Teensyduino 1.36 has been officially released.
There were only very minor changes since 1.36-beta4.
These are all the changes since Teensyduino 1.35:
There were only very minor changes since 1.36-beta4.
These are all the changes since Teensyduino 1.35:
- Support for Arduino 1.8.2
- Update ARM toolchain to gcc 5.4
- Add more optimization choices (including LTO) to Tools > Optimize
- Ethernet socketBeginMulticast (manitou)
- Fix IntervalTimer on Teensy 3.5
- Wire library supports Wire1, Wire2
- Wire library timeouts for error conditions
- Libraries updated: AccelStepper, ADC, Audio, FastLED, LedDisplay, RadioHead, ShiftPWM, Snooze, SPI, TouchScreen, Wire
- Libraries added: USBHost_t36
- Minor improvements to AVR emulation
- Hardware serial write() compatibility fix
- Fix pin config on Serial6
- Add extreme joystick, disabled by default, edit usb_desc.h
- Fix String test as boolean
- Faster installation, especially on Mac
- Optimize SPI.transfer(buffer, length) (KurtE)
- Fix USB audio on Macs & improve PassThroughUSB example
- Start USB sooner
- Add volume() function to AudioInputUSB
- Fix rare memcpy issue (Frank B)
- Fix 9 bit mode on Serial1 & Serial2 on Teensy LC (gecko)
- Fix to dtostrf for small numbers (LAtimes2)
- Serial.begin() waits up to 1 second for serial monitor open
- analogWriteFrequency minimum on Teensy LC
- Fixes in ADC library (KurtE)
- Fixes in RadioHead library (KurtE)