I'm on a Mac (Sonoma) and I've been using the latest Arduino IDE 2.2.1 lately, but had a need to use the lockable Teensy features of the 1.8.19 version. (Both latest version from https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_download.html (1.58) and from https://forum.pjrc.com/index.php?threads/teensyduino-1-59-beta-5.74262/ (1.59 beta5)) When trying to build and upload to a Teensy 4.1 (the correct board is selected), I see this in the output window:
I've never seen this before, so I tried a few troubleshooting steps:
1. Uninstalling Teensy core from the Arduino IDE 2.2.1
2. Ensuring IDE 2.2.1 is closed
3. Reinstall Teensyduino 1.58 (IDE 1.8.19) and Teensyduino 1.59-beta5 (both tried separately)
4. Rebooting
The only way I can get the 1.8.19 version to open the Teensy Loader is if I open IDE 2.2.1's version (tried both 1.59 beta 5 and 1.58), and have the1.8.19 IDE discover and use that. Has anyone seen this before?
Opening Teensy Loader...
Unable find Teensy Loader. (p) Is the Teensy Loader application running?
quitexit status 1
Error compiling for board Teensy 4.1.
I've never seen this before, so I tried a few troubleshooting steps:
1. Uninstalling Teensy core from the Arduino IDE 2.2.1
2. Ensuring IDE 2.2.1 is closed
3. Reinstall Teensyduino 1.58 (IDE 1.8.19) and Teensyduino 1.59-beta5 (both tried separately)
4. Rebooting
The only way I can get the 1.8.19 version to open the Teensy Loader is if I open IDE 2.2.1's version (tried both 1.59 beta 5 and 1.58), and have the1.8.19 IDE discover and use that. Has anyone seen this before?