Teensyduino 1.28 Beta #1 Available

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Oh, I see. I've updated "tools.teensyloader.cmd.path" just now. It'll be fixed in 1.28-beta2.
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I have looked on your github repository for these files but I have not found them. Otherwise I would have created a pull request.
Another idea I had for the WIKI - Provide a searchable page to EVERY GitHub library and source tree of import (as well as DOCS on usage, etc.), that has a link to the GITHUB source tree for issues - to check those known and know where to go for forking and pull requests. Wow - I had that in the first post!
I'm applying fixes and updates in preparation for 1.28-beta2. Now's the time to remind me of updates or fixes that ought to go into 1.28.

My intention is only serious bug fixes after 1.28-beta2, for the final 1.28 release. Everything else will end up waiting to go into 1.29 around June-July time frame.
Could you include defragster's version of Talkie? Is that how this works...???

If I update, its going to do some changes to my libraries, but its not going to remove my 'custom' libraries? i use Midi 4.2 and I don't want that removed, for example, from my libraries folder.
Paul already pulled those changes on GitHub!

No - what you put in (sketches)\Libraries is not touched. In fact after the 1.28b2 installs you will want to take TALKIE out of that folder to use the PJRC version.

<edit> Adrian - here's link to the PULL request Paul took. The worst thing about Teensy is GitHub - it almost works but is often fitfully painful.
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Ah ... i think I will have to get a bit more familiar with GIT .... named after Linus Torvald, I am told ...... on windows i have a folder ".... avr/libraries" where cpp / h 'libraries' reside in their folders... that is where I keep a folder called 'Talkie' ... will that not be overwritten?
Audio Shield and Acclerated Graphics lib conflicts

I'm applying fixes and updates in preparation for 1.28-beta2. Now's the time to remind me of updates or fixes that ought to go into 1.28.

I for one would like to see the examples for the graphics lib updated. When using the example for graphics test on the ILI9341_t3 tft the initialization para maters have changed yes? :
ILI9341_t3 tft = ILI9341_t3(TFT_CS, TFT_DC); to
something like ->
ILI9341_t3 tft = ILI9341_t3(TFT_CS, TFT_DC,255,7,14,8);

If I could spend the time to setup github and do a pull request I would but... I get way too little time on this compared to my 'skill'

Also I've noticed a problem with the accelerated ILI9341_t3 lib and the sound card. I don't know if others have found this and fixed it (I would love to know what's the problem or at least how to resolve it) however I found that using hte graphics display with a sound card/ shield I have to revert to the ada fruit lib vs the accelerated lib. I'll post test code which I have found the Accel Graphics work but the SD card will not 'initialize' if I use the accelerated lib.

Just add/ remove the commented line
//#define T3_ACCEL 1
to the included file and I find I can not access the SD card of the audio shield when using the accelerated T3 Graphics lib.

Thanks for your time Kb

P.S. I attended the Arduino Day and brought 1 completed project and a bunch of half completed projects and there was a serious interest in the T3 and the graphics (and touch) displays.

Thanks for your efforts Paul.


  • graphicstest_w_audio_wav_pjrc.ino
    11.8 KB · Views: 503
As I mentioned in the prop shield thread, I think it would be useful to have an example that uses the shield to play recorded sounds.

Here is the current fixed version:

// Converted from the WavFilePlay from the Teensy release:
// hardware/teensy/avr/libraries/Audio/examples/WavFilePlayer/WavFilePlayer.ino
// Simple RAW file player example for the prop shield to use the Analog DAC
// and prop shield amplifier to play mono sounds.
//         http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/gui/?info=AudioOutputAnalog
// On the prop shield, pin 6 selects the serial flash memory controller,
// and pin 5 enables the amplifier.
// This example code is in the public domain.

#include <Audio.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include <SerialFlash.h>

// GUItool: begin automatically generated code
AudioPlaySerialflashRaw  playFlashRaw1;  //xy=149,388
AudioMixer4              mixer1;         //xy=445,386
AudioOutputAnalog        dac1;           //xy=591,379
AudioConnection          patchCord1(playFlashRaw1, 0, mixer1, 0);
AudioConnection          patchCord2(mixer1, dac1);
// GUItool: end automatically generated code

#define PROP_AMP_ENABLE		5
#define VOLUME_POT		A1

void setup() {

  // wait up to 3 seconds for the Serial device to become available
  long unsigned debug_start = millis ();
  while (!Serial && ((millis () - debug_start) <= 3000))

  Serial.println ("Start prop shield RAW player");

  // Enable the amplifier on the prop shield
  digitalWrite(PROP_AMP_ENABLE, HIGH);

  // Audio connections require memory to work.  For more
  // detailed information, see the MemoryAndCpuUsage example

  // Set initial volume
  mixer1.gain(0, 0.5f);

  // uncomment these lines if you have a potentiometer or trimpot
  // on the pin A1 to control the volume, and comment out the
  // above line
  // float vol = analogRead(VOLUME_POT);
  // mixer1.gain(0, vol / 1024.0f);

  // Start SerialFlash
  if (!SerialFlash.begin(FLASH_CHIP_SELECT)) {
    while (1)
	Serial.println ("Cannot access SPI Flash chip");
	delay (1000);

void playFile(const char *filename)
  Serial.print("Playing file: ");

  // Start playing the file.  This sketch continues to
  // run while the file plays.

