//Copyright 2019 by Walter Zimmer
// Version 07-may-19
#include "uSDFS.h"
#define TEST_DRV 2
#define MXFN 1000 // maximal number of files //was 100
#define MXRC 10000 // number of records in file // was 1000
const char *fnamePrefix = "B";
#if TEST_DRV == 0
const char *Dev = "0:/"; // SPI
#elif TEST_DRV == 1
const char *Dev = "1:/"; // SDHC
#elif TEST_DRV == 2
const char *Dev = "2:/"; // USB
FRESULT rc; /* Result code */
FATFS fatfs; /* File system object */
FIL fil; /* File object */
#if defined(__MK20DX256__)
#define BUFFSIZE (2*1024) // size of buffer to be written
#elif defined(__MK66FX1M0__)
#define BUFFSIZE (8*1024) // size of buffer to be written
#elif defined(__IMXRT1062__)
#define BUFFSIZE (24*1024) // size of buffer to be written
uint32_t buffer[BUFFSIZE];
UINT wr;
/* Stop with error message */
void die(const char *text, FRESULT rc)
{ Serial.printf("%s: Failed with rc=%s.\r\n", text, FR_ERROR_STRING[rc]); while (1) asm("wfi"); }
void blink(uint16_t msec)
digitalWriteFast(13, !digitalReadFast(13)); delay(msec);
void setup()
// wait for serial line to come up
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
pinMode(13, HIGH);
while (!Serial);
Serial.println("Test logger_RawWrite");
Serial.print("BUFFSIZE :"); Serial.println(BUFFSIZE);
Serial.print("Dev Type :"); Serial.println(Dev);
if ((rc = f_mount (&fatfs, Dev, 1))) die("Mount", rc); /* Mount/Unmount a logical drive */
Serial.printf("File System %s\n", fileSystem[fatfs.fs_type]);
Serial.printf("Free Disk Size %d clusters\n", fatfs.free_clst);
Serial.printf("Cluster Size %d sectors\n", fatfs.csize);
Serial.printf("Sector Size %d bytes\n", fatfs.ssize);
Serial.printf("Sector Size %d bytes\n", FF_MIN_SS);
Serial.printf("\nChange drive\n");
if ((rc = f_chdrive(Dev))) die("chdrive", rc);
void loop()
static uint32_t count = 0;
static uint32_t ifn = 0;
static uint32_t isFileOpen = 0;
static char filename[80];
static uint32_t t0 = 0;
static uint32_t t1 = 0;
static uint32_t dtwmin = 1 << 31, dtwmax = 0;
static uint32_t dto = 1 << 31, dtc = 0;
if (ifn > MXFN) { blink(500); return; }
if (!count)
// close file
if (isFileOpen)
{ dtc = micros();
//close file
if ((rc = f_close(&fil))) die("close", rc);
isFileOpen = 0;
t1 = micros();
dtc = t1 - dtc;
float MBs = (MXRC * BUFFSIZE * 4.0f) / (1.0f * (t1 - t0));
Serial.printf(" (%d - %f MB/s)\n (open: %d us; close: %d us; write: min,max: %d %d us)\n\r",
t1 - t0, MBs, dto, dtc, dtwmin, dtwmax);
dtwmin = 1 << 31; dtwmax = 0;
if (!isFileOpen)
// open new file
if (ifn > MXFN)
{ rc = f_unmount(Dev);
Serial.print("unmount "); Serial.println(FR_ERROR_STRING[rc]);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); return;
} // at end of test: prepare for blinking
dto = micros();
sprintf(filename, "%s_%05u.dat", fnamePrefix, (unsigned int)ifn);
// check status of file
rc = f_stat(filename, 0);
Serial.printf("stat %s %x\n", FR_ERROR_STRING[rc], fil.obj.sclust);
rc = f_open(&fil, filename, FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS);
Serial.printf(" opened %s %x\n\r", FR_ERROR_STRING[rc], fil.obj.sclust);
// check if file is Good
if (rc == FR_INT_ERR)
{ // only option is to close file
rc = f_close(&fil);
{ Serial.println("unlinking file");
rc = f_unlink(filename);
if (rc) die("unlink", rc);
die("close", rc);
// retry open file
if ((rc = f_open(&fil, filename, FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS))) die("open", rc);
isFileOpen = 1;
t0 = micros();
dto = t0 - dto;
if (isFileOpen)
// fill buffer
for (int ii = 0; ii < BUFFSIZE; ii++) buffer[ii] = '0' + (count % 10);
//write data to file
if (!(count % 10))Serial.printf(".");
if (!(count % 640)) Serial.println(); Serial.flush();
uint32_t ta = micros();
rc = f_write(&fil, buffer, BUFFSIZE * 4, &wr);
uint32_t tb = micros();
if (rc == FR_DISK_ERR) // IO error
{ Serial.printf(" write FR_DISK_ERR at count # %d\n", count);
// only option is to close file
// force closing file
count = MXRC;
else if (rc) die("write", rc);
uint32_t dt = tb - ta;
if (dt < dtwmin) dtwmin = dt;
if (dt > dtwmax) dtwmax = dt;
count %= MXRC;