According to this Github link, it does.Does the USBHost_t36 library run on the Teensy 4.1?
System Volume Information/
WPSettings.dat 12
IndexerVolumeGuid 76
20210101_045152B.jpg 92983
20210101_021914B.jpg 114002
Initializing USB MSC drive...USB drive initialized.
Menu Options:
l - List files on disk
e - Erase log file on disk
s - Start Logging data (Restarting logger will append records to existing log)
x - Stop Logging data
d - Dump Log
h - Menu
Space Used = 575062016
Filesystem Size = 31018975232
System Volume Information/
WPSettings.dat 12 11:00 December 16, 2022
IndexerVolumeGuid 76 20:50 November 23, 2023
testfile.dat 256 00:00 January 1, 2023
epd_-win-1_8_0-ea20_4.exe 157531936 10:52 January 3, 2024
ColorTest.png 55943 23:18 June 13, 2023
INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS.pdf 1268681 15:02 January 6, 2024
// ...
Memory Usage on Teensy 4.1:
FLASH: code:81032, data:9188, headers:9104 free for files:8027140
RAM1: variables:24224, code:78328, padding:19976 free for local variables:401760
RAM2: variables:12416 free for malloc/new:511872
"T:\\T_Drive\\arduino-1.8.19\\hardware\\teensy/../tools/stdout_redirect" "T:\\TEMP\\arduino_build_666213/MSCUSBdatalogger.ino.lst" "T:\\T_Drive\\arduino-1.8.19\\hardware\\teensy/../tools/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-objdump" -d -S -C "T:\\TEMP\\arduino_build_666213/MSCUSBdatalogger.ino.elf"
Using library USBHost_t36 at version 0.2 in folder: T:\T_Drive\arduino-1.8.19\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\USBHost_t36
Using library SdFat at version 2.1.2 in folder: T:\T_Drive\arduino-1.8.19\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat
Using library SPI at version 1.0 in folder: T:\T_Drive\arduino-1.8.19\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SPI
Using library EEPROM at version 2.0 in folder: T:\T_Drive\arduino-1.8.19\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\EEPROM
Not sure what you mean - grab - USBHost_t36 is installed when its installed as part of Teensyduino (auto install through board manager with IDE2.2x or downloaded/installed when using IDE1.xDoes anyone know if I have grabbed the correct/incorrect version of these files?
Chuck:Thanks Mark - that call certainly exists in the ListFiles sketch:
USBHost myusb;
. . .
. . .
Is KD5RXT a Ham Radio call sign? 60 years ago I was K3UXJ...
About all that's left that I can think off at this time. Good luckCommenting out the wait-loop enables the ListFile and USB_Logger programs to move forward, but they cannot find any files on the USB stick.
I will check the Fat32 formatting....I've become convinced that this is not a USB issue, but a file system format issue...
That happens more often than not. Glad you have it workingWell....when All Else Fails.....I installed a fresh copy of the Arduino IDE and the Teensyduino software.....and....Lo and Behold....the US Host Memory Stick demo programs are now working as advertised.
I would like to extend much Hearty Thanks to all Forum members who took the time to give me some extremely useful tips and pointers! I hope to someday be able to Pay It Back to another Friend in Need.