Teensyduino 1.57 Released

Thanks Paul for that excellent information on Teensyduino 1.57 in your blog article.
This made it possible for me for the first time to successfully implement MTP access to the SD card on an audio board!
From W11-22H2 insider preview

TL-157 W11-22H2.jpg

TL 1.57 perfectly functional on IDE 200-rc9. Thank you Paul and your team of professionals, who keep us interested in the project
Aug 3, 22 : MalwareBytes Support got the teensy_secure.exe program removed from unsafe list.

Going back and forth with MalwareBytes on False Positive detection for Quarantine of Teensy_Secure.exe in %appdata% folder on Win 11.
They have twice said it should be fixed with updates to their software - but it is still getting caught for Quarantine.
In gathering info for reply I noticed Win 11 showing a Certificate issue: ‘One of the counter signatures was invalid’


Quick note: I ran into interesting issue yesterday, building with current release. Note I built using TSET stuff (Defragster) on SublimeText, but it is using the Arduino 1.8.19 build setup.

Transiting to machine with Windows 11, which has OneDrive on it... But I do most of my stuff outside of Onedrive.

Initially I the machine had Arduino Sketch book at: C:\Users\kurte\OneDrive\Desktop\Documents\Arduino

But I changed it to: C:\Users\kurte\Documents\Arduino

When I built the sketch under Sublime-text I was trying to program a locked MicroMod and it failed.

Looking at the build log it: did not create the .ehex file.
As it could not find the key.pem file.

I put a copy of it in: C:\Users\kurte\OneDrive\Desktop\Documents\Arduino
And then it built fine

I probably should migrate my Arduino folder to where the system by default wants it... Will probably do that later today,
The teensy_secure utility looks for your key.pem file in 1 specific place. The full path it will search is shown in the Tools > Teensy 4 Security window.

On Windows, that location comes from reading {AppData}/Arduino15/preferences.txt to find a "sketchbook.path=" line. Whatever path that line says is where it will look for your key.pem file. I believe you can change this path from the IDE GUI using File > Preferences.

It doesn't matter where your .ino code is located. The key.pem file is not found relative to your source code. The "sketchbook.path" from preferences.txt is the only place key.pem is used.
Thanks, Paul, as I mentioned I had changed the Preferences for Sketchbook using their preferences dialog. And the GUI was finding the sketches in it...

This time it worked properly... wondering why in the one case yesterday that it failed? Maybe the preferences file had not yet updated properly? i.e. maybe later updated the file when I exited Arduino 1.8.19
But it is working today? Probably just a onetime fluke.
Maybe the IDE only writes changes the preferences.txt when you quit?

That is what I am guessing. I know it does write out on close, or at least used to, as there was warning about manually editing the file, you need to make sure Arduino is not running...
I had a request via PM for an example of how to use the new Dynamic AudioConnection feature introduced in TD 1.57. I've done PR#441 for eventual inclusion in some future Teensyduino release, and have also attached it in this post. Do let me know if you think it can be improved (I'm sure it can...).


  • DynamicPatching.ino
    6.6 KB · Views: 599
@KurtE / @mjs513 : using TSET CMDLINE build is this seen?


The UnZip install of TD 1.57 was done - and The IDE 2.0 is installed - but cannot run to update?

Not sure of the relationship of TD IDE 1.89 .vs. 2.0 - other than Paul noted he did something to 'disconnect the two'?

When the 'Teensy' folder deleted from Arduino15\...\packages it goes to the expected folder:

Not sure how this is decided - but something to look for when building ...
Yes - I sort of noticed that earlier as well. I know Paul did something to fix it for 1.57 proper but was not sure if it was something in like platfrom.txt or something within their build.
Yes - I sort of noticed that earlier as well. I know Paul did something to fix it for 1.57 proper but was not sure if it was something in like platfrom.txt or something within their build.

Good to know it is TSET and not just this system.

