// VolumeName.ino
// An example of how to retrieve Fat32 and ExFat volume names using SdFat.
// Works with SD cards and USB mass storage drives.
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "mscFS.h"
// Setup USBHost_t36 and as many HUB ports as needed.
USBHost myusb;
USBHub hub1(myusb);
USBHub hub2(myusb);
USBHub hub3(myusb);
USBHub hub4(myusb);
//#define SHOW_CLOCK_CARAT 1
IntervalTimer clocked100ms;
volatile int32_t cmsReport = -1;
// Setup MSC for the number of USB Drives you are using. (Two for this example)
// Mutiple USB drives can be used. Hot plugging is supported. There is a slight
// delay after a USB MSC device is plugged in. This is waiting for initialization
// but after it is initialized ther should be no delay.
msController msDrive1(myusb);
msController msDrive2(myusb);
#define SD_DRIVE 1
#define MS_DRIVE 2
#define SD_CONFIG SdioConfig(FIFO_SDIO)
// set up variables using the mscFS utility library functions:
UsbFs msc1;
UsbFs msc2;
SdFs sd;
//FatVolume partVol;
//create holding array for partions
uint8_t partitionTable[4];
int32_t dataStart[4];
// Get ExFat volume name.
bool getExFatVolumeLabel(uint8_t drvType, uint8_t part, UsbFs *myMsc) {
uint8_t buf[32];
UsbExFat volName;
SdExFat volName1;
ExFatFile root;
//msController *mscDrive;
DirLabel_t *dir;
ExFatVolume expartVol;
if (drvType == MS_DRIVE) {
//mscDrive = &msDrive1;
//if (!volName.begin(&msDrive1)) {
// Serial.println("EXFat volName.begin failed");
// return false;
// }
expartVol.begin(myMsc->usbDrive(), true, part);
if (!root.openRoot(&expartVol)) {
Serial.println("openRoot failed");
return false;
if (drvType == SD_DRIVE) {
if (!volName1.begin(SD_CONFIG)) {
return false;
if (!root.openRoot(&volName1)) {
Serial.println("openRoot failed");
return false;
root.read(buf, 32);
dir = reinterpret_cast<DirLabel_t*>(buf);
Serial.print(F("Volume Name: "));
for (size_t i = 0; i < dir->labelLength; i++) {
Serial.write(dir->unicode[2 * i]);
expartVol.ls(LS_SIZE | LS_DATE | LS_R);
return true;
// Get Fat32 volume name.
bool getFat32VolumeLabel(uint8_t drvType, uint8_t part, UsbFs *myMsc) {
FatVolume partVol;
uint8_t buf[512];
partVol.begin(myMsc->usbDrive(), true, part);
if (drvType == MS_DRIVE) {
myMsc->usbDrive()->readSector(partVol.dataStartSector(), buf);
if (drvType == SD_DRIVE) {
sd.card()->readSector(sd.dataStartSector(), buf);
Serial.print(F("Volume Name: "));
for (size_t i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
if ( buf[i] > 0 && buf[i] < 127 )
partVol.ls(LS_SIZE | LS_DATE | LS_R);
return true;
// Get Fat16 volume name.
// Get Fat16 volume name.
bool getFat16VolumeLabel(uint8_t drvType, uint8_t part, UsbFs *myMsc) {
FatVolume partVol;
uint8_t buf[512];
partVol.begin(myMsc->usbDrive(), true, part);
if (drvType == MS_DRIVE) {
myMsc->usbDrive()->readSector(partVol.rootDirStart(), buf);
if (drvType == SD_DRIVE) {
sd.card()->readSector(sd.dataStartSector(), buf);
print_hexbytes(buf, 512);
Serial.print(F("Volume Name: "));
for (size_t i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
partVol.ls(LS_SIZE | LS_DATE | LS_R);
return true;
bool getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel(UsbFs *myMsc, uint8_t part, uint8_t *pszVolName, uint16_t cb) {
MbrSector_t mbr;
uint8_t buf[512];
if (!pszVolName || (cb < 12)) return false; // don't want to deal with it
myMsc->usbDrive()->readSector(0, (uint8_t*)&mbr);
MbrPart_t *pt = &mbr.part[part - 1];
switch (pt->type) {
case 4:
case 6:
case 0xe:
FatVolume partVol;
partVol.begin(myMsc->usbDrive(), true, part);
myMsc->usbDrive()->readSector(partVol.rootDirStart(), buf);
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
pszVolName[i] = buf[i];
while ((i > 0) && (pszVolName[i - 1] == ' ')) i--; // trim off trailing blanks
pszVolName[i] = 0;
case 11:
case 12:
FatVolume partVol;
partVol.begin(myMsc->usbDrive(), true, part);
myMsc->usbDrive()->readSector(partVol.dataStartSector(), buf);
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
pszVolName[i] = buf[i];
while ((i > 0) && (pszVolName[i - 1] == ' ')) i--; // trim off trailing blanks
pszVolName[i] = 0;
case 7:
ExFatFile root;
DirLabel_t *dir;
ExFatVolume expartVol;
expartVol.begin(myMsc->usbDrive(), true, part);
if (!root.openRoot(&expartVol)) {
Serial.println("openRoot failed");
return false;
root.read(buf, 32);
dir = reinterpret_cast<DirLabel_t*>(buf);
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < dir->labelLength; i++) {
pszVolName[i] = dir->unicode[2 * i];
pszVolName[i] = 0;
return false;
return true;
bool mbrDmp(UsbFs *myMsc) {
MbrSector_t mbr;
// bool valid = true;
if (!myMsc->usbDrive()->readSector(0, (uint8_t*)&mbr)) {
Serial.print("\nread MBR failed.\n");
return false;
Serial.print("\nmsc # Partition Table\n");
for (uint8_t ip = 1; ip < 5; ip++) {
MbrPart_t *pt = &mbr.part[ip - 1];
// if ((pt->boot != 0 && pt->boot != 0X80) ||
// getLe32(pt->relativeSectors) > sdCardCapacity(&m_csd)) {
// valid = false;
// }
switch (pt->type) {
case 4:
case 6:
case 0xe:
case 11:
case 12:
case 7:
partitionTable[ip - 1] = pt->type;
dataStart[ip - 1] = getLe32(pt->relativeSectors);
Serial.print( int(ip)); Serial.print( ',');
Serial.print(int(pt->boot), HEX); Serial.print( ',');
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
Serial.print("0x"); Serial.print(int(pt->beginCHS[i]), HEX); Serial.print( ',');
Serial.print("0x"); Serial.print(int(pt->type), HEX); Serial.print( ',');
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
Serial.print("0x"); Serial.print(int(pt->endCHS[i]), HEX); Serial.print( ',');
Serial.print(getLe32(pt->relativeSectors), DEC); Serial.print(',');
return true;
void setup()
#if 0 // easy test to check HardFault Detection response
int *pp = 0;
*pp = 5;
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
SysCall::yield(); // wait for serial port to connect.
// Start USBHost_t36, HUB(s) and USB devices.
clocked100ms.begin(clock_isr, 100000);
void clock_isr() {
if (cmsReport >= 0 ) {
if (cmsReport > 0 ) {
if (cmsReport < 10 )
Serial.print( "^");
else if ( cmsReport < 50 && !(cmsReport % 10) )
Serial.print( "~");
else if ( !(cmsReport % 50) )
Serial.print( ":(");
void print_hexbytes(const void *ptr, int len)
if (ptr == NULL || len <= 0) return;
const uint8_t *p = (const uint8_t *)ptr;
while (len) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (i > len) break;
Serial.printf("%02X ", p[i]);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (i > len) break;
Serial.printf("%c", ((p[i] >= ' ') && (p[i] <= '~')) ? p[i] : '.');
p += 32;
len -= 32;
// Function to handle one MS Drive...
