Teensyduino 1.30 Beta #3 Available

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Downloaded 1.6.11 and then T1.30 beta and it runs on Windows 10 and T3.5 and T3.6 are there.

I built Blink for T3.6 and verified it works, lost USB serial number at 180mhz, will try with my patch...

Downloaded 1.6.11 ARM version on on Odroid C2, but see Teensy is not up yet... Will test on there when available.

Next up: Update MAC.
Follow up, I see the ARM version is up there now (comment should probably change).

I decided to try it and was able to compile and download blink to a T3.2. Yesterday I had someone post a follow on to my Arduino thread saying they were having problems on ARM64 with terminal monitor, so thought I would try. I added simple counter to blink that incremented each time the loop was called and did a Serial.println of the counter...

I downloaded the program, opened the terminal monitor and nothing output. I left it open did a download, still nothing... Then I noticed lots of output in the command window that I launched the Arduino IDE from, like:
Sketch uses 17,512 bytes (6%) of program storage space. Maximum is 262,144 bytes.
Global variables use 4,652 bytes (7%) of dynamic memory, leaving 60,884 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 65,536 bytes.
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class jssc.SerialNativeInterface
	at jssc.SerialPort.<init>(SerialPort.java:120)
	at processing.app.Serial.<init>(Serial.java:115)
	at processing.app.Serial.<init>(Serial.java:66)
	at processing.app.TeensyMonitor$4.<init>(TeensyMonitor.java:131)
	at processing.app.TeensyMonitor.open(TeensyMonitor.java:131)
	at processing.app.Editor.handleSerial(Editor.java:2651)
	at processing.app.EditorToolbar.mousePressed(EditorToolbar.java:384)
	at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Component.java:6532)
	at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(JComponent.java:3324)
	at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Component.java:6300)
	at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Container.java:2236)
	at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Component.java:4891)
	at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2294)
	at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:4713)
	at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Container.java:4888)
	at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Container.java:4522)
	at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Container.java:4466)
	at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2280)
	at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Window.java:2750)
	at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:4713)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:758)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(EventQueue.java:97)
	at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:709)
	at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:703)
	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
	at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(ProtectionDomain.java:76)
	at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(ProtectionDomain.java:86)
	at java.awt.EventQueue$4.run(EventQueue.java:731)
	at java.awt.EventQueue$4.run(EventQueue.java:729)
	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
	at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(ProtectionDomain.java:76)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:728)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThread.java:201)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.java:116)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:105)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:101)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:93)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:82)
Not sure if this is Teensy specific, but did notice the word Teensy in the traceback... Also posted on developer mail list.
IT WORKS to program a T_3.6! :: I just got to my Win 10 DESKTOP and installed IDE 1.6.11, TeensyDuino 1.30b3, and TyQt-0.7.5-187.

Note - I DID INTEGRATE TYQT to replace TeensyDuino LOADER - I got the anomaly text below - I did not check before I did TYQT - is this because of that?

Uploading to board 'Unknown' (Teensy 3.6)
Triggering board reboot
Firmware: Only_qBlink.ino.hex
Flash usage: 25 kiB (2.4%)
Sending reset command

UPDATE EDIT:: That text is from TYQT, not IDE or TeensyDuino. It is saying it doesn't know the serial # as the clock speed was too high:
Uploading to board '2056390-Teensy' (Teensy 3.6)
Triggering board reboot
Firmware: Only_qBlink.ino.hex
Flash usage: 25 kiB (2.4%)
Sending reset command

<edit 2> :: the CORE change here works at speeds over 120 MHz.
Last edited:
Noticed a problem in the boards.txt for Teensy 3.6 and clock frequencies below 24MHz - the speed.xxx and speed.xxx.build.yyy variable names do not match (opt suffix is missing for 2, 4, 8 and 16MHz clock variables). That will cause sketches to not compile due to the missing F_CPU definition.

