Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #1
Here is a first beta test for Teensyduino 1.60.
Arduino 2.3.x, all systems platforms:
Use Boards Manager to install Teensy version 0.60.1
(to refresh versions, Shift-Ctrl-P and click "Arduino: Update Package Index")
Arduino 1.8.x, Linux 32 bit:
Arduino 1.8.x, Linux 64 bit:
Arduino 1.8.x, Linux ARM:
Arduino 1.8.x, Linux ARM64:
Arduino 1.8.x, MacOS (Catalina to Sonoma)
-sorry could not build this, Apple notarization stopped working on my old Mac-
Arduino 1.8.x, Old MacOS (Mojave)
Arduino 1.8.x, Windows:
-compression didn't work so this file is huge, please be patient with download and 1st run-
PlatformIO, DIY beta support:
Changes since Teensyduino 1.60:
Update FlexIO_t4, ILI9488_t3, LittleFS, QuadEncoder, ShiftPWM
SoftwareSerial fix TX on Teensy 4, fix RX on Teensy 3 and 4
Fix __cxa_guard_release on Teensy 3 (jmarsh)
Fix makeTime() leap year (A-Dunstan)
Add C++ new aligned (A-Dunstan)
Fix HardwareSerial XBAR pins 7, 8, 36 on Teensy 4 (KurtE)
Fix HardwareSerial receive with setRX on Teensy 4 (sndsgd)
Fix HardwareSerial serialEvent on Teensy 3
Check non-const pin number with digitalWriteFast
Fix extmem_realloc with NULL on Teensy 4.1
FS class virtual destructor
Fix __SSAT return type
Audio fix TDM2 input and output (Jonathan Oakley)
Audio fix stuck AudioEffectFade with no input (Jonathan Oakley)
Audio fix AudioEffectFreeverbStereo (Synvox)
Audio fix AudioSynthToneSweep buffer overflow (Steven Hazel)
Audio improve AudioEffectReverb (Eric Brombaugh)
Audio MidiSynth examples updated with PROGMEM for samples
Audio fix for Teensy LC code (Mark Tillotson)
Teensy Loader wait longer for large flash erase
MacOS properly sign utility programs
Linux check for missing /etc/udev/rules.d/00-teensy.rules file
Suppress pointless C++ ABI warnings
Here is a first beta test for Teensyduino 1.60.
Arduino 2.3.x, all systems platforms:
Use Boards Manager to install Teensy version 0.60.1
(to refresh versions, Shift-Ctrl-P and click "Arduino: Update Package Index")
Arduino 1.8.x, Linux 32 bit:
Arduino 1.8.x, Linux 64 bit:
Arduino 1.8.x, Linux ARM:
Arduino 1.8.x, Linux ARM64:
Arduino 1.8.x, MacOS (Catalina to Sonoma)
-sorry could not build this, Apple notarization stopped working on my old Mac-
Arduino 1.8.x, Old MacOS (Mojave)
Arduino 1.8.x, Windows:
-compression didn't work so this file is huge, please be patient with download and 1st run-
PlatformIO, DIY beta support:
Changes since Teensyduino 1.60:
Update FlexIO_t4, ILI9488_t3, LittleFS, QuadEncoder, ShiftPWM
SoftwareSerial fix TX on Teensy 4, fix RX on Teensy 3 and 4
Fix __cxa_guard_release on Teensy 3 (jmarsh)
Fix makeTime() leap year (A-Dunstan)
Add C++ new aligned (A-Dunstan)
Fix HardwareSerial XBAR pins 7, 8, 36 on Teensy 4 (KurtE)
Fix HardwareSerial receive with setRX on Teensy 4 (sndsgd)
Fix HardwareSerial serialEvent on Teensy 3
Check non-const pin number with digitalWriteFast
Fix extmem_realloc with NULL on Teensy 4.1
FS class virtual destructor
Fix __SSAT return type
Audio fix TDM2 input and output (Jonathan Oakley)
Audio fix stuck AudioEffectFade with no input (Jonathan Oakley)
Audio fix AudioEffectFreeverbStereo (Synvox)
Audio fix AudioSynthToneSweep buffer overflow (Steven Hazel)
Audio improve AudioEffectReverb (Eric Brombaugh)
Audio MidiSynth examples updated with PROGMEM for samples
Audio fix for Teensy LC code (Mark Tillotson)
Teensy Loader wait longer for large flash erase
MacOS properly sign utility programs
Linux check for missing /etc/udev/rules.d/00-teensy.rules file
Suppress pointless C++ ABI warnings
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