void procesMSDrive(uint8_t drive_number, msController &msDrive, UsbFs &msc)
Serial.printf("Initialize USB drive...");
cmsReport = 0;
if (!msc.begin(&msDrive)) {
Serial.printf("initialization drive %u failed.\n", drive_number);
} else {
Serial.printf("USB drive %u is present.\n", drive_number);
cmsReport = -1;
mbrDmp( &msc );
for (uint8_t i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
switch (partitionTable[i - 1]) {
case 11:
case 12:
Serial.printf("\nFat Type: Fat32\n");
if (!getFat32VolumeLabel(MS_DRIVE, i, &msc))
Serial.printf("Failed to get volume label\n");
case 4:
case 6:
case 0xe:
Serial.printf("\nFat Type: Fat16\n");
if (!getFat16VolumeLabel(MS_DRIVE, i, &msc))
Serial.printf("Failed to get volume label\n");
case 7:
Serial.printf("\nFat Type: ExFat\n");
if (!getExFatVolumeLabel(MS_DRIVE, i, &msc))
Serial.printf("Failed to get volume label\n");
Serial.println("No or Not Supported Partition");
// lets see if our all in one works
uint8_t volName[32];
Serial.println("Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel");
if (getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel(&msc, i, volName, sizeof(volName))) {
Serial.printf(">> Volume name:(%s)\n", volName);
elapsedMicros em_sizes = 0;
uint64_t used_size = (uint64_t)(msc.clusterCount() - msc.freeClusterCount())
* (uint64_t)msc.bytesPerCluster();
uint64_t total_size = (uint64_t)msc.clusterCount() * (uint64_t)msc.bytesPerCluster();
Serial.printf("Total Size:%llu Used:%llu time us: %u\n", total_size, used_size,
void loop(void) {
cmsReport = 0;
if (!msDrive1) {
Serial.println("Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 1");
elapsedMillis em = 0;
while (!msDrive1 && (em < 5000) ) myusb.Task();
if (!msDrive2) {
Serial.println("Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 2");
elapsedMillis em = 0;
while (!msDrive2 && (em < 5000) ) myusb.Task();
if (msDrive1) {
procesMSDrive(1, msDrive1, msc1);
if (msDrive2) {
procesMSDrive(2, msDrive2, msc2);
cmsReport = -1;
Serial.printf("\nInitialize SD card...");
if (!sd.begin(SD_CONFIG)) {
Serial.println("initialization failed.\n");
} else {
Serial.println("SD card is present.\n");
if (sd.fatType() == 32) {
Serial.printf("Fat Type: Fat32\n");
if (!getFat32VolumeLabel(SD_DRIVE, 1, &msc2))
Serial.printf("Failed to get volume label\n");
} else {
Serial.printf("Fat Type: ExFAT\n");
if (!getExFatVolumeLabel(SD_DRIVE, 1, &msc2)) {
Serial.printf("Failed to get volume label\n");
//sd.ls(LS_SIZE | LS_DATE | LS_R);
Serial.println("Press any key to run again");
while (Serial.read() == -1);
while (Serial.read() != -1);
Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 1
Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 2
Initialize USB drive...FsVolume::begin(20001fe0)
ExFatPartition::init(20001fe0, 1)
FatPartition::init(20001fe0, 1)
USB drive 1 is present.
msc # Partition Table
FAT16: 1,0,0x3,0x37,0x0,0xE,0xFE,0x3F,0x7C,243,2013741
pt_#0: 2,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
Fat Type: Fat16
FatPartition::init(20001fe0, 1)
Volume Name: CRUZER
393481 T4.1-Cardlike.jpg
3355221 DSC03356.JPG
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
FAT16: FatPartition::init(20001fe0, 1)
>> Volume name:(CRUZER)
Total Size:1030750208 Used:3817472 time us: 95999
No or Not Supported Partition
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
Total Size:1030750208 Used:3817472 time us: 95501
No or Not Supported Partition
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
Total Size:1030750208 Used:3817472 time us: 96001
No or Not Supported Partition
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
Total Size:1030750208 Used:3817472 time us: 95751
Initialize USB drive...FsVolume::begin(2000247c)
ExFatPartition::init(2000247c, 1)
FatPartition::init(2000247c, 1)
USB drive 2 is present.
msc # Partition Table
FAT32: 1,0,0x4,0x1,0x4,0xB,0xFE,0xC2,0xFF,2048,8192000
FAT16: 2,0,0xE,0x51,0xFE,0xE,0x98,0x98,0x80,8194048,2097152
exFAT: 3,0,0x98,0x99,0x80,0x7,0xEE,0xDC,0xD2,10291200,5435392
pt_#0: 4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
Fat Type: Fat32
FatPartition::init(2000247c, 1)
Volume Name: VOLFAT32
2010-03-22 07:11 3343737 DSC03357.JPG
2021-01-01 00:00 0 example.txt
2021-02-24 16:35 0 OnFat32.txt
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
FAT32: FatPartition::init(2000247c, 1)
>> Volume name:(VOLFAT32)
Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 6018748
Fat Type: Fat16
FatPartition::init(2000247c, 2)
Volume Name: VOLFAT16
2021-01-13 17:56 340510 T4-Cardlike.jpg
2021-02-24 16:34 0 OnFat16.txt
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
FAT16: FatPartition::init(2000247c, 2)
>> Volume name:(VOLFAT16)
Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 6020248
Fat Type: ExFat
ExFatPartition::init(2000247c, 3)
Volume Name: VolEXFAT
2021-01-24 06:23 393481 T4.1-Cardlike.jpg
2021-02-24 16:35 0 OnExFat.txt
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
exFAT: ExFatPartition::init(2000247c, 3)
>> Volume name:(VolEXFAT)
Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 6019873
No or Not Supported Partition
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 6020500
Initialize SD card...initialization failed.
Press any key to run again
>> Volume name:(CRUZER)
Total Size:1030750208 Used:3817472 time us: 95999
>> Volume name:(VOLFAT32)
Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 6018748
>> Volume name:(VOLFAT16)
Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 6020248
>> Volume name:(VolEXFAT)
Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 6019873
I figured out how to install it from FrankB's cores. Locked up without info still![]()
msc # Partition Table
exFAT: 1,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,2048,234436608
pt_#0: 2,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
USB Fat Type: ExFat
Volume Name: 120GB_Ext
2020-01-23 17:04 32768000 A_00001.dat
2020-01-23 17:04 32768000 A_00002.dat
2020-01-23 17:04 32768000 A_00003.dat
2020-01-23 17:04 32768000 A_00004.dat
2020-01-23 17:04 32768000 A_00005.dat
2020-01-23 17:04 32768000 A_00006.dat
0 A_00007.dat
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
exFAT: >> Volume name:(120GB_Ext)
Total Size:120026300416 Used:197394432 time us: 84001
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:120026300416 Used:197394432 time us: 83990
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:120026300416 Used:197394432 time us: 83990
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:120026300416 Used:197394432 time us: 83990
Initialize USB drive...^^^^USB drive 2 is present.
msc # Partition Table
FAT32: 1,80,0x20,0x21,0x0,0xC,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,2048,67108864
FAT32: 2,0,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,0xC,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,67110912,54128640
pt_#0: 3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
USB Fat Type: Fat32
Volume Name: B Info
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
FAT32: >> Volume name:(B )
Total Size:34347155456 Used:28836429824 time us: 3071498
USB Fat Type: Fat32
Volume Name: 64G_PT#2
2021-02-24 09:01 0 FPartTwo.txt
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
FAT32: >> Volume name:(64G_PT#2)
Total Size:34347155456 Used:28836429824 time us: 3071623
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:34347155456 Used:28836429824 time us: 3071489
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:34347155456 Used:28836429824 time us: 3071489
// VolumeName.ino
// VER: P494, p498, p506, p507
// An example of how to retrieve Fat32 and ExFat volume names using SdFat.
// Works with SD cards and USB mass storage drives.
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "mscFS.h"
// Setup USBHost_t36 and as many HUB ports as needed.
USBHost myusb;
USBHub hub1(myusb);
USBHub hub2(myusb);
USBHub hub3(myusb);
USBHub hub4(myusb);
IntervalTimer clocked100ms;
volatile int32_t cmsReport = -1;
// Setup MSC for the number of USB Drives you are using. (Two for this example)
// Mutiple USB drives can be used. Hot plugging is supported. There is a slight
// delay after a USB MSC device is plugged in. This is waiting for initialization
// but after it is initialized ther should be no delay.
msController msDrive1(myusb);
msController msDrive2(myusb);
#define SD_DRIVE 1
#define MS_DRIVE 2
#define SD_CONFIG SdioConfig(FIFO_SDIO)
// set up variables using the mscFS utility library functions:
UsbFs msc1;
UsbFs msc2;
SdFs sd;
//FatVolume partVol;
//create holding array for partions
uint8_t partitionTable[4];
int32_t dataStart[4];
// Get ExFat volume name.