Is that intentional for some reason?
Just tested 1.30b3 on a Teensy 3.2 and the Full Example from the TinyGPS++ lib using a NEO-M8N. Compiled and ran without a hitch even with the GPS baud at 115200. Also, compiled it for the 3.5 and 3.6 with no issues. Will test once I get the new boards.
Can you please update FastCRC ?


I'm going to look into an issue with FastLED and possibly upgrade or revert to a prior version.

Then I'm going to release 1.30. We really need a new stable release which supports Arduino 1.6.11.

I know many requests are pending for Teensy 3.5 and 3.6. I want to get a stable release out first. Then I'm going to merge those and work other integrating SDHC into the Arduino SD library. My goal is a 1.31 release sometime in late October or early November which really supports the new boards well. But at the rate things are going, if I don't wrap up 1.30 it'll keep getting delayed as more stuff needs to be changed for the new boards.
I think I had reported this earlier, but in case I hadn't or it got missed, if you try to compile the Teensy3.1_eyes program from https://github.com/adafruit/Teensy3.1_Eyes, changing it to use Adafruit_ST7735.h instead of Adafruit_SSD1351.h to use the 128x128 TFT displays, you get the following error:

uncannyEyes: In function 'void setup()':
uncannyEyes:105: error: 'INITR_144GREENTAB' was not declared in this scope
uncannyEyes: In function 'void frame(uint16_t)':
uncannyEyes:327: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions 
     if((t - eye[eyeIndex].blink.startTime) >= eye[eyeIndex].blink.duration) {
uncannyEyes:404: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions 
     if(s >= eye[eyeIndex].blink.duration) s = 255;   // At or past blink end
'INITR_144GREENTAB' was not declared in this scope

It looks like the change to add INITR_144GREENTAB was: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafrui...6f4b78d#diff-71e4977b17467193381023196a9a157e

Here is my version of the uncannyEyes file:

// Uncanny eyes for PJRC Teensy 3.1 with Adafruit 1.5" OLED (product #1431)
// or 1.44" TFT LCD (#2088).  This uses Teensy-3.1-specific features and
// WILL NOT work on normal Arduino or other boards!  Use 72 MHz (Optimized)
// board speed -- OLED does not work at 96 MHz.
// Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
// please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products
// from Adafruit!
// Written by Phil Burgess / Paint Your Dragon for Adafruit Industries.
// MIT license.  SPI FIFO insight from Paul Stoffregen's ILI9341_t3 library.
// Inspired by David Boccabella's (Marcwolf) hybrid servo/OLED eye concept.

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>      // Core graphics lib for Adafruit displays
// Enable ONE of these #includes -- HUGE graphics tables for various eyes:
#include "defaultEye.h"        // Standard human-ish hazel eye
//#include "noScleraEye.h"       // Large iris, no sclera
//#include "dragonEye.h"         // Slit pupil fiery dragon/demon eye
//#include "goatEye.h"           // Horizontal pupil goat/Krampus eye
// Then tweak settings below, e.g. change IRIS_MIN/MAX or disable TRACKING.

// DISPLAY HARDWARE CONFIG -------------------------------------------------

//#include <Adafruit_SSD1351.h>  // OLED display library -OR-
#include <Adafruit_ST7735.h> // TFT display library (enable one only)

#ifdef _ADAFRUIT_ST7735H_
typedef Adafruit_ST7735  displayType; // Using TFT display(s)
typedef Adafruit_SSD1351 displayType; // Using OLED display(s)

#define DISPLAY_DC      7 // Data/command pin for BOTH displays
#define DISPLAY_RESET   8 // Reset pin for BOTH displays
#define SELECT_L_PIN    9 // LEFT eye chip select pin
#define SELECT_R_PIN   10 // RIGHT eye chip select pin

