Teensyduino 1.29 Beta #1 Available

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Indeed - My Pi 3 came with the 32 bit Jesse on Flash. For compatibility I understand they are staying with 32 bit. Still only 1 GB RAM so going 64bit would be a mixed bag with no need to break existing work.
Arduino publishing 64 bit ARM software on their website would be necessary before I publish Teensyduino to install to it.
Thanks for all of your hard work Paul. Truly appreciated.

What would it take to port to ARM 64bit? aka Raspberry Pi 3b / Ubuntu-Mate 64bit.
The 32bit arm "http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_129-be...stall.linuxarm" doesn't even throw an error, but just returns to prompt.

Of course I had to be difficult and not accept the default Raspian distro for my Rover. Would be nice to configure the 4 Teensy's onboard directly.
As I mentioned elsewhere, the Odroid C2 installs a 64 bit Ubuntu 16.04. The Released 1.6.9 ARM version failed to run for me and I tried several different things...

Recently I tried installing the daily build and it worked for me. However did not try then installing Teensyduino on it as it is not a released version...
I talked more about it on Odroid forum (http://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=136&t=21249) as well as Arduino forum (http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=400808)
Yes, I have successfully tested 1.29 on Raspian on this board (I love the fact that changing an OS is as simple as swapping a micro SD card -- or multibooting from noobs)
I'm grabbing the standard 32bit aarch32 (ARMv7) version of Ubuntu Mate now, and will work from that.

Thanks for the quick reply Paul.
Hmmm... I'm going to spin a few more cycles trying to see if I can throw an error message. Was talking with an engineer over at ARM, and he insists that one of the architecture features of 64bit arm is the ability to run 32bit code natively within a 64bit OS. Sorry for the back and forth.
I need (really want) the 64bit processing for the map manipulations I'm doing on my rover. I've got almost real-time LIDAR mapping surroundings and attempting path planning from A-B. There's a significant benefit to doing this in 64bit.
Hmmm... I'm going to spin a few more cycles trying to see if I can throw an error message. Was talking with an engineer over at ARM, and he insists that one of the architecture features of 64bit arm is the ability to run 32bit code natively within a 64bit OS. Sorry for the back and forth.

But the OS has to release the appropriate libraries, and have the ability to switch from 64-bit OS to 32-bit user level code. It is all doable in hardware, but there are various pieces that need to be in place.

Note, on other platforms (x86, PowerPC), the Linux distros have been dropping providing the 32-bit libraries. There are several benchmarks that run faster in 32-bit mode (mainly due to the cache being more effective since pointers are 32-bit instead of 64-bit, and stack frames are smaller), but in general for x86/PowerPC, 64-bit is perceived as the path forward, due to the larger address space that is available.

IIRC, the 64-bit ARM compiler is completely different from the 32-bit ARM compiler (unlike x86/PowerPC where you have an integrated compiler for both bit modes).
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Yes, I have successfully tested 1.29 on Raspian on this board (I love the fact that changing an OS is as simple as swapping a micro SD card -- or multibooting from noobs)
I'm grabbing the standard 32bit aarch32 (ARMv7) version of Ubuntu Mate now, and will work from that.

Thanks for the quick reply Paul.

Screenshot at 2016-07-08 10:13:15.jpg
1.29 working fine on 32bit Ubuntu Mate 16.04. I'm quite fine with this. thank you again everyone. appreciated as always.

Thank you Michael. I'm early enough on in my project to realize that this won't likely be my only stumbling block, so have dropped to the "known stable" 32bit track.
i'm here to build a robot, not trailblaze 64bit arm. lol
Thank you Michael. I'm early enough on in my project to realize that this won't likely be my only stumbling block, so have dropped to the "known stable" 32bit track.
i'm here to build a robot, not trailblaze 64bit arm. lol

Well, 64-bit ARM GCC should be stable at this point. The Linux distros are another matter.

I bought (but have not installed) a pine64, and I believe that is only 64-bit, and you can't run raspberry pi binaries. However, they are extremely early in their support and they have a world of hurt beyond trying to run Raspberry Pi binaries -- but it strikes me given the size of the Pi user base, that eventually they would want to run Raspberry pi binaries unchanged.

I would not expect a 64-bit installer (or support for any ARM system that is not a Raspberry Pi) from Phil any time soon, because of the work involved, and the few number of customers that would want it.
Yep. Agreed. I too have a pine64. Brought it up one night... and back to the Pi (I've got six of them for various projects. Two in the rover alone, a 3b for overall command and control, as well as a Zero for Open CV)
Again. Thank you for your insight.
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