bool getExFatVolumeLabel(uint8_t drvType, uint8_t part, UsbFs *myMsc) {
uint8_t buf[32];
UsbExFat volName;
SdExFat volName1;
ExFatFile root;
//msController *mscDrive;
DirLabel_t *dir;
ExFatVolume expartVol;
if (drvType == MS_DRIVE) {
//mscDrive = &msDrive1;
//if (!volName.begin(&msDrive1)) {
// Serial.println("EXFat volName.begin failed");
// return false;
// }
expartVol.begin(myMsc->usbDrive(), true, part);
if (!root.openRoot(&expartVol)) {
Serial.println("openRoot failed");
return false;
if (drvType == SD_DRIVE) {
if (!volName1.begin(SD_CONFIG)) {
return false;
if (!root.openRoot(&volName1)) {
Serial.println("openRoot failed");
return false;
root.read(buf, 32);
dir = reinterpret_cast<DirLabel_t*>(buf);
Serial.print(F("Volume Name: "));
for (size_t i = 0; i < dir->labelLength; i++) {
Serial.write(dir->unicode[2 * i]);
expartVol.ls(LS_SIZE | LS_DATE | LS_R);
return true;
// Get Fat32 volume name.
bool getFat32VolumeLabel(uint8_t drvType, uint8_t part, UsbFs *myMsc) {
FatVolume partVol;
uint8_t buf[512];
if (drvType == MS_DRIVE) {
partVol.begin(myMsc->usbDrive(), true, part);
myMsc->usbDrive()->readSector(partVol.dataStartSector(), buf);
if (drvType == SD_DRIVE) {
sd.card()->readSector(sd.dataStartSector(), buf);
Serial.print(F("Volume Name: "));
for (size_t i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
if ( buf[i] > 0 && buf[i] < 127 )
partVol.ls(LS_SIZE | LS_DATE | LS_R);
return true;
// Get Fat16 volume name.
// Get Fat16 volume name.
bool getFat16VolumeLabel(uint8_t drvType, uint8_t part, UsbFs *myMsc) {
FatVolume partVol;
uint8_t buf[512];
if (drvType == MS_DRIVE) {
partVol.begin(myMsc->usbDrive(), true, part);
myMsc->usbDrive()->readSector(partVol.rootDirStart(), buf);
if (drvType == SD_DRIVE) {
sd.card()->readSector(sd.dataStartSector(), buf);
print_hexbytes(buf, 512);
Serial.print(F("Volume Name: "));
for (size_t i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
partVol.ls(LS_SIZE | LS_DATE | LS_R);
return true;
bool getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel(UsbFs *myMsc, uint8_t part, uint8_t *pszVolName, uint16_t cb) {
MbrSector_t mbr;
uint8_t buf[512];
if (!pszVolName || (cb < 12)) return false; // don't want to deal with it
myMsc->usbDrive()->readSector(0, (uint8_t*)&mbr);
MbrPart_t *pt = &mbr.part[part - 1];
switch (pt->type) {
case 4:
case 6:
case 0xe:
FatVolume partVol;
partVol.begin(myMsc->usbDrive(), true, part);
myMsc->usbDrive()->readSector(partVol.rootDirStart(), buf);
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
pszVolName[i] = buf[i];
while ((i > 0) && (pszVolName[i - 1] == ' ')) i--; // trim off trailing blanks
pszVolName[i] = 0;
case 11:
case 12:
FatVolume partVol;
partVol.begin(myMsc->usbDrive(), true, part);
myMsc->usbDrive()->readSector(partVol.dataStartSector(), buf);
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
pszVolName[i] = buf[i];
while ((i > 0) && (pszVolName[i - 1] == ' ')) i--; // trim off trailing blanks
pszVolName[i] = 0;
case 7:
ExFatFile root;
DirLabel_t *dir;
ExFatVolume expartVol;
expartVol.begin(myMsc->usbDrive(), true, part);
if (!root.openRoot(&expartVol)) {
Serial.println("openRoot failed");
return false;
root.read(buf, 32);
dir = reinterpret_cast<DirLabel_t*>(buf);
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < dir->labelLength; i++) {
pszVolName[i] = dir->unicode[2 * i];
pszVolName[i] = 0;
return false;
return true;
bool mbrDmp(UsbFs *myMsc) {
MbrSector_t mbr;
// bool valid = true;
if (!myMsc->usbDrive()->readSector(0, (uint8_t*)&mbr)) {
Serial.print("\nread MBR failed.\n");
return false;
Serial.print("\nmsc # Partition Table\n");
for (uint8_t ip = 1; ip < 5; ip++) {
MbrPart_t *pt = &mbr.part[ip - 1];
// if ((pt->boot != 0 && pt->boot != 0X80) ||
// getLe32(pt->relativeSectors) > sdCardCapacity(&m_csd)) {
// valid = false;
// }
switch (pt->type) {
case 4:
case 6:
case 0xe:
case 11:
case 12:
case 7:
partitionTable[ip - 1] = pt->type;
dataStart[ip - 1] = getLe32(pt->relativeSectors);
Serial.print( int(ip)); Serial.print( ',');
Serial.print(int(pt->boot), HEX); Serial.print( ',');
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
Serial.print("0x"); Serial.print(int(pt->beginCHS[i]), HEX); Serial.print( ',');
Serial.print("0x"); Serial.print(int(pt->type), HEX); Serial.print( ',');
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
Serial.print("0x"); Serial.print(int(pt->endCHS[i]), HEX); Serial.print( ',');
Serial.print(getLe32(pt->relativeSectors), DEC); Serial.print(',');
return true;
void setup()
#if 0 // easy test to check HardFault Detection response
int *pp = 0;
*pp = 5;
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
SysCall::yield(); // wait for serial port to connect.
// Start USBHost_t36, HUB(s) and USB devices.
clocked100ms.begin(clock_isr, 100000);
void clock_isr() {
if (cmsReport >= 0 ) {
if (cmsReport > 0 ) {
if (cmsReport < 10 )
Serial.print( "^");
else if ( cmsReport < 50 && !(cmsReport % 10) )
Serial.print( "~");
else if ( !(cmsReport % 50) )
Serial.print( ":(");
void print_hexbytes(const void *ptr, int len)
if (ptr == NULL || len <= 0) return;
const uint8_t *p = (const uint8_t *)ptr;
while (len) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (i > len) break;
Serial.printf("%02X ", p[i]);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (i > len) break;
Serial.printf("%c", ((p[i] >= ' ') && (p[i] <= '~')) ? p[i] : '.');
p += 32;
len -= 32;
// Function to handle one MS Drive...
void procesMSDrive(uint8_t drive_number, msController &msDrive, UsbFs &msc)
Serial.printf("Initialize USB drive...");
cmsReport = 0;
if (!msc.begin(&msDrive)) {
Serial.printf("initialization drive %u failed.\n", drive_number);
} else {
Serial.printf("USB drive %u is present.\n", drive_number);
cmsReport = -1;
mbrDmp( &msc );
for (uint8_t i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
switch (partitionTable[i - 1]) {
case 11:
case 12:
Serial.printf("\nUSB Fat Type: Fat32\n");
if (!getFat32VolumeLabel(MS_DRIVE, i, &msc))
Serial.printf("Failed to get volume label\n");
case 4:
case 6:
case 0xe:
Serial.printf("\nUSB Fat Type: Fat16\n");
if (!getFat16VolumeLabel(MS_DRIVE, i, &msc))
Serial.printf("Failed to get volume label\n");
case 7:
Serial.printf("\nUSB Fat Type: ExFat\n");
if (!getExFatVolumeLabel(MS_DRIVE, i, &msc))
Serial.printf("Failed to get volume label\n");
Serial.print( partitionTable[i - 1] );
Serial.println(" is No or Not Supported USB Partition");
// lets see if our all in one works
uint8_t volName[32];
if ( 0 != partitionTable[i - 1] ) {
Serial.println("Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel");
if (getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel(&msc, i, volName, sizeof(volName))) {
Serial.printf(">> Volume name:(%s)\n", volName);
elapsedMicros em_sizes = 0;
uint64_t used_size = (uint64_t)(msc.clusterCount() - msc.freeClusterCount())
* (uint64_t)msc.bytesPerCluster();
uint64_t total_size = (uint64_t)msc.clusterCount() * (uint64_t)msc.bytesPerCluster();
Serial.printf("Total Size:%llu Used:%llu time us: %u\n", total_size, used_size,
void loop(void) {
cmsReport = 0;
if (!msDrive1) {
Serial.println("Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 1");
elapsedMillis em = 0;
while (!msDrive1 && (em < 5000) ) myusb.Task();
if (!msDrive2) {
Serial.println("Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 2");
elapsedMillis em = 0;
while (!msDrive2 && (em < 5000) ) myusb.Task();
if (msDrive1) {
procesMSDrive(1, msDrive1, msc1);
if (msDrive2) {
procesMSDrive(2, msDrive2, msc2);
cmsReport = -1;
Serial.printf("\nInitialize SD card...");
if (!sd.begin(SD_CONFIG)) {
Serial.println("initialization failed.\n");
} else {
Serial.println("SD card is present.\n");
if (sd.fatType() == 32) {
Serial.printf("SD Fat Type: Fat32\n");
if (!getFat32VolumeLabel(SD_DRIVE, 1, nullptr))
Serial.printf("Failed to get volume label\n");
} else {
Serial.printf("SD Fat Type: ExFAT\n");
if (!getExFatVolumeLabel(SD_DRIVE, 1, nullptr)) {
Serial.printf("Failed to get volume label\n");
//sd.ls(LS_SIZE | LS_DATE | LS_R);
Serial.println("Press any key to run again");
while (Serial.read() == -1);
while (Serial.read() != -1);
Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 1
^^Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 2
^^^^Initialize USB drive...^^^^FsVolume::begin(20002000)
ExFatPartition::init(20002000, 1)
FatPartition::init(20002000, 1)
USB drive 1 is present.