// INPUT CONFIG (for eye motion -- enable or comment out as needed) --------

//#define JOYSTICK_X_PIN A0 // Analog pin for eye horiz pos (else auto)
//#define JOYSTICK_Y_PIN A1 // Analog pin for eye vert position (")
//#define JOYSTICK_X_FLIP   // If set, reverse stick X axis
//#define JOYSTICK_Y_FLIP   // If set, reverse stick Y axis
#define TRACKING          // If enabled, eyelid tracks pupil
#define IRIS_PIN       A2 // Photocell or potentiometer (else auto iris)
//#define IRIS_PIN_FLIP     // If set, reverse reading from dial/photocell
#define IRIS_SMOOTH       // If enabled, filter input from IRIS_PIN
#define IRIS_MIN      120 // Clip lower analogRead() range from IRIS_PIN
#define IRIS_MAX      720 // Clip upper "
#define WINK_L_PIN      0 // Pin for LEFT eye wink button
#define BLINK_PIN       1 // Pin for blink button (BOTH eyes)
#define WINK_R_PIN      2 // Pin for RIGHT eye wink button
#define AUTOBLINK         // If enabled, eyes blink autonomously

// Probably don't need to edit any config below this line, -----------------
// unless building a single-eye project (pendant, etc.), in which case one
// of the two elements in the eye[] array further down can be commented out.

// Eye blinks are a tiny 3-state machine.  Per-eye allows winks + blinks.
#define NOBLINK 0     // Not currently engaged in a blink
#define ENBLINK 1     // Eyelid is currently closing
#define DEBLINK 2     // Eyelid is currently opening
typedef struct {
  int8_t   pin;       // Optional button here for indiv. wink
  uint8_t  state;     // NOBLINK/ENBLINK/DEBLINK
  int32_t  duration;  // Duration of blink state (micros)
  uint32_t startTime; // Time (micros) of last state change
} eyeBlink;

struct {
  displayType display; // OLED/TFT object
  uint8_t     cs;      // Chip select pin
  eyeBlink    blink;   // Current blink state
} eye[] = { // OK to comment out one of these for single-eye display:
#define NUM_EYES (sizeof(eye) / sizeof(eye[0]))

// INITIALIZATION -- runs once at startup ----------------------------------

void setup(void) {
  uint8_t e;

  randomSeed(analogRead(A3)); // Seed random() from floating analog input

  // Both displays share a common reset line; 0 is passed to display
  // constructor (so no reset in begin()) -- must reset manually here:
  digitalWrite(DISPLAY_RESET, LOW);  delay(1);
  digitalWrite(DISPLAY_RESET, HIGH); delay(50);

  for(e=0; e<NUM_EYES; e++) { // Deselect all
    pinMode(eye[e].cs, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(eye[e].cs, HIGH);
  for(e=0; e<NUM_EYES; e++) {
    digitalWrite(eye[e].cs, LOW); // Select one eye for init
#ifdef _ADAFRUIT_ST7735H_ // TFT
#else // OLED
    if(eye[e].blink.pin >= 0) pinMode(eye[e].blink.pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
    digitalWrite(eye[e].cs, HIGH); // Deselect
#ifdef BLINK_PIN

  // One of the displays is configured to mirror on the X axis.  Simplifies
  // eyelid handling in the drawEye() function -- no need for distinct
  // L-to-R or R-to-L inner loops.  Just the X coordinate of the iris is
  // then reversed when drawing this eye, so they move the same.  Magic!
#ifdef _ADAFRUIT_ST7735H_ // TFT
  digitalWrite(eye[0].cs , LOW);
  digitalWrite(DISPLAY_DC, LOW);
  digitalWrite(DISPLAY_DC, HIGH);
  SPI.transfer(0x88); // MADCTL_MY | MADCTL_BGR
  digitalWrite(eye[0].cs , HIGH);
#else // OLED

