Here is a third beta test for Teensyduino 1.60.
Arduino 2.3.x, all systems:
1: Quit Teensy Loader, if running
2: Use Boards Manager to uninstall Teensy, if previously installed
3: Use File > Preferences (Arduino IDE > Settings on MacOS) to install new URL
4: Press Ctrl-Shift-P (Command-Shift-P on MacOS) click "Arduino: Update Indexes"
5: Use Boards Manager to install Teensy
6: Restart Arduino IDE (if using plugin for Lockable Teensy)
Arduino 1.8.x, Linux 64 bit:
Arduino 1.8.x, Linux ARM:
Arduino 1.8.x, Linux ARM64:
Arduino 1.8.x, Windows:
PlatformIO, DIY beta support:
Changes since Teensyduino 1.60-beta2
Add VS code plugin for Lockable Teensy features on Arduino IDE 2.3.x
Automatically find key.pem in IDE 1.8 or IDE 2.3 sketchbook locations
teensy_secure add "keyfile" option to show key.pem pathname
Teensy Loader built with latest wxWidgets 3.2.6 on all platforms
Fix Teensy Loader toolbar icons on Windows
Fix Teensy Loader toolbar on MacOS
Arduino 2.3.x, all systems:
1: Quit Teensy Loader, if running
2: Use Boards Manager to uninstall Teensy, if previously installed
3: Use File > Preferences (Arduino IDE > Settings on MacOS) to install new URL
4: Press Ctrl-Shift-P (Command-Shift-P on MacOS) click "Arduino: Update Indexes"
5: Use Boards Manager to install Teensy
6: Restart Arduino IDE (if using plugin for Lockable Teensy)
Arduino 1.8.x, Linux 64 bit:
Arduino 1.8.x, Linux ARM:
Arduino 1.8.x, Linux ARM64:
Arduino 1.8.x, Windows:
PlatformIO, DIY beta support:
Changes since Teensyduino 1.60-beta2
Add VS code plugin for Lockable Teensy features on Arduino IDE 2.3.x
Automatically find key.pem in IDE 1.8 or IDE 2.3 sketchbook locations
teensy_secure add "keyfile" option to show key.pem pathname
Teensy Loader built with latest wxWidgets 3.2.6 on all platforms
Fix Teensy Loader toolbar icons on Windows
Fix Teensy Loader toolbar on MacOS