msc # Partition Table
FAT16: 1,0,0x3,0x37,0x0,0xE,0xFE,0x3F,0x7C,243,2013741
pt_#0: 2,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
USB Fat Type: Fat16
FatPartition::init(20002000, 1)
Volume Name: CRUZER
393481 T4.1-Cardlike.jpg
3355221 DSC03356.JPG
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
FAT16: FatPartition::init(20002000, 1)
>> Volume name:(CRUZER)
Total Size:1030750208 Used:3817472 time us: 96749
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:1030750208 Used:3817472 time us: 96116
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:1030750208 Used:3817472 time us: 96241
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:1030750208 Used:3817472 time us: 94741
Initialize USB drive...^^^^^^^^FsVolume::begin(2000249c)
ExFatPartition::init(2000249c, 1)
FatPartition::init(2000249c, 1)
USB drive 2 is present.
msc # Partition Table
FAT32: 1,0,0x4,0x1,0x4,0xB,0xFE,0xC2,0xFF,2048,8192000
FAT16: 2,0,0xE,0x51,0xFE,0xE,0x98,0x98,0x80,8194048,2097152
exFAT: 3,0,0x98,0x99,0x80,0x7,0xEE,0xDC,0xD2,10291200,5435392
pt_#0: 4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
USB Fat Type: Fat32
FatPartition::init(2000249c, 1)
Volume Name: VOLFAT32
2010-03-22 07:11 3343737 DSC03357.JPG
2021-01-01 00:00 0 example.txt
2021-02-24 16:35 0 OnFat32.txt
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
FAT32: FatPartition::init(2000249c, 1)
>> Volume name:(VOLFAT32)
Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 6019373
USB Fat Type: Fat16
FatPartition::init(2000249c, 2)
Volume Name: VOLFAT16
2021-01-13 17:56 340510 T4-Cardlike.jpg
2021-02-24 16:34 0 OnFat16.txt
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
FAT16: FatPartition::init(2000249c, 2)
>> Volume name:(VOLFAT16)
Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 6022123
USB Fat Type: ExFat
ExFatPartition::init(2000249c, 3)
Volume Name: VolEXFAT
2021-01-24 06:23 393481 T4.1-Cardlike.jpg
2021-02-24 16:35 0 OnExFat.txt
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
exFAT: ExFatPartition::init(2000249c, 3)
>> Volume name:(VolEXFAT)
Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 6019873
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 6018365
Initialize SD card...initialization failed.
>> Volume name:(VOLFAT32)
Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 5897998
Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 1
^^^^^^^^^~~~~Initialize USB drive...^^^^^^^^^~~
mscError: 0X23
initialization drive 2 failed.
read MBR failed.
USB Fat Type: Fat32
FatPartition::init(2000249c, 1)
Volume Name:
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
Total Size:4186095616 Used:4186099712 time us: 1500000
Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 2
^^^^^^^^^~~~~Initialize USB drive...^^^^USB drive 1 is present.
msc # Partition Table
FAT32: 1,0,0x0,0x21,0x0,0xC,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,32,62530592
pt_#0: 2,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
USB Fat Type: Fat32
Volume Name: LOST DIR
...... long list of files
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
FAT32: >> Volume name:(LOST DIR)
Total Size:32000016384 Used:10393780224 time us: 9531498
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:32000016384 Used:10393780224 time us: 9532739
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:32000016384 Used:10393780224 time us: 9533114
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:32000016384 Used:10393780224 time us: 9532989
Initialize SD card...initialization failed.
Press any key to run
Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 2
^^^^^^^^^~~~~Initialize USB drive...^^^^^USB drive 1 is present.
msc # Partition Table
FAT16: 1,80,0x1,0x1,0x0,0xE,0xFE,0x3F,0x79,63,1974208
pt_#0: 2,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
USB Fat Type: Fat16
Volume Name: NEW VOLUME
2020-11-17 13:56 220021 T4.1-Cardlike0.jpg
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
FAT16: >> Volume name:(NEW VOLUME)
Total Size:1010515968 Used:278528 time us: 90374
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:1010515968 Used:278528 time us: 119492
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:1010515968 Used:278528 time us: 90367
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:1010515968 Used:278528 time us: 90367
Initialize SD card...initialization failed.
Press any key to run again
msc # Partition Table
exFAT: 1,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,2048,204800000
FAT32: 2,0,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,0xC,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,204802048,29634560
pt_#0: 3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
USB Fat Type: ExFat
Volume Name: New Volume
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
exFAT: >> Volume name:(New Volume)
Total Size:104852357120 Used:43811733504 time us: 73499
USB Fat Type: Fat32
Volume Name: NEW VOLUME
2020-12-27 14:47 5725283 VSLAM_and_Navigation_System_of_Unmanned_Ground_Vehicle_Based_on_RGB-D_Camera.pdf
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
FAT32: >> Volume name:(NEW VOLUME)
Total Size:104852357120 Used:43811733504 time us: 73499
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:104852357120 Used:43811733504 time us: 73489
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:104852357120 Used:43811733504 time us: 73489
Initialize SD card...initialization failed.
Press any key to run again
sd_addFilesystem: 0 20006328 RAM1
RAM Storage 0 RAM1 199936 512
sd_addFilesystem: 1 200063f0 RAM2
RAM Storage 1 RAM2 3999744 4096
sd_addFilesystem: 2 20006260 PROGM
Program Storage 0 PROGM 983040 8192
sd_addFilesystem: 3 20003a68 QSPI
QSPI Storage 0 QSPI 16777216 8192
sd_addFilesystem: 4 20003b64 sflash5
SPIFlash Storage 0 5 sflash5 67108864 8192
sd_addFilesystem: 5 20003c3c sflash6
SPIFlash Storage 1 6 sflash6 67108864 8192
SPIFlash Storage 2 7 prop failed or missing
sd_addFilesystem: 6 20006e80 WINBOND1G
Storage 0 3 WINBOND1G 131596288 9175040
sd_addFilesystem: 7 20006f70 WINBOND2G
Storage 1 4 WINBOND2G 265289728 9306112
Initializing USB MSC drives...