// EYE-RENDERING FUNCTION --------------------------------------------------

SPISettings settings(24000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE3); // Teensy 3.1 max SPI

void drawEye( // Renders one eye.  Inputs must be pre-clipped & valid.
  uint8_t  e,       // Eye array index; 0 or 1 for left/right
  uint32_t iScale,  // Scale factor for iris
  uint8_t  scleraX, // First pixel X offset into sclera image
  uint8_t  scleraY, // First pixel Y offset into sclera image
  uint8_t  uT,      // Upper eyelid threshold value
  uint8_t  lT) {    // Lower eyelid threshold value

  uint8_t  screenX, screenY, scleraXsave;
  int16_t  irisX, irisY;
  uint16_t p, a;
  uint32_t d;

  // Set up raw pixel dump to entire screen.  Although such writes can wrap
  // around automatically from end of rect back to beginning, the region is
  // reset on each frame here in case of an SPI glitch.
#ifdef _ADAFRUIT_ST7735H_ // TFT
  eye[e].display.setAddrWindow(0, 0, 127, 127);
#else // OLED
  eye[e].display.writeCommand(SSD1351_CMD_SETROW);    // Y range
  eye[e].display.writeData(0); eye[e].display.writeData(SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1);
  eye[e].display.writeCommand(SSD1351_CMD_SETCOLUMN); // X range
  eye[e].display.writeData(0); eye[e].display.writeData(SCREEN_WIDTH  - 1);
  eye[e].display.writeCommand(SSD1351_CMD_WRITERAM);  // Begin write
  digitalWrite(eye[e].cs, LOW);                       // Chip select
  digitalWrite(DISPLAY_DC, HIGH);                     // Data mode
  // Now just issue raw 16-bit values for every pixel...

  scleraXsave = scleraX; // Save initial X value to reset on each line
  irisY       = scleraY - (SCLERA_HEIGHT - IRIS_HEIGHT) / 2;
  for(screenY=0; screenY<SCREEN_HEIGHT; screenY++, scleraY++, irisY++) {
    scleraX = scleraXsave;
    irisX   = scleraXsave - (SCLERA_WIDTH - IRIS_WIDTH) / 2;
    for(screenX=0; screenX<SCREEN_WIDTH; screenX++, scleraX++, irisX++) {
      if((lower[screenY][screenX] <= lT) ||
         (upper[screenY][screenX] <= uT)) {             // Covered by eyelid
        p = 0;
      } else if((irisY < 0) || (irisY >= IRIS_HEIGHT) ||
                (irisX < 0) || (irisX >= IRIS_WIDTH)) { // In sclera
        p = sclera[scleraY][scleraX];
      } else {                                          // Maybe iris...
        p = polar[irisY][irisX];                        // Polar angle/dist
        d = (iScale * (p & 0x7F)) / 128;                // Distance (Y)
        if(d < IRIS_MAP_HEIGHT) {                       // Within iris area
          a = (IRIS_MAP_WIDTH * (p >> 7)) / 512;        // Angle (X)
          p = iris[d][a];                               // Pixel = iris
        } else {                                        // Not in iris
          p = sclera[scleraY][scleraX];                 // Pixel = sclera
      // SPI FIFO technique from Paul Stoffregen's ILI9341_t3 library:
      while(KINETISK_SPI0.SR & 0xC000); // Wait for space in FIFO

  KINETISK_SPI0.SR |= SPI_SR_TCF;         // Clear transfer flag
  while((KINETISK_SPI0.SR & 0xF000) ||    // Wait for SPI FIFO to drain
       !(KINETISK_SPI0.SR & SPI_SR_TCF)); // Wait for last bit out
  digitalWrite(eye[e].cs, HIGH);          // Deselect

