Here is a first beta test for Teensyduino 1.57.
Linux 32 bit:
Linux 64 bit:
Linux ARM:
Linux ARM64:
MacOS (Catalina to Monterey)
Old MacOS (Lion to Mojave)
Changes since Teensyduino 1.56:
USBHost_t36 USBDrive & USBFilesystem (wwatson,KurtE,mjs513)
SdFat update to 2.1.2, fixes file append bug
Wire library support slave mode on Teensy 4
Workaround MacOS serial monitor crash
Add breadcrumb feature to CrashReport
Improve AudioInputAnalog on Teensy 4
Add AudioOutputPWM on Teensy 4 (Mark Tillotson)
Tlc5940 support for Teensy 4
Update ADC library
EEPROM fix get() & put() with String (Luni64)
Ethernet allow use of other SPI ports (KurtE)
SdFat FsVolume::begin allows explicit partition location
SdFat support FAT12 & single FAT on Circuit Python (KurtE)
SdFat volume name functons (KurtE)
SD fix listfiles example on Teensy LC
SD update SdFat_Usage example with other SPI ports
SD add setMediaDetectPin() for card detection (KurtE)
Increased use of yield() in blocking functions
IPAddress != operator (Shawn Silverman)
Dynamic AudioConnection on Teensy 4 (Jonathan Oakley)
MTP handle host cancel & status control transfer
LittleFS getMediaName (mjs513)
LittleFS support 255 char filenames
OctoWS2811 getPixel() supports RGBW (Tobias Johansson)
QuadEncoder fix home and index trigger (mjs513)
QuadEncoder setCompareValue() (mjs513)
boards.txt & platform.txt updated for Arduino 2.0 beta
Add pluggable discovery & monitor for Arduino 2.0 beta
Linux 32 bit:
Linux 64 bit:
Linux ARM:
Linux ARM64:
MacOS (Catalina to Monterey)
Old MacOS (Lion to Mojave)
Changes since Teensyduino 1.56:
USBHost_t36 USBDrive & USBFilesystem (wwatson,KurtE,mjs513)
SdFat update to 2.1.2, fixes file append bug
Wire library support slave mode on Teensy 4
Workaround MacOS serial monitor crash
Add breadcrumb feature to CrashReport
Improve AudioInputAnalog on Teensy 4
Add AudioOutputPWM on Teensy 4 (Mark Tillotson)
Tlc5940 support for Teensy 4
Update ADC library
EEPROM fix get() & put() with String (Luni64)
Ethernet allow use of other SPI ports (KurtE)
SdFat FsVolume::begin allows explicit partition location
SdFat support FAT12 & single FAT on Circuit Python (KurtE)
SdFat volume name functons (KurtE)
SD fix listfiles example on Teensy LC
SD update SdFat_Usage example with other SPI ports
SD add setMediaDetectPin() for card detection (KurtE)
Increased use of yield() in blocking functions
IPAddress != operator (Shawn Silverman)
Dynamic AudioConnection on Teensy 4 (Jonathan Oakley)
MTP handle host cancel & status control transfer
LittleFS getMediaName (mjs513)
LittleFS support 255 char filenames
OctoWS2811 getPixel() supports RGBW (Tobias Johansson)
QuadEncoder fix home and index trigger (mjs513)
QuadEncoder setCompareValue() (mjs513)
boards.txt & platform.txt updated for Arduino 2.0 beta
Add pluggable discovery & monitor for Arduino 2.0 beta