Setup done
CMD: 1002(OPEN_SESSION)l: 16 T:0 : 1
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 16 T:0 : 1
USB Drive Inserted
msc # Partition Table
exFAT: 1,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,2048,204800000
FAT32: 2,0,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,0xC,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,204802048,29634560
pt_#0: 3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
exFAT: >> USB partition 0 valume ID: New Volume
sd_addFilesystem: 8 200071b4 MSC0
new Storage 0 MSC0 104852357120(0) 43811733504(73496)
*MTPD::send_Event(4004) 9
CMD: 1001(GET_DEVICE_INFO)l: 12 T:1
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 12 T:1
CMD: 1014(GET_DEVICE_PROP_DESC)l: 16 T:2 : d402
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 16 T:2 : d402
CMD: 1005(GET_STORAGE_INFO)l: 16 T:3 : 9
9 8 name:MSC0 vol:New Volume
9 8 name:MSC0 vol:New Volume
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 16 T:3 : 9
CMD: 1004(GET_STORAGE_IDS)l: 12 T:4
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 12 T:4
CMD: 1005(GET_STORAGE_INFO)l: 16 T:5 : 1
1 0 name:RAM1 vol:
1 0 name:RAM1 vol:
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 16 T:5 : 1
CMD: 1005(GET_STORAGE_INFO)l: 16 T:6 : 2
2 1 name:RAM2 vol:
2 1 name:RAM2 vol:
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 16 T:6 : 2
CMD: 1005(GET_STORAGE_INFO)l: 16 T:7 : 3
3 2 name:PROGM vol:
3 2 name:PROGM vol:
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 16 T:7 : 3
CMD: 1005(GET_STORAGE_INFO)l: 16 T:8 : 4
4 3 name:QSPI vol:
4 3 name:QSPI vol:
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 16 T:8 : 4
CMD: 1005(GET_STORAGE_INFO)l: 16 T:9 : 5
5 4 name:sflash5 vol:
5 4 name:sflash5 vol:
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 16 T:9 : 5
CMD: 1005(GET_STORAGE_INFO)l: 16 T:a : 6
6 5 name:sflash6 vol:
6 5 name:sflash6 vol:
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 16 T:a : 6
CMD: 1005(GET_STORAGE_INFO)l: 16 T:b : 7
7 6 name:WINBOND1G vol:
7 6 name:WINBOND1G vol:
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 16 T:b : 7
CMD: 1005(GET_STORAGE_INFO)l: 16 T:c : 8
8 7 name:WINBOND2G vol:
8 7 name:WINBOND2G vol:
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 16 T:c : 8
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 16 T:d : 3000
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 16 T:e : 3001
sd_addFilesystem: 0 20006328 RAM1
RAM Storage 0 RAM1 199936 512
sd_addFilesystem: 1 200063f0 RAM2
RAM Storage 1 RAM2 3999744 4096
sd_addFilesystem: 2 20006260 PROGM
Program Storage 0 PROGM 983040 8192
sd_addFilesystem: 3 20003a68 QSPI
QSPI Storage 0 QSPI 16777216 8192
sd_addFilesystem: 4 20003b64 sflash5
SPIFlash Storage 0 5 sflash5 67108864 8192
sd_addFilesystem: 5 20003c3c sflash6
SPIFlash Storage 1 6 sflash6 67108864 8192
SPIFlash Storage 2 7 prop failed or missing
sd_addFilesystem: 6 20006e80 WINBOND1G
Storage 0 3 WINBOND1G 131596288 9175040
sd_addFilesystem: 7 20006f70 WINBOND2G
Storage 1 4 WINBOND2G 265289728 9306112
Initializing USB MSC drives...
Setup done
CMD: 1002(OPEN_SESSION)l: 16 T:0 : 1
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 16 T:0 : 1
USB Drive Inserted
msc # Partition Table
FAT32: 1,0,0x0,0x21,0x0,0xC,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,32,62530592
pt_#0: 2,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
FAT32: >> USB partition 0 valume ID: LOST DIR
sd_addFilesystem: 8 200071b4 MSC0
new Storage 0 MSC0 32000016384(0) 10393780224(9532495)
*MTPD::send_Event(4004) 9
CMD: 1001(GET_DEVICE_INFO)l: 12 T:1
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 12 T:1
CMD: 1014(GET_DEVICE_PROP_DESC)l: 16 T:2 : d402
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 16 T:2 : d402
CMD: 1005(GET_STORAGE_INFO)l: 16 T:3 : 9
9 8 name:MSC0 vol:LOST DIR
9 8 name:MSC0 vol:LOST DIR
RESP:2001(RSP:OK)l: 16 T:3 : 9
Try picking up the latest UsbMSCFat project - I added a hack into it that if you ask for the Used size, twice (or more) it remembers the first call to it, which we do as a debug message at the time we add the drive, but then when windows actually sees the drive list and asks for information, we give them the cached data, which allowed my drives to come up.
But on Linux, I think the delay at startup (the time it took after the host sees the new device before we respond to a new session request or the like, it times out still...
Now to maybe look at why the whole disk?
* Set MAINTAIN_FREE_CLUSTER_COUNT nonzero to keep the count of free clusters
* updated. This will increase the speed of the freeClusterCount() call
* after the first call. Extra flash will be required.
@all - Another quick question: while starting to look at why the free space is TAKING SOOOOOOOO LLLLOOONNNGGG
I noticed in the SDFat code:
Code://------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Set MAINTAIN_FREE_CLUSTER_COUNT nonzero to keep the count of free clusters * updated. This will increase the speed of the freeClusterCount() call * after the first call. Extra flash will be required. */ #define MAINTAIN_FREE_CLUSTER_COUNT 0
Sort of like, If we turn this on, I don't need the last changes I made to the UsbMSCFat which sort of does a poor subset...
But again it still would be slow for the first call through...
Now to see what that call is doing!
Quick note: I am thinking it might make sense to add the VolumeName.ino as an example sketch to maybe MscFS.h project. That way we can all keep track of it?
Make sense?
int32_t FatPartition::freeClusterCount() {
if (m_freeClusterCount >= 0) {
return m_freeClusterCount;
uint32_t free = 0;
uint32_t sector;
uint32_t todo = m_lastCluster + 1;
uint16_t n;
if (FAT12_SUPPORT && fatType() == 12) {
for (unsigned i = 2; i < todo; i++) {
uint32_t c;
int8_t fg = fatGet(i, &c);
if (fg < 0) {
goto fail;
if (fg && c == 0) {
} else if (fatType() == 16 || fatType() == 32) {
[COLOR="#B22222"]Serial.printf("###FatPartition::freeClusterCount: FT:%u start:%u todo:%u\n", fatType(), m_fatStartSector, todo);[/COLOR]
sector = m_fatStartSector;
while (todo) {
Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 1
^^Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 2
^^^^^^^~~~~:(Initialize USB drive...^^^^^^^^FsVolume::begin(20002040)
ExFatPartition::init(20002040, 1)
FatPartition::init(20002040, 1)
USB drive 1 is present.
msc # Partition Table
FAT32: 1,0,0x4,0x1,0x4,0xB,0xFE,0xC2,0xFF,2048,8192000
FAT16: 2,0,0xE,0x51,0xFE,0xE,0x98,0x98,0x80,8194048,2097152
exFAT: 3,0,0x98,0x99,0x80,0x7,0xEE,0xDC,0xD2,10291200,5435392
pt_#0: 4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
USB Fat Type: Fat32
FatPartition::init(20002040, 1)
>> Volume name:(VOLFAT32)
###FatPartition::freeClusterCount: FT:32 start:2094 todo:1021998
Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 5899873
USB Fat Type: Fat16
>> Volume name:(VOLFAT16)
###FatPartition::freeClusterCount: FT:32 start:2094 todo:1021998
Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 5897623
USB Fat Type: ExFat
>> Volume name:(VolEXFAT)
###FatPartition::freeClusterCount: FT:32 start:2094 todo:1021998
Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 5899498
uint32_t sd_addFilesystem(FS &fs, const char *name, const char *volumeID) {
sd_name[fsCount] = name;
sd_volumeID[fsCount] = volumeID;
sdx[fsCount] = &fs;
Serial.printf("sd_addFilesystem: %d %x %s\n", fsCount, (uint32_t)&fs, name);
return fsCount++;
return 0xFFFFFFFFUL; // no room left
uint32_t sd_addUsbFilesystem(FS &fs, const char *name, const char *volumeID, uint16_t part) {
sd_name[fsCount] = name;
sd_volumeID[fsCount] = volumeID;
Serial.printf("sd_addFilesystem: %d %x %s\n", fsCount, (uint32_t)&fs, name);
switch (part) {
case 4:
case 6:
case 0xe:
FatVolume partVol;
partVol.begin(&fs, true, part);
sdx[fsCount] = &partVol;
case 11:
case 12:
FatVolume partVol;
partVol.begin(&fs true, part);
sdx[fsCount] = &partVol;
case 7:
ExFatVolume expartVol;
expartVol.begin(&fs true, part);
sdx[fsCount] = &expartVol;
//return false;
Maybe using the drive as the pointer instead of the volume so everything in MTP going to associated with the drive not the vol?KurtE said:As mentioned it looks like it is reading the whole disk for each one... Now to figure out where those values for the clusters and the like are coming from...
for (uint8_t i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
switch (partitionTable[i - 1]) {
case 11:
case 12:
Serial.printf("\nUSB Fat Type: Fat32\n");
if (!getFat32VolumeLabel(MS_DRIVE, i, &msc))
Serial.printf("Failed to get volume label\n");
[COLOR="#FF0000"] FatVolume partVol;
partVol.begin(msc.usbDrive(), true, i);
elapsedMicros em_sizes = 0;
uint64_t used_size = (uint64_t)(partVol.clusterCount() - partVol.freeClusterCount())
* (uint64_t)partVol.bytesPerCluster();
uint64_t total_size = (uint64_t)partVol.clusterCount() * (uint64_t)partVol.bytesPerCluster();
Serial.printf("FAT16 Partition Total Size:%llu Used:%llu time us: %u\n", total_size, used_size,
case 4:
case 6:
case 0xe:
Serial.printf("\nUSB Fat Type: Fat16\n");
if (!getFat16VolumeLabel(MS_DRIVE, i, &msc))
Serial.printf("Failed to get volume label\n");
[COLOR="#FF0000"] FatVolume partVol;
partVol.begin(msc.usbDrive(), true, i);
elapsedMicros em_sizes = 0;
uint64_t used_size = (uint64_t)(partVol.clusterCount() - partVol.freeClusterCount())
* (uint64_t)partVol.bytesPerCluster();
uint64_t total_size = (uint64_t)partVol.clusterCount() * (uint64_t)partVol.bytesPerCluster();
Serial.printf("FAT32 Partition Total Size:%llu Used:%llu time us: %u\n", total_size, used_size,
case 7:
Serial.printf("\nUSB Fat Type: ExFat\n");
if (!getExFatVolumeLabel(MS_DRIVE, i, &msc))
Serial.printf("Failed to get volume label\n");
Serial.print( partitionTable[i - 1] );
Serial.println(" is No or Not Supported USB Partition");
continue; // don't try to get the other stuff here...
