensy3/TimeTeensy3.ino:28:16: error: 'setTime' was not declared in this scope
/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TimeLib/examples/TimeTeensy3/TimeTeensy3.ino: In function 'void digitalClockDisplay()':
/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TimeLib/examples/TimeTeensy3/TimeTeensy3.ino:37:21: error: 'hour' was not declared in this scope
/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TimeLib/examples/TimeTeensy3/TimeTeensy3.ino:38:22: error: 'minute' was not declared in this scope
/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TimeLib/examples/TimeTeensy3/TimeTeensy3.ino:39:22: error: 'second' was not declared in this scope
/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TimeLib/examples/TimeTeensy3/TimeTeensy3.ino:41:20: error: 'day' was not declared in this scope
/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TimeLib/examples/TimeTeensy3/TimeTeensy3.ino:43:22: error: 'month' was not declared in this scope
/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TimeLib/examples/TimeTeensy3/TimeTeensy3.ino:45:21: error: 'year' was not declared in this scope
/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TimeLib/examples/TimeTeensy3/TimeTeensy3.ino: In function 'long unsigned int processSyncMessage()':
/Users/dean/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TimeLib/examples/TimeTeensy3/TimeTeensy3.ino:61:29: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
if(Serial.find(TIME_HEADER)) {
exit status 1
'year' was not declared in this scope
Yeah, this Time issue is a 1.6.6 problem with that library. I will work on it, but it's not going to be fixed for 1.26.

Please do open an new issue on github for the Time library.
I can't get this simple sketch to compile for a Teensy3.1 or 3.0 with 1.6.6/1.26_beta3. But it works with Teensy2 on the same distribution:
#include <Time.h>

tmElements_t rtc_tm;

time_t rtc_time;
void setup()
  rtc_tm.Second = 0;
  rtc_time = makeTime(rtc_tm);

void loop()


