Here is a foruth beta test for Teensyduino 1.41.
Since Arduino's 1.9 betas are a moving target, I've included copies of
beta build #34 which this Teensyduino version expects.
Old beta download links removed. Please use the latest version:
Changes since Teensyduino 1.41-beta3
Adruino 1.9.0-beta support updated from beta31 to beta34
USB MIDI & USBHost_t36 MIDI pitch bend using signed integer -- NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE
USB MIDI & USBHost_t36 Fix receiving some MIDI sysex messages
USB MIDI add Interface_3x3 example
USBHost_t36 fix MIDI getType for note off messages
USBHost_t36 add MIDI Interface_16x16 example
Adafruit_SSD1306 uses 400 kHz in I2C mode
USBHost_t36 Joystick improvements, More Axis, Rumble, LEDs (KurtE)
Since Arduino's 1.9 betas are a moving target, I've included copies of
beta build #34 which this Teensyduino version expects.
Old beta download links removed. Please use the latest version:
Changes since Teensyduino 1.41-beta3
Adruino 1.9.0-beta support updated from beta31 to beta34
USB MIDI & USBHost_t36 MIDI pitch bend using signed integer -- NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE
USB MIDI & USBHost_t36 Fix receiving some MIDI sysex messages
USB MIDI add Interface_3x3 example
USBHost_t36 fix MIDI getType for note off messages
USBHost_t36 add MIDI Interface_16x16 example
Adafruit_SSD1306 uses 400 kHz in I2C mode
USBHost_t36 Joystick improvements, More Axis, Rumble, LEDs (KurtE)