  // A brief delay for the library read RAW info

  // Simply wait for the file to finish playing.
  while (playFlashRaw1.isPlaying()) {
    // uncomment these lines if you have a potentiometer or trimpot
    // on the pin A1 to control the volume
    // float vol = analogRead(VOLUME_POT);
    // mixer1.gain(0, vol / 1024.0f);

void loop() {
  playFile("SDTEST1.RAW");  // filenames are always uppercase 8.3 format

I've updated http://www.the-meissners.org/tmp/SDTEST.zip to replace SDTEST3.RAW (which was listed as personal use only) with a public domain version of wolves howling (though note, it is a much longer piece). I also added the original .WAV files to the zipfile.
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As I mentioned in the prop shield thread, I think it would be useful to have an example that uses the shield to play recorded sounds. ...

That is a nice example - just tested to work again as posted - TeensyTransfer was a good way to (erase&list&write) the files on Flash (until my sources got out of sync - and RAW_HID is a pain with IDE changing in all instances and a full recompile on changing). The other way to get files on CopyFromSerial - needs python with serial support. That makes for a complex as a sample - but then again somebody using that stuff would need to do all those steps. Talkie is an easy way to hear working sound - with less utility and has a fixed set of word samples and the path to making new ones is not apparent after searching.
That is a nice example - just tested to work again as posted - TeensyTransfer was a good way to (erase&list&write) the files on Flash (until my sources got out of sync - and RAW_HID is a pain with IDE changing in all instances and a full recompile on changing). The other way to get files on CopyFromSerial - needs python with serial support. That makes for a complex as a sample - but then again somebody using that stuff would need to do all those steps. Talkie is an easy way to hear working sound - with less utility and has a fixed set of word samples and the path to making new ones is not apparent after searching.
Now that a hex file for TeensyTransfer has been made available, it is simple to go into the Teensy Loader (which continues running after the Teensy IDE stops on my Linux system), select the hex file, and hit the program button on the Teensy to download TeensyTransfer without having to compile it.
I assume SSD1306

Yes, updated.

and other Adafruit library fixes will be merged?

Which others need fixes?

on windows i have a folder ".... avr/libraries" where cpp / h 'libraries' reside in their folders... that is where I keep a folder called 'Talkie' ... will that not be overwritten?

If the "...." part is "hardware/teensy/", then yes, it *will* be overwritten. The installer overwrites stuff inside Arduino, mostly in hardware/teensy and hardware/tools.

If the "...." part is something like "Documents/", you're probably fine.

You should use File > Preferences to check the location of your "sketchbook" folder. That is the place where you should put all your own work. That folder has a libraries folder, which allows you to override anything in Arduino. The installer never touches anything in your sketchbook folder.
As I mentioned in the prop shield thread, I think it would be useful to have an example that uses the shield to play recorded sounds.

I merged Frank's MP3 example.

For raw format, I'd really like to include an example which demonstrates playing some of the sounds simultaneously with mixers. The main benefit for raw format is the low CPU overhead which gives you the ability to play several at the same time.
Now that a hex file for TeensyTransfer has been made available, it is simple to go into the Teensy Loader (which continues running after the Teensy IDE stops on my Linux system), select the hex file, and hit the program button on the Teensy to download TeensyTransfer without having to compile it.

Yes, that is how I tested my hardware to work again when Frank sent me a private HEX build after days of wondering why I couldn't build it to work all of a sudden. A version would need to be included for the T_LC as well to count on that.
I merged Frank's MP3 example.

For raw format, I'd really like to include an example which demonstrates playing some of the sounds simultaneously with mixers. The main benefit for raw format is the low CPU overhead which gives you the ability to play several at the same time.

That's fine. Mp3 is much better for just demo-ing playing sounds. I wasn't sure if you were going to include his code.
That's fine. Mp3 is much better for just demo-ing playing sounds. I wasn't sure if you were going to include his code.

I could make an example which does both: mp3 AND teensytransfer. Or mp3+aac+teensytransfer...

Would that be useful ?

Did i mention that you can backup the prop shield calibration with teensytransfer ?

Isnt it possible to add a HID + Serial mode ? This would simplify some things...
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Fresh install of Arduino 1.6.8 and Teensyduino 1.28 beta #1. El Capitan. Teensy 3.1

Install was normal and I can upload as MIDI with no errors but the Teensy is not being recognized as a MIDI device by any of my software after programming. I’m testing with the MIDI Buttons example.

If I upload from another Mac running Arduino 1.6.7 and Teendsyduino 1.27 everything is fine.

Can you give me a little more info?

Imagine I have two Macs with 10.7.5 and 10.11.2, but I never do MIDI stuff on either. Which software do I run?

Imagine I'm not familiar with that specific software. What's the simplest steps I can use to see if the device is detected? What exactly do I click?
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