I get this output for a Teensy3.1:
S:\arduino-1.6.6\arduino-builder -dump-prefs -logger=machine -hardware "S:\arduino-1.6.6\hardware" -tools "S:\arduino-1.6.6\tools-builder" -tools "S:\arduino-1.6.6\hardware\tools\avr" -built-in-libraries "S:\arduino-1.6.6\libraries" -libraries "C:\Users\Peter\Documents\Teensy\libraries" -fqbn=teensy:avr:teensy31:usb=serial,speed=96,keys=en-us -ide-version=10606 -build-path "C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\build217a666e92814b35d80ffec482e68adf.tmp" -warnings=null -prefs=build.warn_data_percentage=75 -verbose "C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_217a666e92814b35d80ffec482e68adf\sketch_nov07a.ino"
S:\arduino-1.6.6\arduino-builder -compile -logger=machine -hardware "S:\arduino-1.6.6\hardware" -tools "S:\arduino-1.6.6\tools-builder" -tools "S:\arduino-1.6.6\hardware\tools\avr" -built-in-libraries "S:\arduino-1.6.6\libraries" -libraries "C:\Users\Peter\Documents\Teensy\libraries" -fqbn=teensy:avr:teensy31:usb=serial,speed=96,keys=en-us -ide-version=10606 -build-path "C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\build217a666e92814b35d80ffec482e68adf.tmp" -warnings=null -prefs=build.warn_data_percentage=75 -verbose "C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_217a666e92814b35d80ffec482e68adf\sketch_nov07a.ino"
"S:\arduino-1.6.6\hardware\tools\avr/../arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -M -MG -MP -x c++ -w -fno-exceptions -felide-constructors -std=gnu++0x -fno-rtti -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=126 -DARDUINO=10606 -DF_CPU=96000000 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -DUSB_SERIAL -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH "-IS:\arduino-1.6.6\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3" "C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\build217a666e92814b35d80ffec482e68adf.tmp\sketch\sketch_nov07a.ino.cpp"
"S:\arduino-1.6.6\hardware\tools\avr/../arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -M -MG -MP -x c++ -w -fno-exceptions -felide-constructors -std=gnu++0x -fno-rtti -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=126 -DARDUINO=10606 -DF_CPU=96000000 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -DUSB_SERIAL -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH "-IS:\arduino-1.6.6\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3" "C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\build217a666e92814b35d80ffec482e68adf.tmp\sketch\sketch_nov07a.ino.cpp"
"S:\arduino-1.6.6\hardware\tools\avr/../arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -M -MG -MP -x c++ -w -fno-exceptions -felide-constructors -std=gnu++0x -fno-rtti -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=126 -DARDUINO=10606 -DF_CPU=96000000 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -DUSB_SERIAL -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH "-IS:\arduino-1.6.6\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3" "C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\build217a666e92814b35d80ffec482e68adf.tmp\sketch\sketch_nov07a.ino.cpp"
"S:\arduino-1.6.6\hardware\tools\avr/../arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -M -MG -MP -x c++ -w -fno-exceptions -felide-constructors -std=gnu++0x -fno-rtti -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=126 -DARDUINO=10606 -DF_CPU=96000000 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -DUSB_SERIAL -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH "-IS:\arduino-1.6.6\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3" "C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\build217a666e92814b35d80ffec482e68adf.tmp\sketch\sketch_nov07a.ino.cpp"
"S:\arduino-1.6.6\hardware\tools\avr/../arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -M -MG -MP -x c++ -w -fno-exceptions -felide-constructors -std=gnu++0x -fno-rtti -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=126 -DARDUINO=10606 -DF_CPU=96000000 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -DUSB_SERIAL -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH "-IS:\arduino-1.6.6\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3" "C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\build217a666e92814b35d80ffec482e68adf.tmp\sketch\sketch_nov07a.ino.cpp"
"S:\arduino-1.6.6\hardware\tools\avr/../arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -E -CC -x c++ -w  -g -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -MMD -nostdlib -fno-exceptions -felide-constructors -std=gnu++0x -fno-rtti -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=126 -DARDUINO=10606 -DF_CPU=96000000 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -DUSB_SERIAL -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH "-IS:\arduino-1.6.6\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3" "C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\build217a666e92814b35d80ffec482e68adf.tmp\sketch\sketch_nov07a.ino.cpp"
"S:\arduino-1.6.6\tools-builder\ctags\5.8-arduino2/ctags" -u --language-force=c++ -f - --c++-kinds=svpf --fields=KSTtzns "C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\build217a666e92814b35d80ffec482e68adf.tmp\preproc\ctags_target.cpp"
"S:\arduino-1.6.6\tools-builder\ctags\5.8-arduino2/ctags" -u --language-force=c++ -f - --c++-kinds=svpf --fields=KSTtzns "C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\build217a666e92814b35d80ffec482e68adf.tmp\preproc\ctags_target.cpp"
"S:\arduino-1.6.6\hardware\tools\avr/../arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -c -Os -g -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -MMD -nostdlib -fno-exceptions -felide-constructors -std=gnu++0x -fno-rtti -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=126 -DARDUINO=10606 -DF_CPU=96000000 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -DUSB_SERIAL -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH "-IS:\arduino-1.6.6\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3" "C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\build217a666e92814b35d80ffec482e68adf.tmp\sketch\sketch_nov07a.ino.cpp" -o "C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\build217a666e92814b35d80ffec482e68adf.tmp\sketch\sketch_nov07a.ino.cpp.o"
C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_217a666e92814b35d80ffec482e68adf\sketch_nov07a.ino:3:1: error: 'tmElements_t' does not name a type
tmElements_t rtc_tm;
C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_217a666e92814b35d80ffec482e68adf\sketch_nov07a.ino: In function 'void setup()':
C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_217a666e92814b35d80ffec482e68adf\sketch_nov07a.ino:11:3: error: 'rtc_tm' was not declared in this scope
rtc_tm.Second = 0;
C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_217a666e92814b35d80ffec482e68adf\sketch_nov07a.ino:12:29: error: 'makeTime' was not declared in this scope
rtc_time = makeTime(rtc_tm);
exit status 1
'makeTime' was not declared in this scope
Invalid library found in C:\Users\Peter\Documents\Teensy\libraries\examples: C:\Users\Peter\Documents\Teensy\libraries\examples
Invalid library found in C:\Users\Peter\Documents\Teensy\libraries\reorder_table_creator: C:\Users\Peter\Documents\Teensy\libraries\reorder_table_creator
Invalid library found in C:\Users\Peter\Documents\Teensy\libraries\RF24_audio: C:\Users\Peter\Documents\Teensy\libraries\RF24_audio

According to the IDE output, it hasn't even tried to open Time.h
I don't know if this is a problem with my 1.6.6/1.26_beta3 installation but I haven't run into this type of thing before and all works well with 1.6.5. Can someone try this with 1.6.6 and TD 1.26_beta3?

I've only posted this here just in case it is a problem related to 1.26_beta3.

[edit] This is a zip install of Arduino 1.6.6 with TD 1.26_beta3.
Last edited:
Sorry. I don't know how I missed the previous reference to a Time.h problem (but it also affects Windows 7 as well)

<edit>: As noted below I used Boards Manager to remove a board. I assume this came from that action? It is working now on a Clean unzip of 1.6.6 and the 1.26b3. Note - I returned to my 1.6.5 unzip w/1.26b and it works - however the sketchbook settings, verbose off and "recent" were all wiped? Apparently just crosstalk between the new 1.6.6 version cleaning house for the new way of doing things? Back with 1.6.6 open and it seems okay.

