Teensyduino 1.35 Beta #2

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Staff member
Here is a second beta test for Teensyduino 1.35.

Old beta download links removed. Please use the latest version:

Changes since 1.35-beta1:

  • Improve buildin SD card startup on Teensy 3.5 & 3.6 after uploading
  • Fix SD card clock speed on Teensy 3.5 & 3.6
  • Fixes to Serial5 and Serial6 on Teensy 3.5 & 3.6
  • Fix string length check on readString() and readStringUntil()
  • Libraries update: Audio, FlexCAN, OctoWS2811,
  • Fix compiler warnings in USB Disk with Teensy 2.0
  • Installer configured Arduino's Tools > Board setting to Teensy

Changes since 1.34:

  • Support for Arduino 1.8.1 is the only substantial change since version 1.34.
Please let me know if you give this beta a try?

I'm going to be doing more testing here today and tomorrow. My hope is to release 1.35 by Wednesday, and then restart the attempt to migrate from gcc 4.8 to 5.4 with a 1.36-beta1. Perhaps this can happen at the same time as a final 1.35 release... everything identical to 1.35 except the toolchain. With a little luck, we might have a good amount of time to test with a new toolchain, until another Arduino release forces me to make another Teensyduino release.

If you can, please give this beta a try. Especially if you're using a SD card on Teensy 3.5 or 3.6, or using CAN bus, I'd really like some feedback.
I have installed on W10 64 bit and so far so good... I did update my copy of wire and SPI library, but other than that...
On Win 7, Arduino 1.8.1, and T3.6, using the Audio Tute examples, I had no problem accessing the SD card on both the audio board SD and the T3.6 onboard SD. Also was able to use both display and touch on the PJRC ILI9341 touchscreen. Also SPI1 out to shift registers worked with no problem.

edit: T3.6 was running at stock speed of 180 mHz
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Please forgive what may be a naive question, but what would be the major stumbling block in transitioning from a dedicated installer to the package-based approach that most of the other board vendors are using? I realize there would be substantial time and effort involved, but wouldn't that then relieve some of the ongoing pressure to keep up with Arduino's releases?
what would be the major stumbling block in transitioning from a dedicated installer to the package-based approach that most of the other board vendors are using?

Teensyduino has many patches to the Java code of the IDE, particularly in the serial monitor to support Serial.print() for the non-serial device types. Arduino's package system doesn't support this sort of patching.
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