Teensyduino 1.34 Beta #3

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Staff member
Here is a third beta test for Teensyduino 1.34.

Old beta download links removed. Please use the latest version:

Changes since Teensyduino 1.34-beta2:

  • Add "Faster" (-O2) Tools > Optimize option
  • Fix Teensy Loader "Illegal Instruction" on Windows 10 restart
  • Anti-alias font fix for Arduino 1.8.0 on Windows
  • Fixes for some compiler warnings
  • Libraries updated: Adafruit_RA8875, Adafruit_ST7735, Adafruit_STMPE610, Artnet, Bounce2, FastCRC, FlexCAN, NewPing, OSC, ShiftPWM, UTFT

Changes since Teensyduino 1.34-beta1:

  • Support for Arduino 1.8.0
  • Revert ARM Toolchain back to gcc 4.8

Changes since Teensyduino 1.33:

  • Update ARM Toolchain to gcc 5.4 (was gcc 4.8)
  • Add Tools > Optimize menu
  • Fix driver install/update on Windows 7 & 8
  • Prevent "might not have installed correctly" message on Windows
For everyone using Windows, how do the fonts look? Which Windows & which display text size (100%, 125%, 150%, 200%) do you use?
1.34 B3 and Arduino 1.8.0 on Win 7 Pro 64-bit. I normally use 14 point font but 12 and 18 points in the IDE and serial monitor look good now.


Font look better again, I believe my settings is 14, scale automatic (100 % is to the right of the automatic checkmark)
i'm using 18 point font, it displays well. have not seen it mentioned anywhere, is it ok to simply install teensyduino 1.xx on top of what is currently installed? for instance i went ahead and installed 1.34-beta1 when i installed arduino 1.8.0 fresh the other day and it seems the new beta, 1.34-beta3, has made improvements enough that i would like to install it. can i just run beta 3 installer on top of what i have? can i continue to do this method of installing new teensyduino on current install? thanks. as off-topic, i got around to soldering flip-pins on my 3.6 the past week so now i can try some things.
Yes, generally it's ok to install on top of prior versions.

The one thing the installer doesn't handle well is no-longer-present files in libraries. For example, the new FlexCAN lib renamed one of the examples. If you install over the top of prior versions, you'll get the new FlexCAN, but it'll have one of the examples left over from the prior version because the installer isn't smart enough to know those files were present before and ought to be deleted. It just installs the new files.
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Went to IDE 1.8.0 with TD_1.34b3 - no PJRC issues. Windows Screens/text are readable and normal - IDE shows font 12 and Automatic.

Windows Build is indeed MUCH faster:
Compiling core...
Using previously compiled file: ...

However - an edit/save to pins_teensy.c is not picked up:
Using previously compiled file: C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_279317\core\pins_teensy.c.o

Neither is a change to kinetis.h - it used to be like this some revs back - when core files are changed it requires a manual tools change that forces 'recompile all'.
I also put the fix into the 1.34b3 installer. Just run the installer and then you'll find your copy of 1.8.0 has the Windows font fix applied. :)
Cool -

Paul - re post #8 - is there any easy way to trigger core rebuild in Windows? The IDE change seems to have turned off dependency checks that falsely failed before to always build - now they seem wholly skipped.

Easy meaning:
> For the user 'touching' something ( other than 'Tools / Board' ) - some single file
> or can you add a trigger?

As noted - in some prior 1.6.x build it would not catch core source changes - which doesn't affect most users or most builds - but is painful to
A tiny suggestion, it would be great if the dmg files had the release name, something like Teensyduino134.dmg.
Thanks for all the hard work.
A tiny suggestion, it would be great if the dmg files had the release name, something like Teensyduino134.dmg.
Thanks for all the hard work.
Paul - re post #8 - is there any easy way to trigger core rebuild in Windows? The IDE change seems to have turned off dependency checks that falsely failed before to always build - now they seem wholly skipped.

This is probably a (new?) bug in Arduino.

I just tried here, but can't reproduce the problem on Linux. When I edit any file hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy3, it recompiles that file and then rebuilds core.a.

Maybe the problem is specific to Windows? Which version are you using? Also, can you take a quick look at the last-modified timestamps on all those files?

Before filing a bug report with Arduino, it'd be good to be sure of how this problem can be reproduced.
I've released Teensyduino 1.34. It's basically the same as 1.34-beta3.

I just noticed 1.34 was released. I respectfully suggest that a release deserves a new topic post in Announcements with a title like "Teensyduino 1.34 released". Here are 2 reasons why:

1) Releases are easy to miss because there are multiple versions of betas and comments and questions continue after the singe release notice in each of the related beta version topic(s).
2) Many people just skip beta's and wait for a new release. Those who do would not be likely to read beta comments and threads.

I skip betas mostly because I'm so new at this I wouldn't be able to tell a beta bug from my logic or code error. I would just waste the time of all the developers if I asked questions in beta topics.
It would also be worth mentioning somewhere in the release notes that since 1.34-beta3 the included FlexCAN library API changed significantly and is no longer backward compatible, so installing 1.34 with the library will break existing sketches using FlexCAN library.
Confirmed. None of the beta installers were brought over to the new server. They were just far too much data to transfer.
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