Installed 1.6.6 and 1.26b3 on Win10.

Compiled empty sketch - got error: is this just me ???

I get the same now on anything I have done? I closed IDE and re-installed the 1.26b3? I'll do a fresh unzip and 1.26b3 install.

I:\Teensy166\arduino-builder -dump-prefs -logger=machine -hardware "I:\Teensy166\hardware" -hardware "C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages" -tools "I:\Teensy166\tools-builder" -tools "C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages" -built-in-libraries "I:\Teensy166\libraries" -libraries "C:\tCode\libraries" -fqbn=teensy:avr:teensy31:usb=serial,speed=96,keys=en-us -ide-version=10606 -build-path "C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Local\Temp\build64259ad4c709eaaabdb437054e64add8.tmp" -warnings=none -prefs=build.warn_data_percentage=75 -verbose "C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Local\Temp\untitled1940000355.tmp\sketch_nov08b\sketch_nov08b.ino"
I:\Teensy166\arduino-builder -compile -logger=machine -hardware "I:\Teensy166\hardware" -hardware "C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages" -tools "I:\Teensy166\tools-builder" -tools "C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages" -built-in-libraries "I:\Teensy166\libraries" -libraries "C:\tCode\libraries" -fqbn=teensy:avr:teensy31:usb=serial,speed=96,keys=en-us -ide-version=10606 -build-path "C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Local\Temp\build64259ad4c709eaaabdb437054e64add8.tmp" -warnings=none -prefs=build.warn_data_percentage=75 -verbose "C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Local\Temp\untitled1940000355.tmp\sketch_nov08b\sketch_nov08b.ino"
Build options changed, rebuilding all
"/../arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -M -MG -MP -x c++ -w -fno-exceptions -felide-constructors -std=gnu++0x -fno-rtti -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=126 -DARDUINO=10606 -DF_CPU=96000000 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -DUSB_SERIAL -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH "-II:\Teensy166\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3" "C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Local\Temp\build64259ad4c709eaaabdb437054e64add8.tmp\sketch\sketch_nov08b.ino.cpp"
exec: "/../arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++": file does not exist
Error compiling.

<edit> Only 'odd' thing I did was remove digistump with boards manager as it was showing two orange lines on each compile - even though I had set board to Teensy 3.1/3.2. Apparently the Board management is GLOBAL because I did try it once on 1.6.5 (no problem), but never on the fresh 1.6.6 directoy.

NOTE: I assumed leaving misnamed copies of a sketch in the same folder would be a harmless way of creating a backup, just like library source files - anything there with a usable extension is incorporated. I was getting yelled at for 'redefinitions' because the IDE pulled these 'duplicate .INO' files into the project. Left me KonfuZed until I saw the tabs had these files auto Added, it did this on 1.6.5 and that is why I installed 1.6.6 thinking something was broken.
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My experience with 1.66 and Teensyduino 1.26b3. In brief, the issues are caused all by 1.66 IDE since the 1.26b3 works ok on my old 1.65 installation as far I can see...
I have win7/64.
Arduino IDE 1.6.5 install additional hardware support on HD://user/appData/roaming/Arduino15
Arduino IDE 1.6.6 install additional hardware support on HD://user/appData/local/Arduino15
I have noticed that during 1.66 installation, in the 1.65 preferences, the additional links for hardware is wiped out and it's blank. After installation (and first 1.66 run) I can fill the additional hardware links again.
It's curios because the links for the additional hardware appears in the 1.66, maybe during first run the 1.66 copy the preferences from the 1.6x location but I have noticed that only links are copied and need to install again the board support.
Apart that, both Teensy support it's working with an exception, I was compiling a test sketch on 1.66 and decided to switch on 1.65 but the Teensy upload app instance remained on, when I've tried to send data from the 1.65 I've got a hudge list of errors! Closing the old Teensy Instance and upload again opened a new Teensy instance (this time from the 1.65 folder) and performed correctly.
Apart this obvious issues the 1.66 breaks a lot of things in my custom board support and several other errors, this transition from 1.65 to 1.66 will not so smooth...
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@sumotoy - my experience matches yours - the 1.26b3 is fine, as noted in <edit> it seems the IDE let me down.

