USB Host Teensy 4.1 - Current limit

Expensive Notes

Well-known member
What is the limit for current out the USB host connection please?
I want to connect to a Tonex One Pedal and not need a power supply as well as this pedal can be powered by USB as well as a power supply.
The Tonex is rated at 5V 260mA via USB.
A regular USB 2.0 host should be able to supply 500mA @ 5V. Substracting 100mA for the Teensy itsself, should leave you ample power for your Tonex One Pedal.

Thanks PaulS, but (just to clarify this in my mind) are you talking about the seperate USB Host connection on the Teensy 4.1 or the actual main USB.
Teensy 4.1 has two USB connections.
Should have been clearer: a regular USB 2.0 PC host should be able to supply 500mA @ 5V. That leaves <= 400mA for the Teensy USB host to supply.

The USB host port has a TDP3S014 current limit chip. So the maximum current is either the limit this chip imposes (~850mA), or the remaining amount of current available from whatever power source is powering Teensy 4.1.