It is probably path inclusions of: "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Arduino15\..."
> in : ...\TSet\TSet.cmd2
> the same one that BREAKS when that folder fails to exist.
echo Building Sketch: %ino%
"%arduino%\arduino-builder" -verbose=1 -warnings=more -compile -logger=human -hardware "%arduino%\hardware" -hardware "[B][U]%LOCALAPPDATA%\Arduino15\packages[/U][/B]" -tools "%arduino%\tools-builder" -tools "%arduino%\hardware\tools\avr" -tools "[B][U]%LOCALAPPDATA%\Arduino15\packages[/U][/B]" -built-in-libraries "%arduino%\libraries" -libraries "%libs%" -fqbn=%fqbn% -build-path %temp1% -build-cache "%temp2%"  %ino%

TSET could get a new option to exclude that folder in cmd2?
MTP fails with Teensy 1.57 and IDE 2.0.0-rc9.2

Release 1.57 installed and works well.
I thought I would try the latest Arduino IDE and it is certainly a big improvement on the earlier version.
In combination I successfully compiled my 'Lab-In-A-Box' project. Great!

MTP offers a better solution to accessing the SD card so I thought I had better get acquainted and tried
'Example_3_simple_SD.ino'... which promptly fell over!
The simplest code to induce the problem is simply #include<SD.h>... nothing else.
The example compiles and runs OK if I use the earlier Arduino IDE version.

Version: 2.0.0-rc9.2
Date: 2022-08-10T13:03:18.962Z
CLI Version: 0.26.0-rc.1 [fc2ea723]

Here is the error report:

In file included from C:\Users\Richard\AppData\Local\Temp\.arduinoIDE-unsaved2022716-13060-fh657a.m8e56\Example_3_simple_SD\Example_3_simple_SD.ino:2:0:
d:\PROJECTS\144MHzTransceiver\SoftwareDevelopment\UserInterface_07\libraries\MTP_Teensy-main\src/MTP_Teensy.h:32:2: error: #error "You need to select USB Type: 'MTP Disk (Experimental)' or 'Serial + MTP Disk (Experimental)'"
 #error "You need to select USB Type: 'MTP Disk (Experimental)' or 'Serial + MTP Disk (Experimental)'"
Multiple libraries were found for "SD.h"
  Used: C:\Users\Richard\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\teensy\hardware\avr\1.57.0\libraries\SD
  Not used: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\SD
  Not used: D:\PROJECTS\144MHzTransceiver\SoftwareDevelopment\UserInterface_07\libraries\SD-master
Multiple libraries were found for "SdFat.h"
  Used: C:\Users\Richard\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\teensy\hardware\avr\1.57.0\libraries\SdFat
  Not used: D:\PROJECTS\144MHzTransceiver\SoftwareDevelopment\UserInterface_07\libraries\SdFat-master
  Not used: D:\PROJECTS\144MHzTransceiver\SoftwareDevelopment\UserInterface_07\libraries\SdFat_-_Adafruit_Fork
exit status 1

Compilation error: exit status 1
As it says in the error message, you have to select a different USB type for the Teensy.

  • Select the Tools drop down menu
  • Select the USB Type sub-menu
  • Within the USB Type sub-menu, select either 'MTP Disk (Experimental)' or 'Serial + MTP Disk (Experimental)'
  • On 1.57, I suggest using 'Serial + MTP Disk (Experimental)'. Before 1.57, you would need to select 'MTP Disk (Experimental)' (or edit 'hardware/teensy/avr/boards.txt').
As it says in the error message, you have to select a different USB type for the Teensy.

  • Select the Tools drop down menu
  • Select the USB Type sub-menu
  • Within the USB Type sub-menu, select either 'MTP Disk (Experimental)' or 'Serial + MTP Disk (Experimental)'
  • On 1.57, I suggest using 'Serial + MTP Disk (Experimental)'. Before 1.57, you would need to select 'MTP Disk (Experimental)' (or edit 'hardware/teensy/avr/boards.txt').

Hi Michael,
As my mum used to say "None so blind as those who do not look in the right place...". I have used the Arduino IDE intermittently for several years and somehow had never looked at that particular menu item.

Thank you for your guidance.
After Michael pointing out a solution that was staring me in the face I'm cautious about asking again, but...

A clean install of Arduino 1.8.19 followed by Teensyduino 1.57 resulted in a system that compiled Lab-In-A-Box just fine.
Installing the Arduino Ide2.0.0-rc9.2 and checking it used the Additional boards manager link...