The prior addition of the board manager - like the preference updates - spoiled the seeming isolation across unzip installs I've enjoyed since I stopped using the EXE installer. And (I suspect) in the case of BrdMgr it was fatal to my installation. I did some compiles okay, saw spurious orange warnings tied to Digistump [worked in 1.6.5 not in 1.6.6 - why it flagged those on a TEENSY compile I don't know except it must have shared a tool or setting] and I was compelled to remove them and when the common element was touched - I lost the use of my IDE. I posted it before I got a 'feel' for what caused it - it is not a PJRC problem (or the 1.26b3 re-install would have fixed/changed it), but may hit others here as whatever caused it was easy to do.
Re the beta

tried spi and eeprom , 1.65 Arduino.
all good,

Re Arduino 1.66, nothing but problems , and thats not the beta , its Arduino. I've droiped to 1.65 which seems good and stabele.

Are we getting into the odd / even release cycle of Arduion again ?
Lots of challenges with the USB connection to El Capitan (10.11.1).
Arduino 1.6.5, Teensyduino 1.26-beta3
Sometimes fixed by a reboot. Not often.
A push of the Teensy reset button seems to cause an upload...
though Serial Monitor shows nothing.
The serial port does not show in Arduino\Tools\Port
I compiled the Blink sample program...
- I get a blink on the teensy...
- the port shows in Arduino\Tools\Port
- I can recompile my program, and get serial monitor working.

What's best practice today if I want to keep programming on my Mac (El Capitan)?
- Which Arduino software?
- which Teensyduino?
- any steps to "goose" the serial port?
I've noticed that the rebuild process (no file changes, just rebuild) for my project has increased from about 22 seconds in 1.6.5 to more than 30 seconds in 1.6.6/1.26-b3 on my Mac. (I wonder if there's something I'm doing that is causing too many files to be built every time...)

View attachment buildlog.txt.zip
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I've noticed that the rebuild process (no file changes, just rebuild) for my project has increased from about 22 seconds in 1.6.5 to more than 30 seconds in 1.6.6/1.26-b3 on my Mac. (I wonder if there's something I'm doing that is causing too many files to be built every time...)
Same thing i noticed about 1.6.6/1.26-b3 with osx 10.9.5.

Also Teensy Loader still slows down considerably after about 20 uploads where I have to close it and restart it. This is something that has happened since i started using Teensy 2 years ago.
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Have a solid state disk? They're amazing.

Heh, heh. Yup, it's not super fast machine (2.5GHz dual core i5, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD), but it does ok.

The project is pretty big (more than 90 source files + libraries). I count 166 invocations of arm-none-eabi-g++ per build.

I realize that I probably should have a proper makefile, but have been unsuccessful getting one going previously.

1.6.6/1.26-b3 seems to have slowed down enough that my annoyance is pushing past my laziness enough to try again.
My 1.6.6 builds are a couple seconds slower - which is almost double on a rebuild. And when I had some error it was no better at showing me the line that was the source of the problem.

@blackketter - did you see the recent thread on makefiles? I didn't try it but the results seemed like a couple people got it working easily enough - I think it was this that uses SCONS:
I'm looking into using a makefile now.

Out of curiosity, is the rebuilding of so many files expected with Arduino+Teensy? To be clear: I see all my project files built again even if no files have changed.
I have IDE 1.6.6 here and using it instead of 1.6.5 for some reason - indeed it seems to shows lots of verbose as it is re-compiling a lot.

Another thing I just noticed - if you build for LC - after T_3.1 it still changes the GLOBAL build setting, though if you set it back when jumping instances - it does use the prior local files in the unique build directory and doesn't do a REBUILD ALL - unless the tools - build changes in that instance.

Oh - and I've gone back to TYQT for Serial Monitor - the IDE SerMon is awful under Windows 10 about USB coming and going - have to close the window and reconnect to the same port - and changing ports when you change the TEENSY - and not offering a way to RESET. Re-powering or unplugging the Teensy to restart the code seems to lose the USB connect to IDE SerMon needing to re-open it.
I'm trying 1.26 beta #3 on Windows 10 64-bit and, on the "Libraries to Install" screen, I click 'none' and they all get unchecked. But when I go to check a library I want, they ALL revert to being checked. I go ahead and install but get an error despite the fact that I'm running as administrator.
I just tried a 1.26b3 install on my IDE 1.6.5 - that is on a separate drive. I did not get any error. What IDE version and is it closed in the directory you are installing too? And you are doing 'right click' "run as" administrator - not just using an administrator account?

But you are correct - you get ALL or NONE as options. Clicking NONE unchecks all, then checking ANY one box changes the button to ALL and they all get checked.

IIRC - prior installs started with NONE selected - I always just picked ALL and it has worked. When I saw ALL get selected for the 1.26 betas - I just ran with it.
What IDE version and is it closed in the directory you are installing too? And you are doing 'right click' "run as" administrator - not just using an administrator account?

I tried it on 1.6.6. No luck, so I installed 1.6.5 and tried it. No luck with that either. Yes, Arduino's closed when I right click and 'Run as Administrator'.
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