Sorry for the long post, but I can assure you that its length is merely to fully convey a potential work-around to the inability to upload to the Teensy without pressing the PROGRAM button !!
I occasionally have similar problems uploading to multiple Teensy 4.x devices which are embedded in a multitude of different projects. In my particular case, I have narrowed it down to the following set of repeatable circumstances (I call this my "shake the rubber chicken" solution . . . you know, shake the rubber chicken & the problem goes away . . . but, does the rubber chicken really have anything to do with the solution, or is it merely a happy coincidence ?!?!?):
EDIT: I forgot to mention that all of these screen captures were done with a Teensy 4.0 running the unmodified BLINK example, with absolutely nothing else connected. So, in this case at least, it's not likely anything going on within the Teensy itself . . . this one is strictly something going wrong with Windows !!
When I am unable to upload to my Teensy(s) without pressing the PROGRAM button, I have noticed the following in Device Manager (I'm running Windows 11 Pro, Version "24H2", OS Build "26100.3037", Experience "Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.26100,48.0"):
I have an extra device that shows up under the category "Other devices" & is identified by Windows as "USB Serial", always with a yellow triangle on it as follows:
Double-clicking on that (failed) device reveals the following (NOTE, in particular, the indication that "The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)"):
Now, here's the rubber chicken:
If I right-click on that failed USB Serial device, and select "Uninstall device", as follows:
And this warning is presented:
Following the uninstall, the ability to upload to the Teensy without pressing the PROGRAM button is restored !!
I have no idea how nor why this failed device is being created (the "magic" of Windows & its associated registry at work !!), but its presence seems to be interfering with the Teensy upload process in a very deterministic & detrimental way.
Hope that helps . . .
Mark J Culross
P.S. I'm willing to take any suggestions for further troubleshooting of this particular set of circumstances in order to help pin down an explanation of the actual cause and/or determination of the actual solution, if even there is one (again, this is Windows !!). In the meantime, I'll continue shaking the rubber chicken & making use of the positive results of doing so, even if it shouldn't be having any effect at all !! MJC