I get a compilation error:

Compilation error: exec: "C:\\Users\\Richard\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\teensy\\tools\\teensy-tools\\1.57.0/precompile_helper": file does not exist

I'm not sure about the significance of all the double back-slashes (\\), the line above is as shown on the rc9.2 'Output' display.
Installing IDE 2 can have the IDE1.x look to that AppData. Can you look in that directory - there should be some dozen executables installed.
> it should compare to the IDE 1.8.19 install folder: ..\hardware\tools

Perhaps open IDE 2 and in board mgr confirm latest update, if needed remove and reinstall?
> Look at that folder again and see if they install - sometimes they will get removed when scanned or on first use

It is possible your computer has an antivirus program that is protecting you by removing those files?

Double '\\' are common on displayed lines for some reason that's how it shows.
Thanks for your help. Sorry it took a while to get back to you but I'm running around getting ready to be inundated by a flock of grandchildren for the next week.

(1) Report by MySearch:
Looking for "*precompile_helper*" in "C:\"
Found "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\precompile_helper.exe"
Size:28528 Date:2022/08/19 09:41:19

Also found a dozen related files all with similar time stamps...

(2) NOT FOUND BY rc9 when compiling:

But there was a single file 'teensy.exe'

(3) Copied the files found in (1) to the 'teensy-tools' directory (2)... and we now compile OK. Phew!

I have no idea why the teensy related files ended up in the wrong place but I will keep an eye on things next time there is an update of Teensyduino or IDE 2.

Thanks again.
@RichardL: glad the pointers led to a working system. No idea what went wrong. If it happens again, please post with any details.
On MacOS Ventura beta 9 and before on beta 7 I noticed that TeensyDuino does not start the Teensy.app (Loader) automatically.

The Log windows says: "Unable find Teensy Loader. (p) Is the Teensy Loader application running?"

When I open the teensy.app manually after going to the Content/Java/hardware/tools folder in the application package, all is fine.

This could be something MacOS beta related but can also persist when the final MacOS is out. I thought it would be good to mention it here.
I get the same error with the released MacOS Ventura. i.e. "Unable find Teensy Loader. (p) Is the Teensy Loader application running?"

However, I tried Arduino 2.0 and it it doesn't have the same bug on Ventura.
Last edited:
In the new arduino ide, how do i determine the teensyduino version being used? Will it automatically update to the latest release?
I installed the Arduino IDE 2.0 as specified.

I added the json file for the boards and can select them.

When I run 'Teensyduino 1.57' it does not default to the proper folder. Apparently, the proper folder does not exist when installing IDE 2.0?

Arduino IDE 2.0 puts the libraries and such here:


Teensyduino complains:

Directory: C:/Users/mike/AppData/Local/Arduino15/
Checking Arduino 1.8.13:
version: "lib/version.txt" file missing
Does not match Arduino 1.8.13
Checking Arduino 1.8.15:
version: "lib/version.txt" file missing
Does not match Arduino 1.8.15
Checking Arduino 1.8.16:
version: "lib/version.txt" file missing
Does not match Arduino 1.8.16
Checking Arduino 1.8.19:
version: "lib/version.txt" file missing
Does not match Arduino 1.8.19
Checking Arduino 1.8.5:
version: "lib/version.txt" file missing
Does not match Arduino 1.8.5
Checking Arduino 1.8.9:
version: "lib/version.txt" file missing
Does not match Arduino 1.8.9

There is no 'lib/version.txt' file installed...not in 'AppData' folder nor in 'C:\Program Files' nor in 'C:\Program Files (x86) '\

There is a 'libraries' folder in the 'AppData' path, but no 'lib' folder.

Even if there was, Teensyduino only looks for version as high as 1.8.19.

As a test, I tried it on computer with an old Ardunio IDE version...Teensduino did install files on that machine, but in the folder for the old IDE. When IDE 2.0 was installed, it uses different paths, so not sure if it even sees the stuff installed for the older IDE.

Any solution greatly appreciated...even manual file copy instructions!
In the new arduino ide, how do i determine the teensyduino version being used? Will it automatically update to the latest release?

With p#49 steps followed IDE 2.x will have Teensy boards available in Board Manager

In Board Manager left edge Tab search for 'Teensy'

It will so the PJRC Teensy board option and in that the current installed version and a drop down to see if there is a newer version than the one installed.

It seems it may also check that on startup and offer to update when a new version is present.