// EYE ANIMATION -----------------------------------------------------------

const uint8_t ease[] = { // Ease in/out curve for eye movements 3*t^2-2*t^3
    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  2,  2,  2,  3,   // T
    3,  3,  4,  4,  4,  5,  5,  6,  6,  7,  7,  8,  9,  9, 10, 10,   // h
   11, 12, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15, 16, 17, 18, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,   // x
   24, 25, 26, 27, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,   // 2
   40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58,   // A
   60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 80,   // l
   81, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98,100,101,103,   // e
  104,106,107,109,110,112,113,115,116,118,119,121,122,124,125,127,   // c
  128,130,131,133,134,136,137,139,140,142,143,145,146,148,149,151,   // J
  152,154,155,157,158,159,161,162,164,165,167,168,170,171,172,174,   // a
  175,177,178,179,181,182,183,185,186,188,189,190,192,193,194,195,   // c
  197,198,199,201,202,203,204,205,207,208,209,210,211,213,214,215,   // o
  216,217,218,219,220,221,222,224,225,226,227,228,228,229,230,231,   // b
  232,233,234,235,236,237,237,238,239,240,240,241,242,243,243,244,   // s
  245,245,246,246,247,248,248,249,249,250,250,251,251,251,252,252,   // o
  252,253,253,253,254,254,254,254,254,255,255,255,255,255,255,255 }; // n

uint32_t timeOfLastBlink = 0L, timeToNextBlink = 0L;

void frame( // Process motion for a single frame of left or right eye
  uint16_t        iScale) {     // Iris scale (0-1023) passed in
  static uint32_t frames   = 0; // Used in frame rate calculation
  static uint8_t  eyeIndex = 0; // eye[] array counter
  int16_t         eyeX, eyeY;
  uint32_t        t = micros(); // Time at start of function

  Serial.println((++frames * 1000) / millis()); // Show frame rate

  if(++eyeIndex >= NUM_EYES) eyeIndex = 0; // Cycle through eyes, 1 per call

  // X/Y movement

#if defined(JOYSTICK_X_PIN) && (JOYSTICK_X_PIN >= 0) && \
    defined(JOYSTICK_Y_PIN) && (JOYSTICK_Y_PIN >= 0)

  // Read X/Y from joystick, constrain to circle
  int16_t dx, dy;
  int32_t d;
  eyeX = analogRead(JOYSTICK_X_PIN); // Raw (unclipped) X/Y reading
  eyeY = analogRead(JOYSTICK_Y_PIN);
  eyeX = 1023 - eyeX;
  eyeY = 1023 - eyeY;
  dx = (eyeX * 2) - 1023; // A/D exact center is at 511.5.  Scale coords
  dy = (eyeY * 2) - 1023; // X2 so range is -1023 to +1023 w/center at 0.
  if((d = (dx * dx + dy * dy)) > (1023 * 1023)) { // Outside circle
    d    = (int32_t)sqrt((float)d);               // Distance from center
    eyeX = ((dx * 1023 / d) + 1023) / 2;          // Clip to circle edge,
    eyeY = ((dy * 1023 / d) + 1023) / 2;          // scale back to 0-1023

#else // Autonomous X/Y eye motion
      // Periodically initiates motion to a new random point, random speed,
      // holds there for random period until next motion.

  static boolean  eyeInMotion      = false;
  static int16_t  eyeOldX=512, eyeOldY=512, eyeNewX=512, eyeNewY=512;
  static uint32_t eyeMoveStartTime = 0L;
  static int32_t  eyeMoveDuration  = 0L;

  int32_t dt = t - eyeMoveStartTime;      // uS elapsed since last eye event
  if(eyeInMotion) {                       // Currently moving?
    if(dt >= eyeMoveDuration) {           // Time up?  Destination reached.
      eyeInMotion      = false;           // Stop moving
      eyeMoveDuration  = random(3000000); // 0-3 sec stop
      eyeMoveStartTime = t;               // Save initial time of stop
      eyeX = eyeOldX = eyeNewX;           // Save position
      eyeY = eyeOldY = eyeNewY;
    } else { // Move time's not yet fully elapsed -- interpolate position
      int16_t e = ease[255 * dt / eyeMoveDuration] + 1;   // Ease curve
      eyeX = eyeOldX + (((eyeNewX - eyeOldX) * e) / 256); // Interp X
      eyeY = eyeOldY + (((eyeNewY - eyeOldY) * e) / 256); // and Y
  } else {                                // Eye stopped
    eyeX = eyeOldX;
    eyeY = eyeOldY;
    if(dt > eyeMoveDuration) {            // Time up?  Begin new move.
      int16_t  dx, dy;
      uint32_t d;
      do {                                // Pick new dest in circle
        eyeNewX = random(1024);
        eyeNewY = random(1024);
        dx      = (eyeNewX * 2) - 1023;
        dy      = (eyeNewY * 2) - 1023;
      } while((d = (dx * dx + dy * dy)) > (1023 * 1023)); // Keep trying
      eyeMoveDuration  = random(72000, 144000); // ~1/14 - ~1/7 sec
      eyeMoveStartTime = t;               // Save initial time of move
      eyeInMotion      = true;            // Start move on next frame