^^^^~~~~:(Initialize USB drive...^^^^^^^^FsVolume::begin(20002080)
ExFatPartition::init(20002080, 1)
FatPartition::init(20002080, 1)
USB drive 1 is present.
msc # Partition Table
FAT32: 1,0,0x4,0x1,0x4,0xB,0xFE,0xC2,0xFF,2048,8192000
FAT16: 2,0,0xE,0x51,0xFE,0xE,0x98,0x98,0x80,8194048,2097152
exFAT: 3,0,0x98,0x99,0x80,0x7,0xEE,0xDC,0xD2,10291200,5435392
pt_#0: 4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
USB Fat Type: Fat32
FatPartition::init(20002080, 1)
Volume Name: VOLFAT32
2010-03-22 07:11 3343737 DSC03357.JPG
2021-01-01 00:00 0 example.txt
2021-02-24 16:35 0 OnFat32.txt
FatPartition::init(20002080, 1)
[COLOR="#FF0000"]###FatPartition::freeClusterCount: FT:32 start:2094 todo:1021998[/COLOR]
FAT16 Partition Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 5899625
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
FAT32: FatPartition::init(20002080, 1)
>> Volume name:(VOLFAT32)
[COLOR="#FF0000"]###FatPartition::freeClusterCount: FT:32 start:2094 todo:1021998[/COLOR]
Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 5898498
USB Fat Type: Fat16
FatPartition::init(20002080, 2)
Volume Name: VOLFAT16
2021-01-13 17:56 340510 T4-Cardlike.jpg
2021-02-24 16:34 0 OnFat16.txt
FatPartition::init(20002080, 2)
[COLOR="#FF0000"]###FatPartition::freeClusterCount: FT:16 start:8194056 todo:65520[/COLOR]
FAT32 Partition Total Size:1073446912 Used:393216 time us: 187501
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
FAT16: FatPartition::init(20002080, 2)
>> Volume name:(VOLFAT16)
[COLOR="#FF0000"]###FatPartition::freeClusterCount: FT:32 start:2094 todo:1021998[/COLOR]
Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 5901373
USB Fat Type: ExFat
ExFatPartition::init(20002080, 3)
Volume Name: VolEXFAT
2021-01-24 06:23 393481 T4.1-Cardlike.jpg
2021-02-24 16:35 0 OnExFat.txt
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
exFAT: ExFatPartition::init(20002080, 3)
>> Volume name:(VolEXFAT)
###FatPartition::freeClusterCount: FT:32 start:2094 todo:1021998
Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 5894748
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Initialize SD card...FsVolume::begin(200039f0)
ExFatPartition::init(200039f0, 1)
SD card is present.
SD Fat Type: ExFAT
ExFatPartition::init(2006ff94, 1)
Volume Name: EXFat_Vol
Press any key to run again
Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 1
^^Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 2
^^^^^^^~~~~:(Initialize USB drive...^^^^^^^^FsVolume::begin(20002100)
ExFatPartition::init(20002100, 1)
FatPartition::init(20002100, 1)
USB drive 1 is present.
msc # Partition Table
FAT32: 1,0,0x4,0x1,0x4,0xB,0xFE,0xC2,0xFF,2048,8192000
FAT16: 2,0,0xE,0x51,0xFE,0xE,0x98,0x98,0x80,8194048,2097152
exFAT: 3,0,0x98,0x99,0x80,0x7,0xEE,0xDC,0xD2,10291200,5435392
pt_#0: 4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
USB Fat Type: Fat32
FatPartition::init(20002100, 1)
Volume Name: VOLFAT32
2010-03-22 07:11 3343737 DSC03357.JPG
2021-01-01 00:00 0 example.txt
2021-02-24 16:35 0 OnFat32.txt
FatPartition::init(20002100, 1)
###FatPartition::freeClusterCount: FT:32 start:2094 todo:1021998
FAT16 Partition Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 5900875
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
FAT32: FatPartition::init(20002100, 1)
>> Volume name:(VOLFAT32)
USB Fat Type: Fat16
FatPartition::init(20002100, 2)
Volume Name: VOLFAT16
2021-01-13 17:56 340510 T4-Cardlike.jpg
2021-02-24 16:34 0 OnFat16.txt
FatPartition::init(20002100, 2)
###FatPartition::freeClusterCount: FT:16 start:8194056 todo:65520
FAT32 Partition Total Size:1073446912 Used:393216 time us: 187877
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
FAT16: FatPartition::init(20002100, 2)
>> Volume name:(VOLFAT16)
USB Fat Type: ExFat
ExFatPartition::init(20002100, 3)
Volume Name: VolEXFAT
2021-01-24 06:23 393481 T4.1-Cardlike.jpg
2021-02-24 16:35 0 OnExFat.txt
ExFatPartition::init(20002100, 3)
###ExFatPartition::freeClusterCount: FT:10292096 start:84914 cluster count:0
ExFat Partition Total Size:2782461952 Used:622592 time us: 17004
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
exFAT: ExFatPartition::init(20002100, 3)
>> Volume name:(VolEXFAT)
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Initialize SD card...FsVolume::begin(20003a70)
ExFatPartition::init(20003a70, 1)
SD card is present.
SD Fat Type: ExFAT
ExFatPartition::init(2006ff94, 1)
Volume Name: EXFat_Vol
Press any key to run again
// VolumeName.ino
// VER: P494, p498, p506, p507. [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]p522[/COLOR][/B]
// An example of how to retrieve Fat32 and ExFat volume names using SdFat.
// Works with SD cards and USB mass storage drives.
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "mscFS.h"
// Setup USBHost_t36 and as many HUB ports as needed.
USBHost myusb;
USBHub hub1(myusb);
USBHub hub2(myusb);
USBHub hub3(myusb);
USBHub hub4(myusb);
IntervalTimer clocked100ms;
volatile int32_t cmsReport = -1;
// Setup MSC for the number of USB Drives you are using. (Two for this example)
// Mutiple USB drives can be used. Hot plugging is supported. There is a slight
// delay after a USB MSC device is plugged in. This is waiting for initialization
// but after it is initialized ther should be no delay.
msController msDrive1(myusb);
msController msDrive2(myusb);
#define SD_DRIVE 1
#define MS_DRIVE 2
#define SD_CONFIG SdioConfig(FIFO_SDIO)
// set up variables using the mscFS utility library functions:
UsbFs msc1;
UsbFs msc2;
SdFs sd;
//FatVolume partVol;
//create holding array for partions
uint8_t partitionTable[4];
int32_t dataStart[4];
// Get ExFat volume name.
bool getExFatVolumeLabel(uint8_t drvType, uint8_t part, UsbFs *myMsc) {
uint8_t buf[32];
UsbExFat volName;
SdExFat volName1;
ExFatFile root;
//msController *mscDrive;
DirLabel_t *dir;
ExFatVolume expartVol;
if (drvType == MS_DRIVE) {
//mscDrive = &msDrive1;
//if (!volName.begin(&msDrive1)) {
// Serial.println("EXFat volName.begin failed");
// return false;
// }
expartVol.begin(myMsc->usbDrive(), true, part);
if (!root.openRoot(&expartVol)) {
Serial.println("openRoot failed");
return false;
if (drvType == SD_DRIVE) {
if (!volName1.begin(SD_CONFIG)) {
return false;
if (!root.openRoot(&volName1)) {
Serial.println("openRoot failed");
return false;
root.read(buf, 32);
dir = reinterpret_cast<DirLabel_t*>(buf);
Serial.print(F("Volume Name: "));
for (size_t i = 0; i < dir->labelLength; i++) {
Serial.write(dir->unicode[2 * i]);
expartVol.ls(LS_SIZE | LS_DATE | LS_R);
return true;
// Get Fat32 volume name.
bool getFat32VolumeLabel(uint8_t drvType, uint8_t part, UsbFs *myMsc) {
FatVolume partVol;
uint8_t buf[512];
if (drvType == MS_DRIVE) {
partVol.begin(myMsc->usbDrive(), true, part);
myMsc->usbDrive()->readSector(partVol.dataStartSector(), buf);
if (drvType == SD_DRIVE) {
sd.card()->readSector(sd.dataStartSector(), buf);
Serial.print(F("Volume Name: "));
for (size_t i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
if ( buf[i] > 0 && buf[i] < 127 )
partVol.ls(LS_SIZE | LS_DATE | LS_R);
return true;
// Get Fat16 volume name.
