Teensyduino 1.52 Beta #5

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Win 10 :: installed TD 1.52 B5 - that went well. I deleted ALL of Teensy\AVR first to overwrite that in exisiting IDE 1.8.12.
Win10, Teensy 4.0, Teensy Convolution SDR, works well!

Win10, Teensy 4.1, 2 PSRAM chips, tried several example sketches, including PSRAM memory display ("16MB"), works well so far, however the T4.1 does only program after pressing the program button
@DD4WH: with T_4.1 fresh from the mail and IDE 1.8.12 w/TD1.52 B5 it does an AUTO Upload from IDE.

Wondering if you have an alternate USB cable? Is TyComm or other 'external' SerMon in use holding the USB port open preventing Auto Upload?

I did the PSRAM init test with no chips yet soldered and it works to not find them and see them not work. And from the IDE that works with Ctrl+U to t_SerMon and IDE_SerMon.

<edit>: TimeRTC.pde :: Working from Windows to pass the current PC time to T_4.1 on upload.
> Note::
>> t_SerMon restarts properly after upload
>> IDE_SerMon does not restart after IDE upload with this sketch? It stays "Offline"

<edit> Fresh T_4.1 - did 15s Restore with no problem and returned to work for AUTO upload of the TimeRTC.pde sketch as above
I'm having the same issue since ages - any teensy.
Sometimes it works for days without me having to press the button - then - with the same sketch - it doesn't work anymore.

Sometimes Arduino forgets the serial port - and I have to select exactly the same one again.

This happens with all cables.
I suspect windows is the problem. Or, more likely, a bug in the (patched?) Arduino or associated tools.

Then, the PJRC-patched Ardunio has still the problem, that with very fast prints - the Serial monitor prints random pc-memory contents (a pointer going wild). Race condition.. After while it hangs completely (no suprise, then.. (pointer))
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I am wondering, I was trying T4.1 (without memory) in my Lynxmotion Servo board for first time and it would not program using my updated TyCommander... Tried a few different things.
I undid the TyCommander and I reinstalled the new beta to make sure.

I then did the N second reset of the board to make sure back to default and now I can program it... At least with one simple case.

Now try the next one.
Or, more likely, a bug in the (patched?) Arduino or associated tools.

It could be a bug. Maybe open a command prompt window and run the "teensy_ports.exe". It should be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools. If you just leave it running, you'll see it prints JSON about each USB connect and disconnect event, or updates as Windows makes more info available.

Then, the PJRC-patched Ardunio has still the problem, that with very fast prints - the Serial monitor prints random pc-memory contents (a pointer going wild). Race condition.. After while it hangs completely (no suprise, then.. (pointer))

I can't do much about those Windows problems.
:eek: Do you believe in the Users?

Thank you Frank B.

Catching the NULL cures the symptom, but there has to be a reason why this error evolves.

Anyway, I've tried several imports that failed before and work now, so I think it is important to merge this to 1.52, so the audio tool can be used for more complex projects.

I remember you've made some important adjustments forTeensy 4.x to the tool. Do you plan to commit them, too? Or what about a second index.html for Teensy 4.x?
I think this is wrong in teensy4/startup.c
needs "~"

i was having a heck of time figuring out why PSRAM clock was running at 90mhz when code said 49.5 !

hmm, looks like that was fixed on github 18 hours ago with
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