#endif // JOYSTICK_X_PIN etc.

  // Blinking

  // Similar to the autonomous eye movement above -- blink start times
  // and durations are random (within ranges).
  if((t - timeOfLastBlink) >= timeToNextBlink) { // Start new blink?
    timeOfLastBlink = t;
    uint32_t blinkDuration = random(36000, 72000); // ~1/28 - ~1/14 sec
    // Set up durations for both eyes (if not already winking)
    for(uint8_t e=0; e<NUM_EYES; e++) {
      if(eye[e].blink.state == NOBLINK) {
        eye[e].blink.state     = ENBLINK;
        eye[e].blink.startTime = t;
        eye[e].blink.duration  = blinkDuration;
    timeToNextBlink = blinkDuration * 3 + random(4000000);

  if(eye[eyeIndex].blink.state) { // Eye currently blinking?
    // Check if current blink state time has elapsed
    if((t - eye[eyeIndex].blink.startTime) >= eye[eyeIndex].blink.duration) {
      // Yes -- increment blink state, unless...
      if((eye[eyeIndex].blink.state == ENBLINK) &&  // Enblinking and...
        ((digitalRead(BLINK_PIN) == LOW) ||         // blink or wink held...
          digitalRead(eye[eyeIndex].blink.pin) == LOW)) {
        // Don't advance state yet -- eye is held closed instead
      } else { // No buttons, or other state...
        if(++eye[eyeIndex].blink.state > DEBLINK) { // Deblinking finished?
          eye[eyeIndex].blink.state = NOBLINK;      // No longer blinking
        } else { // Advancing from ENBLINK to DEBLINK mode
          eye[eyeIndex].blink.duration *= 2; // DEBLINK is 1/2 ENBLINK speed
          eye[eyeIndex].blink.startTime = t;
  } else { // Not currently blinking...check buttons!
    if(digitalRead(BLINK_PIN) == LOW) {
      // Manually-initiated blinks have random durations like auto-blink
      uint32_t blinkDuration = random(36000, 72000);
      for(uint8_t e=0; e<NUM_EYES; e++) {
        if(eye[e].blink.state == NOBLINK) {
          eye[e].blink.state     = ENBLINK;
          eye[e].blink.startTime = t;
          eye[e].blink.duration  = blinkDuration;
    } else if(digitalRead(eye[eyeIndex].blink.pin) == LOW) { // Wink!
      eye[eyeIndex].blink.state     = ENBLINK;
      eye[eyeIndex].blink.startTime = t;
      eye[eyeIndex].blink.duration  = random(45000, 90000);

  // Process motion, blinking and iris scale into renderable values

  // Iris scaling: remap from 0-1023 input to iris map height pixel units
  iScale = ((IRIS_MAP_HEIGHT + 1) * 1024) /
           (1024 - (iScale * (IRIS_MAP_HEIGHT - 1) / IRIS_MAP_HEIGHT));

  // Scale eye X/Y positions (0-1023) to pixel units used by drawEye()
  eyeX = map(eyeX, 0, 1023, 0, SCLERA_WIDTH  - 128);
  eyeY = map(eyeY, 0, 1023, 0, SCLERA_HEIGHT - 128);
  if(eyeIndex == 1) eyeX = (SCLERA_WIDTH - 128) - eyeX; // Mirrored display