// Get Fat16 volume name.
bool getFat16VolumeLabel(uint8_t drvType, uint8_t part, UsbFs *myMsc) {
FatVolume partVol;
uint8_t buf[512];
if (drvType == MS_DRIVE) {
partVol.begin(myMsc->usbDrive(), true, part);
myMsc->usbDrive()->readSector(partVol.rootDirStart(), buf);
if (drvType == SD_DRIVE) {
sd.card()->readSector(sd.dataStartSector(), buf);
print_hexbytes(buf, 512);
Serial.print(F("Volume Name: "));
for (size_t i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
partVol.ls(LS_SIZE | LS_DATE | LS_R);
return true;
bool getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel(UsbFs *myMsc, uint8_t part, uint8_t *pszVolName, uint16_t cb) {
MbrSector_t mbr;
uint8_t buf[512];
if (!pszVolName || (cb < 12)) return false; // don't want to deal with it
myMsc->usbDrive()->readSector(0, (uint8_t*)&mbr);
MbrPart_t *pt = &mbr.part[part - 1];
switch (pt->type) {
case 4:
case 6:
case 0xe:
FatVolume partVol;
partVol.begin(myMsc->usbDrive(), true, part);
myMsc->usbDrive()->readSector(partVol.rootDirStart(), buf);
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
pszVolName[i] = buf[i];
while ((i > 0) && (pszVolName[i - 1] == ' ')) i--; // trim off trailing blanks
pszVolName[i] = 0;
case 11:
case 12:
FatVolume partVol;
partVol.begin(myMsc->usbDrive(), true, part);
myMsc->usbDrive()->readSector(partVol.dataStartSector(), buf);
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
pszVolName[i] = buf[i];
while ((i > 0) && (pszVolName[i - 1] == ' ')) i--; // trim off trailing blanks
pszVolName[i] = 0;
case 7:
ExFatFile root;
DirLabel_t *dir;
ExFatVolume expartVol;
expartVol.begin(myMsc->usbDrive(), true, part);
if (!root.openRoot(&expartVol)) {
Serial.println("openRoot failed");
return false;
root.read(buf, 32);
dir = reinterpret_cast<DirLabel_t*>(buf);
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < dir->labelLength; i++) {
pszVolName[i] = dir->unicode[2 * i];
pszVolName[i] = 0;
return false;
return true;
bool mbrDmp(UsbFs *myMsc) {
MbrSector_t mbr;
// bool valid = true;
if (!myMsc->usbDrive()->readSector(0, (uint8_t*)&mbr)) {
Serial.print("\nread MBR failed.\n");
return false;
Serial.print("\nmsc # Partition Table\n");
for (uint8_t ip = 1; ip < 5; ip++) {
MbrPart_t *pt = &mbr.part[ip - 1];
// if ((pt->boot != 0 && pt->boot != 0X80) ||
// getLe32(pt->relativeSectors) > sdCardCapacity(&m_csd)) {
// valid = false;
// }
switch (pt->type) {
case 4:
case 6:
case 0xe:
case 11:
case 12:
case 7:
partitionTable[ip - 1] = pt->type;
dataStart[ip - 1] = getLe32(pt->relativeSectors);
Serial.print( int(ip)); Serial.print( ',');
Serial.print(int(pt->boot), HEX); Serial.print( ',');
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
Serial.print("0x"); Serial.print(int(pt->beginCHS[i]), HEX); Serial.print( ',');
Serial.print("0x"); Serial.print(int(pt->type), HEX); Serial.print( ',');
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
Serial.print("0x"); Serial.print(int(pt->endCHS[i]), HEX); Serial.print( ',');
Serial.print(getLe32(pt->relativeSectors), DEC); Serial.print(',');
return true;
void setup()
#if 0 // easy test to check HardFault Detection response
int *pp = 0;
*pp = 5;
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
SysCall::yield(); // wait for serial port to connect.
// Start USBHost_t36, HUB(s) and USB devices.
clocked100ms.begin(clock_isr, 100000);
void clock_isr() {
if (cmsReport >= 0 ) {
if (cmsReport > 0 ) {
if (cmsReport < 10 )
Serial.print( "^");
else if ( cmsReport < 50 && !(cmsReport % 10) )
Serial.print( "~");
else if ( !(cmsReport % 50) )
Serial.print( ":(");
void print_hexbytes(const void *ptr, int len)
if (ptr == NULL || len <= 0) return;
const uint8_t *p = (const uint8_t *)ptr;
while (len) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (i > len) break;
Serial.printf("%02X ", p[i]);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (i > len) break;
Serial.printf("%c", ((p[i] >= ' ') && (p[i] <= '~')) ? p[i] : '.');
p += 32;
len -= 32;
// Function to handle one MS Drive...
void procesMSDrive(uint8_t drive_number, msController &msDrive, UsbFs &msc)
Serial.printf("Initialize USB drive...");
cmsReport = 0;
if (!msc.begin(&msDrive)) {
Serial.printf("initialization drive %u failed.\n", drive_number);
} else {
Serial.printf("USB drive %u is present.\n", drive_number);
cmsReport = -1;
mbrDmp( &msc );
for (uint8_t i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
switch (partitionTable[i - 1]) {
case 11:
case 12:
Serial.printf("\nUSB Fat Type: Fat32\n");
if (!getFat32VolumeLabel(MS_DRIVE, i, &msc))
Serial.printf("Failed to get volume label\n");
FatVolume partVol;
partVol.begin(msc.usbDrive(), true, i);
elapsedMicros em_sizes = 0;
uint64_t used_size = (uint64_t)(partVol.clusterCount() - partVol.freeClusterCount())
* (uint64_t)partVol.bytesPerCluster();
uint64_t total_size = (uint64_t)partVol.clusterCount() * (uint64_t)partVol.bytesPerCluster();
Serial.printf("FAT16 Partition Total Size:%llu Used:%llu time us: %u\n", total_size, used_size,
case 4:
case 6:
case 0xe:
Serial.printf("\nUSB Fat Type: Fat16\n");
if (!getFat16VolumeLabel(MS_DRIVE, i, &msc))
Serial.printf("Failed to get volume label\n");
FatVolume partVol;
partVol.begin(msc.usbDrive(), true, i);
elapsedMicros em_sizes = 0;
uint64_t used_size = (uint64_t)(partVol.clusterCount() - partVol.freeClusterCount())
* (uint64_t)partVol.bytesPerCluster();
uint64_t total_size = (uint64_t)partVol.clusterCount() * (uint64_t)partVol.bytesPerCluster();
Serial.printf("FAT32 Partition Total Size:%llu Used:%llu time us: %u\n", total_size, used_size,
case 7:
Serial.printf("\nUSB Fat Type: ExFat\n");
if (!getExFatVolumeLabel(MS_DRIVE, i, &msc))
Serial.printf("Failed to get volume label\n");
ExFatVolume partVol;
partVol.begin(msc.usbDrive(), true, i);
elapsedMicros em_sizes = 0;
uint64_t used_size = (uint64_t)(partVol.clusterCount() - partVol.freeClusterCount())
* (uint64_t)partVol.bytesPerCluster();
uint64_t total_size = (uint64_t)partVol.clusterCount() * (uint64_t)partVol.bytesPerCluster();
Serial.printf("ExFat Partition Total Size:%llu Used:%llu time us: %u\n", total_size, used_size,
Serial.print( partitionTable[i - 1] );
Serial.println(" is No or Not Supported USB Partition");
continue; // don't try to get the other stuff here...
