This Should Never Happen


Well-known member
@Paul - Was compiling the following sketch on the Dev Board 5 with Arduino 1.8.19 and TD1.60B1. Also using @KurtE variants and FlexIO libraries. OS is Ubuntu 22.04. The compile failed with an error message "This should never happen" and to report it to PJRC.:
teensy_size: Memory Usage on Teensy MicroMod:
teensy_size:   FLASH: code:64836, data:497080, headers:8448   free for files:15944708
/home/wwatson/.arduino15/packages/teensy/tools/teensy-tools/1.59.0/stdout_redirect /tmp/arduino_build_843155/testing.ino.lst /home/wwatson/.arduino15/packages/teensy/tools/teensy-compile/11.3.1/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-objdump -d -S -C /tmp/arduino_build_843155/testing.ino.elf
teensy_size:    RAM1: variables:10720, code:60664, padding:4872   free for local variables:448032
teensy_size:    RAM2: variables:12416  free for malloc/new:511872
Using library TeensyRA8876-8080-main at version 1.0.0 in folder: /home/wwatson/Arduino/libraries/TeensyRA8876-8080-main
Using library TeensyRA8876-GFX-Common-main at version 1.0.0 in folder: /home/wwatson/Arduino/libraries/TeensyRA8876-GFX-Common-main
Using library Wire at version 1.0 in folder: /home/wwatson/.arduino15/packages/teensy/hardware/avr/1.59.0/libraries/Wire
Using library FlexIO_t4 at version 1.0.0 in folder: /home/wwatson/.arduino15/packages/teensy/hardware/avr/1.59.0/libraries/FlexIO_t4
/home/wwatson/Arduino/hardware/teensy-dev/../tools/teensy_post_compile -file=testing.ino -path=/tmp/arduino_build_843155 -tools=/home/wwatson/Arduino/hardware/teensy-dev/../tools -board=TEENSY_DEVBRD5 -reboot -port=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.1/0000:01:00.0/usb1/1-5 -portlabel=/dev/ttyACM0 Serial -portprotocol=Teensy
Teensy Loader is unable to read your compiled sketch (r)  This error should never happen.  Please report this to  In Teensy Loader, click Help > Verbose Info, then click Log > Save As and attach the log file to your message.  The log info is essential for any hope of figuring out what went wrong here!
Teensy Loader is unable to read your compiled sketch (r)  This error should never happen.  Please report this to  In Teensy Loader, click Help > Verbose Info, then click Log > Save As and attach the log file to your message.  The log info is essential for any hope of figuring out what went wrong here!

The sketch:
// testing.ino

#include "RA8876_Config_8080.h"
#include <RA8876_t41_p.h>
#include "Teensy41_Cardlike.h"

// RA8876_8080_DC, RA8876_8080_CS and RA8876_8080_RESET are defined in
// src/RA8876_Config_8080.h.
RA8876_t41_p tft = RA8876_t41_p(RA8876_8080_DC,RA8876_8080_CS,RA8876_8080_RESET);

void setup() {
  while (!Serial && millis() < 1000) {} //wait for Serial Monitor

  // Set 8/16bit bus mode. Default is 8bit bus mode.
  tft.setBusWidth(RA8876_8080_BUS_WIDTH); // RA8876_8080_BUS_WIDTH is defined in
                                          // src/RA8876_Config_8080.h.
  tft.begin(BUS_SPEED); // RA8876_8080_BUS_WIDTH is defined in
                        // src/RA8876_Config_8080.h. Default is 20MHz.

  Serial.println("Test transfer speed difference between 8Bit bus and 16Bit bus\n");

  Serial.print("Bus width is ");
  Serial.print("Bus speed is ");

  elapsedMillis em = 0;
//  tft.writeRect(10, 10 , 575, 424, teensy41_Cardlike);
//  tft.pushPixels16bitDMA(teensy41_Cardlike, 10, 10 , 575, 424);
  tft.pushPixels16bitAsync(teensy41_Cardlike, 10, 10 , 575, 424);
  Serial.print("Rendering 487600 bytes took ");

void loop() {

The verbose error log dump is to large to post as text so it is attached as a zip file. This only happened once. Could not duplicate failure again...


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