Installed the TD_1.32b2 on my Win 10 IDE 1.6.13 system - no install problems!
I see the PORTS labelled as TEENSY ( if only it knew the model #
So I was programming using 2 Teensy's and that is still not great with Teensy.exe - that is below. But to test your current work As noted above:
A single T_3.6 does UPLOAD and SERMON restart from IDE just fine.
If I select T_3.5 I get the Error popup and it displays and dismisses properly.
Going back to T_3.6 all goes well with no hiccups.
------- until I modified my current work this is what I found:
Not Using TYQT - of course I have a T_3.0 and a T_3.6 online and it picks the T_3.0 as FIRST to get a T_3.6 sketch.
Paul QUESTION:: [ so it is in that state - after acknowledging 'wrong chip dialog' ]
>I expected touching the T_3.6 program button to have Teensy.exe push over the code and it didn't? The Teensy_VERBOSE window shows nothing for the T_3.6, is it still tied to the T_3.0 left in Program mode? T_3.0 button push registers in Verbose. After Button on T_3.0 a button on T_3.6 registers only the first time and does not attempt to program the T_3.6 I just pushed the button on? And on the next 'Verify' it immediately tried to push to the T_3.0 again.
Yes, I know I must do Verify given the target isn't 'first' - but as I noted months back - Teensy.exe seems fixated on the wrong Teensy - when the right Teensy is asking for code.
I suppose this is because the T_3.0 is left offline in program mode? It leads to a confusing situation to navigate out of.
Still finding IDE SerMon doesn't start anew when the programmed Teensy comes back online with Verify and Button - I need to hit the IDE SerMon GUI button.
More - Why two Teensys: I have the T_3.0 doing pin 3 FreqMeas() of the T_3.6 and I want SerMon on both - so I use TYQT and tell it to ignore T_3.6 Serial - leaving it open to IDE and Teensy, and watch T_3.0 output in TYQT window.
Even with this - the T_3.0 tied up in USB with TYQT should be invisible to Teensy.exe? The first UPLOAD fails and the second reports this with SerMon open on COM3 to T_3.6::
Found serial '\\.\COM17', but unable to open for reboot request
Found serial '\\.\COM3', but unable to open for reboot request
Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to automatically reboot.
Please press the PROGRAM MODE BUTTON on your Teensy to upload your sketch.
The Teensy 3.6 on COM3 is unencumbered - except by the IDE with open SerMon. I close SerMon and then I get just this with UPLOAD:
Found serial '\\.\COM17', but unable to open for reboot request
Though it has reprogrammed new UPLOAD code to the T_3.6 as expected - as long as SerMon doesn't have Com3 open.
And I see a long stream of this in Teensy_Verbose: "00:09:55: remote cmd: "status" 00:09:55: status data sent"
Not sure if this shows anything not already known - Would be nice if the IDE port selection could be used for the USB program when UPLOAD is used - to close SerMon - Program - Restore SerMon.
Note: When OTA programming multiple ESP8266's the program is sent by IDE port device selection to one of many IP addresses.
... this is why I always go back to TYQT as it handles Multi-Teensy and Multi-SerMon in a way that makes Teensy even better as I typically use it.