Hello, just to let you know: There is also an early version of a UAVCAN driver implementation which is based on collin80: https://github.com/tum-phoenix/drive_teensy_libuavcan
The GitHub page is: https://github.com/UAVCAN/libcanard. I did see some people on the one of the forums say they got the example working on two arduinos? I figure if it can be done the Arduino it can be done on a TeensyLibcanard
Libcanard is a minimal implementation of UAVCAN in C, suitable for deeply embedded systems and resource constrained applications. It is primarily targeted for low-end microcontrollers, starting from 8 KB ROM and 6 KB RAM.
Is there any more info about use of this in projects, or even proof-of-concept prototypes?
C:\Users\CYBERP~1\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_880129\sketch\uavcan_node_airspeed.ino.cpp.o: In function `uavcan::GlobalDataTypeRegistry::RegistrationResult uavcan::GlobalDataTypeRegistry::registerDataType<uavcan::protocol::NodeStatus_<0> >(uavcan::DataTypeID)':
c:\users\cyberp~1\appdata\local\temp\arduino_build_880129\sketch\uavcan\node/global_data_type_registry.hpp:218: undefined reference to `uavcan::GlobalDataTypeRegistry::remove(uavcan::GlobalDataTypeRegistry::Entry*)'
c:\users\cyberp~1\appdata\local\temp\arduino_build_880129\sketch\uavcan\node/global_data_type_registry.hpp:230: undefined reference to `uavcan::GlobalDataTypeRegistry::remove(uavcan::GlobalDataTypeRegistry::Entry*)'
c:\users\cyberp~1\appdata\local\temp\arduino_build_880129\sketch\uavcan\node/global_data_type_registry.hpp:236: undefined reference to `uavcan::GlobalDataTypeRegistry::registImpl(uavcan::GlobalDataTypeRegistry::Entry*)'
Currently, there is no example code for Arduino available. However, there are several more about bright bet for you Platformio based toolchain:
FlexCAN_T4 works on Teensy 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, and 4.0
You can also use IFCT for Teensy 3.x