using an ILI9486 display on a Teensy 4.1


New member
Hi everyone,

I’m trying to get an ILI9486 display working with a Teensy 4.1, but I’m totally lost. I’ve tried several libraries, but none seem to work. I’m new to this kind of thing (especially as this is the second time I am using a microcontroller and the first time using a Teensy), so I would appreciate some guidance. Please explain things to me as if I’m a complete morron.

Here’s a link to the website where I bought the screen: Link. If I’m missing any important details, let me know!

Thanks in advance for any help!
Hi and Welcome,

Looks like you chose an ILI948x board that is setup to run in parallel mode. Most of the Arduino libraries have been setup to
update the display using SPI.

A while ago, a few of us experimented with setting up some parallel drivers for some of the Teensy 4.x boards.
The one we have for the ILI948x is up at:

The readme file up at that fork/branch has more detailed instructions. Like what pins you need to use for the T4.1

Hope that helps.
EDIT: Oops looks like @Kurt beat me to it. Link now shows up.
No link shown.
Please show your code.
When attaching your code post it to the page using the </> button.
It opens another screen then you can post your code into that screen.
Doing it this way it maintains the structure of your code making it easier to read.