  // Horizontal position is offset so that eyes are very slightly crossed
  // to appear fixated (converged) at a conversational distance.  Number
  // here was extracted from my posterior and not mathematically based.
  // I suppose one could get all clever with a range sensor, but for now...
  eyeX += 4;
  if(eyeX > (SCLERA_WIDTH - 128)) eyeX = (SCLERA_WIDTH - 128);

  // Eyelids are rendered using a brightness threshold image.  This same
  // map can be used to simplify another problem: making the upper eyelid
  // track the pupil (eyes tend to open only as much as needed -- e.g. look
  // down and the upper eyelid drops).  Just sample a point in the upper
  // lid map slightly above the pupil to determine the rendering threshold.
  static uint8_t uThreshold = 128;
  uint8_t        lThreshold, n;
  int16_t sampleX = SCLERA_WIDTH  / 2 - (eyeX / 2), // Reduce X influence
          sampleY = SCLERA_HEIGHT / 2 - (eyeY + IRIS_HEIGHT / 4);
  // Eyelid is slightly asymmetrical, so two readings are taken, averaged
  if(sampleY < 0) n = 0;
  else            n = (upper[sampleY][sampleX] +
                       upper[sampleY][SCREEN_WIDTH - 1 - sampleX]) / 2;
  uThreshold = (uThreshold * 3 + n) / 4; // Filter/soften motion
  // Lower eyelid doesn't track the same way, but seems to be pulled upward
  // by tension from the upper lid.
  lThreshold = 254 - uThreshold;
#else // No tracking -- eyelids full open unless blink modifies them
  uThreshold = lThreshold = 0;

  // The upper/lower thresholds are then scaled relative to the current
  // blink position so that blinks work together with pupil tracking.
  if(eye[eyeIndex].blink.state) { // Eye currently blinking?
    uint32_t s = (t - eye[eyeIndex].blink.startTime);
    if(s >= eye[eyeIndex].blink.duration) s = 255;   // At or past blink end
    else s = 255 * s / eye[eyeIndex].blink.duration; // Mid-blink
    s          = (eye[eyeIndex].blink.state == DEBLINK) ? 1 + s : 256 - s;
    n          = (uThreshold * s + 254 * (257 - s)) / 256;
    lThreshold = (lThreshold * s + 254 * (257 - s)) / 256;
  } else {
    n          = uThreshold;

  // Pass all the derived values to the eye-rendering function:
  drawEye(eyeIndex, iScale, eyeX, eyeY, n, lThreshold);

// AUTONOMOUS IRIS SCALING (if no photocell or dial) -----------------------

#if !defined(IRIS_PIN) || (IRIS_PIN < 0)

// Autonomous iris motion uses a fractal behavior to similate both the major
// reaction of the eye plus the continuous smaller adjustments that occur.

uint16_t oldIris = (IRIS_MIN + IRIS_MAX) / 2, newIris;

void split( // Subdivides motion path into two sub-paths w/randimization
  int16_t  startValue, // Iris scale value (IRIS_MIN to IRIS_MAX) at start
  int16_t  endValue,   // Iris scale value at end
  uint32_t startTime,  // micros() at start
  int32_t  duration,   // Start-to-end time, in microseconds
  int16_t  range) {    // Allowable scale value variance when subdividing

  if(range >= 8) {     // Limit subdvision count, because recursion
    range    /= 2;     // Split range & time in half for subdivision,
    duration /= 2;     // then pick random center point within range:
    int16_t  midValue = (startValue + endValue - range) / 2 + random(range);
    uint32_t midTime  = startTime + duration;
    split(startValue, midValue, startTime, duration, range); // First half
    split(midValue  , endValue, midTime  , duration, range); // Second half
  } else {             // No more subdivisons, do iris motion...
    int32_t dt;        // Time (micros) since start of motion
    int16_t v;         // Interim value
    while((dt = (micros() - startTime)) < duration) {
      v = startValue + (((endValue - startValue) * dt) / duration);
      if(v < IRIS_MIN)      v = IRIS_MIN; // Clip just in case
      else if(v > IRIS_MAX) v = IRIS_MAX;
      frame(v);        // Draw frame w/interim iris scale value