// lets see if our all in one works
uint8_t volName[32];
if ( 0 != partitionTable[i - 1] ) {
Serial.println("Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel");
if (getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel(&msc, i, volName, sizeof(volName))) {
Serial.printf(">> Volume name:(%s)\n", volName);
#if 0
elapsedMicros em_sizes = 0;
uint64_t used_size = (uint64_t)(msc.clusterCount() - msc.freeClusterCount())
* (uint64_t)msc.bytesPerCluster();
uint64_t total_size = (uint64_t)msc.clusterCount() * (uint64_t)msc.bytesPerCluster();
Serial.printf("Total Size:%llu Used:%llu time us: %u\n", total_size, used_size,
void loop(void) {
cmsReport = 0;
if (!msDrive1) {
Serial.println("Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 1");
elapsedMillis em = 0;
while (!msDrive1 && (em < 5000) ) myusb.Task();
if (!msDrive2) {
Serial.println("Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 2");
elapsedMillis em = 0;
while (!msDrive2 && (em < 5000) ) myusb.Task();
if (msDrive1) {
procesMSDrive(1, msDrive1, msc1);
if (msDrive2) {
procesMSDrive(2, msDrive2, msc2);
cmsReport = -1;
Serial.printf("\nInitialize SD card...");
if (!sd.begin(SD_CONFIG)) {
Serial.println("initialization failed.\n");
} else {
Serial.println("SD card is present.\n");
if (sd.fatType() == 32) {
Serial.printf("SD Fat Type: Fat32\n");
if (!getFat32VolumeLabel(SD_DRIVE, 1, nullptr))
Serial.printf("Failed to get volume label\n");
} else {
Serial.printf("SD Fat Type: ExFAT\n");
if (!getExFatVolumeLabel(SD_DRIVE, 1, nullptr)) {
Serial.printf("Failed to get volume label\n");
//sd.ls(LS_SIZE | LS_DATE | LS_R);
Serial.println("Press any key to run again");
while (Serial.read() == -1);
while (Serial.read() != -1);
msc # Partition Table
pt_#238: 1,0,0x0,0x2,0x0,0xEE,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,1,4294967295
Initialize USB drive...^^^^^^^
Check USB drive format.
initialization drive 2 failed.
msc # Partition Table
FAT16: 1,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0xE,0xE8,0x27,0x1,2048,28672
exFAT: 2,0,0xA,0x9,0x2,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,32768,242450176
pt_#0: 3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
USB Fat Type: Fat16
Volume Name: FATVOL16M
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
FAT16: >> Volume name:(FATVOL16M)
Total Size:0 Used:0 time us: 0
USB Fat Type: ExFat
Volume Name:
2021-02-24 18:40 34 ExFat.txt
2021-02-24 18:41 131072 ExFatFldr/
2021-02-24 18:40 34 Folder_ExFat.txt
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
exFAT: >> Volume name:()
Total Size:0 Used:0 time us: 0
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:0 Used:0 time us: 0
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Total Size:0 Used:0 time us: 0
Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 1
^^Waiting up to 5 seconds for USB drive 2
^Initialize USB drive...^^^^USB drive 1 is present.
msc # Partition Table
exFAT: 1,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,2048,234436608
pt_#0: 2,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
USB Fat Type: ExFat
Volume Name: 120GB_Ext
2020-01-23 17:04 32768000 A_00001.dat
2020-01-23 17:04 32768000 A_00002.dat
2020-01-23 17:04 32768000 A_00003.dat
2020-01-23 17:04 32768000 A_00004.dat
2020-01-23 17:04 32768000 A_00005.dat
2020-01-23 17:04 32768000 A_00006.dat
0 A_00007.dat
ExFat Partition Total Size:120026300416 Used:[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]197394432 [/COLOR][/B]time us: 83983
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
exFAT: >> Volume name:(120GB_Ext)
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Initialize USB drive...^^^^^^^
Check USB drive format.
initialization drive 2 failed.
msc # Partition Table
FAT16: 1,0,0x20,0x21,0x0,0xE,0xE8,0x27,0x1,2048,28672
exFAT: 2,0,0xA,0x9,0x2,0x7,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,32768,242450176
pt_#0: 3,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
pt_#0: 4,0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0
USB Fat Type: Fat16
Volume Name: FATVOL16M
FAT32 Partition Total Size:14651392 Used:[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]14655488 [/COLOR][/B]time us: 0
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
FAT16: >> Volume name:(FATVOL16M)
USB Fat Type: ExFat
Volume Name:
2021-02-24 18:40 34 ExFat.txt
2021-02-24 18:41 131072 ExFatFldr/
2021-02-24 18:40 34 Folder_ExFat.txt
ExFat Partition Total Size:124117712896 Used:[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]1179648 [/COLOR][/B]time us: 243251
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
exFAT: >> Volume name:()
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
0 is No or Not Supported USB Partition
Initialize SD card...SD card is present.
SD Fat Type: Fat32
Volume Name: SD1_8GB_AD
Press any key to run again
int32_t FatPartition::freeClusterCount() {
if (m_freeClusterCount >= 0) {
return m_freeClusterCount;
uint32_t free = 0;
uint32_t sector;
uint32_t todo = m_lastCluster + 1;
uint16_t n;
if (FAT12_SUPPORT && fatType() == 12) {
for (unsigned i = 2; i < todo; i++) {
uint32_t c;
int8_t fg = fatGet(i, &c);
if (fg < 0) {
goto fail;
if (fg && c == 0) {
} else if (fatType() == 16 || fatType() == 32) {
Serial.printf("###FatPartition::freeClusterCount: FT:%u start:%u todo:%u\n", fatType(), m_fatStartSector, todo);
Serial.printf(" m_sectorsPerCluster:%u\n", m_sectorsPerCluster);
Serial.printf(" m_clusterSectorMask:%u\n", m_clusterSectorMask);
Serial.printf(" m_sectorsPerClusterShift:%u\n", m_sectorsPerClusterShift);
Serial.printf(" m_fatType:%u\n", m_fatType);
Serial.printf(" m_rootDirEntryCount:%u\n", m_rootDirEntryCount);
Serial.printf(" m_allocSearchStart:%u\n", m_allocSearchStart);
Serial.printf(" m_sectorsPerFat:%u\n", m_sectorsPerFat);
Serial.printf(" m_dataStartSector:%u\n", m_dataStartSector);
Serial.printf(" m_fatStartSector:%u\n", m_fatStartSector);
Serial.printf(" m_lastCluster:%u\n", m_lastCluster);
Serial.printf(" m_rootDirStart:%u\n", m_rootDirStart);
Serial.printf(" m_bytesPerSector:%u\n", m_bytesPerSector);
sector = m_fatStartSector;
while (todo) {
cache_t* pc = cacheFetchFat(sector++, FsCache::CACHE_FOR_READ);
if (!pc) {
goto fail;
n = fatType() == 16 ? m_bytesPerSector/2 : m_bytesPerSector/4;
if (todo < n) {
n = todo;
if (fatType() == 16) {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (pc->fat16[i] == 0) {
} else {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (pc->fat32[i] == 0) {
todo -= n;
} else {
// invalid FAT type
goto fail;
return free;
return -1;
uint8_t m_sectorsPerCluster; // Cluster size in sectors.
uint8_t m_clusterSectorMask; // Mask to extract sector of cluster.
uint8_t m_sectorsPerClusterShift; // Cluster count to sector count shift.
uint8_t m_fatType = 0; // Volume type (12, 16, OR 32).
uint16_t m_rootDirEntryCount; // Number of entries in FAT16 root dir.
uint32_t m_allocSearchStart; // Start cluster for alloc search.
uint32_t m_sectorsPerFat; // FAT size in sectors
uint32_t m_dataStartSector; // First data sector number.
uint32_t m_fatStartSector; // Start sector for first FAT.
uint32_t m_lastCluster; // Last cluster number in FAT.
uint32_t m_rootDirStart; // Start sector FAT16, cluster FAT32.
USB Fat Type: Fat32
FatPartition::init(20002220, 1)
Volume Name: VOLFAT32
2010-03-22 07:11 3343737 DSC03357.JPG
2021-01-01 00:00 0 example.txt
2021-02-24 16:35 0 OnFat32.txt
FatPartition::init(20002220, 1)
###FatPartition::freeClusterCount: FT:32 start:2094 todo:1021998
FAT16 Partition Total Size:4186095616 Used:3362816 time us: 5896750
Try calling getUSBPartitionVolumeLabel
FAT32: FatPartition::init(20002220, 1)
>> Volume name:(VOLFAT32)
USB Fat Type: Fat16
FatPartition::init(20002220, 2)
Volume Name: VOLFAT16
2021-01-13 17:56 340510 T4-Cardlike.jpg
2021-02-24 16:34 0 OnFat16.txt
FatPartition::init(20002220, 2)
###FatPartition::freeClusterCount: FT:16 start:8194056 todo:65520
FAT32 Partition Total Size:1073446912 Used:393216 time us: 188377