Sorry I was reading this thread and it is very unclear to me, what your setup or desired setup is and what are you trying to solve.
Maybe if you showed a diagram or the like, which sort of shows what pieces are where they are. And your constraints... What is a broken sensor?
I mean for example could this be as simple as having the outputs of each board fed into some form or OR gate (which maybe could be a couple of diodes) to whatever starts the motor (Relay? Motor controller?)
Can the boards have anything in common? Example each has an output pin that feeds to an input pin of the other board? That way each board can look at what the other board says and decide to do something.
Or could be more advanced than simple digital, maybe analog value or Uart or ...
Again no idea of what is failure? If you wish to trigger motor at pressure X like lets say 50... And one thinks it is 55 and other 45 how you know which one is correct... Probably easy to detect complete failure like stuck at 0 or at some high value...
Again sorry I may be missing something obvious here, but not again not sure what you are asking.