#endif // !IRIS_PIN

// MAIN LOOP -- runs continuously after setup() ----------------------------

void loop() {

#if defined(IRIS_PIN) && (IRIS_PIN >= 0) // Interactive iris

  uint16_t v = analogRead(IRIS_PIN);       // Raw dial/photocell reading
  v = 1023 - v;
  v = map(v, 0, 1023, IRIS_MIN, IRIS_MAX); // Scale to iris range
#ifdef IRIS_SMOOTH // Filter input (gradual motion)
  static uint16_t irisValue = (IRIS_MIN + IRIS_MAX) / 2;
  irisValue = ((irisValue * 15) + v) / 16;
#else // Unfiltered (immediate motion)
#endif // IRIS_SMOOTH

#else  // Autonomous iris scaling -- invoke recursive function
      else if(v > IRIS_MAX) v = IRIS_MAX;
      frame(v);        // Draw frame w/interim iris scale value

#endif // !IRIS_PIN

// MAIN LOOP -- runs continuously after setup() ----------------------------

void loop() {

#if defined(IRIS_PIN) && (IRIS_PIN >= 0) // Interactive iris

  uint16_t v = analogRead(IRIS_PIN);       // Raw dial/photocell reading
  v = 1023 - v;
  v = map(v, 0, 1023, IRIS_MIN, IRIS_MAX); // Scale to iris range
#ifdef IRIS_SMOOTH // Filter input (gradual motion)
  static uint16_t irisValue = (IRIS_MIN + IRIS_MAX) / 2;
  irisValue = ((irisValue * 15) + v) / 16;
#else // Unfiltered (immediate motion)
#endif // IRIS_SMOOTH

#else  // Autonomous iris scaling -- invoke recursive function

  newIris = random(IRIS_MIN, IRIS_MAX);
  split(oldIris, newIris, micros(), 10000000L, IRIS_MAX - IRIS_MIN);
  oldIris = newIris;

#endif // IRIS_PIN

My changes were:

$ cvs diff -r1.1 uncannyEyes.ino
diff -p -c -r1.1 -r1.2
*** uncannyEyes.ino     2 Aug 2016 04:46:47 -0000       1.1
--- uncannyEyes.ino     2 Aug 2016 13:13:37 -0000       1.2
*** 24,31 ****
  // DISPLAY HARDWARE CONFIG -------------------------------------------------
! #include <Adafruit_SSD1351.h>  // OLED display library -OR-
! //#include <Adafruit_ST7735.h> // TFT display library (enable one only)
  #ifdef _ADAFRUIT_ST7735H_
  typedef Adafruit_ST7735  displayType; // Using TFT display(s)
--- 24,31 ----
  // DISPLAY HARDWARE CONFIG -------------------------------------------------
! //#include <Adafruit_SSD1351.h>  // OLED display library -OR-
! #include <Adafruit_ST7735.h> // TFT display library (enable one only)
  #ifdef _ADAFRUIT_ST7735H_
  typedef Adafruit_ST7735  displayType; // Using TFT display(s)
*************** void split( // Subdivides motion path in
*** 457,463 ****
  void loop() {
! #ifdef IRIS_PIN && (IRIS_PIN >= 0) // Interactive iris
    uint16_t v = analogRead(IRIS_PIN);       // Raw dial/photocell reading
  #ifdef IRIS_PIN_FLIP
--- 457,463 ----
  void loop() {
! #if defined(IRIS_PIN) && (IRIS_PIN >= 0) // Interactive iris
    uint16_t v = analogRead(IRIS_PIN);       // Raw dial/photocell reading
  #ifdef IRIS_PIN_FLIP
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