
Success. I downloaded your latest from GitHub, and the PIT now runs at expected frequency, without any compensation factor required. thank you :)
Great, I'll do some testing these days and generate a new release for the library manager afterwards.
The overview description of the GPT timer module in the I.MX RT1060 Reference Manual includes this:
External hardware can send the GPT a "capture event" signal on an input pin
AFAIK the TTT doesn't support this, but is there a way to hook an attachInterrupt() pin sequence into TTT ? Or IntervalTimer ?
Suggestions appreciated ...
The overview description of the GPT timer module in the I.MX RT1060 Reference Manual includes this:

AFAIK the TTT doesn't support this, but is there a way to hook an attachInterrupt() pin sequence into TTT ? Or IntervalTimer ?
Suggestions appreciated ...
You can configure GPT input capture on pins 15 and 40. This is outside the scope of TTT, which is only concerned with periodic timers
I recently posted a sketch that is based on Manitou's work with GPT input capture. I had some trouble with his test sketch, but I know that what I posted does work. Link below.

@ninja2, what I meant in my comment is that TTT focuses on one use of timers, which is periodic interrupts. Some of the T4 timers also support use with external inputs (input capture or pulse counting) or external outputs (output compare or PWM). As far as I know, TTT does not address those uses. For input capture, Paul's library FreqMeasureMulti is a great resource, and for pulse counting, search for his FreqCountMany sketch. There are fewer examples of output compare, but Manitou's test sketches provide a start there, too.
Thanks for the good info, will give it a serious go later.

I see low level terms like IOMUXC_GPT2_IPP_IND_CAPIN1_SELECT_INPUT are listed in the 1060 Reference Manual.
Question: Is that document the main/only resource for details on such terms?
I see they're #defined in cores\teensy4\imxrt.h altho it doesn't provide any detail beyond the manual.
I think the manual is the ultimate resource.
This library doesn't seem to work in PlatformIO. I tried both their library manager way to install and just manually copying the library into my project. Any plans to make it work there?